
Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Interviews

Recently I began approaching people who I know who have experienced awakenings.  These days its not so hard; no trudging off the the Himalayas to find that rare person...

I approached my neighbor, who, one cool summers eve, I realized, "Hey!  You are talking like a person who has had an awakening!"  "Oh," my neighbor said, adding, "I have had this since I can has always been with me..."  The timing was interesting because in the months that followed, my neighbor moved. If we hadn't had that illuminating conversation in the grass at the end of the day, I might have never even known.  I find how amazingly close a number of key people have been geographically to me...a teacher who helped me release so many blocks who offered classes just a few blocks away...and a body worker with just the right combination of energy and deep tissue work who was just as close as my teacher....and then Derek.  And then, of course, there is Diane, who is the subject of one of my first interviews... 

I approached Diane recently, who is an old family friend, who has had an interesting life experience with awakening.  In the case of Diane, I was able to interview her and captured her words on audio, which I am now transcribing between bouts of grading projects from school.  In a week or two I should have her interview completed and ready for posting. 

My neighbor, Derek, is a different story, though.  I sent him some canned questions a few months ago meant to evoke a range of possibilities.  I wasn't sure if I would be able to sit down with him and have a face to face.  It turns out that it looks like we will have some of his writing direct from him as well as a face to face.  Coincidentally,  I saw Derik recently in a totally random sort of way. He walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder in a local coffee shop.  He explained to me that he was taking longer than expected to get his written material back to me because my questions had led to an avalanche inside of him, and he didn't want to send the material until he felt like he had completed it.  He said that for some reason, my questions led him into a process that resulted in some unexpected realizations.  And how cool is that?  "Just keep on writing, Derek, I am happy to get it when you feel like you are ready" I said to him as we chatted between the whoooshhh of the espresso machine doing its thing.  Derek is off to Peru for a few weeks and promises he will be back.....and knows where I live!

I suspect that Derek's work may wind up serialized, or I might create a new page for the interviews for your enjoyment, education, edification, and wonderment.  I will of course have to see what he has gotten into to see how best to present it.  It does sound interesting though! 

To that end, anyone  interested in joining in an interview and would like the world to know what you went through,  please feel free to contact me.  We don't pay, but we are always extremely grateful.  before posting I share the interview materials with any interviewee and if you have links to sites that you would like to share, these are always welcome.  You can contact me at

So now it is back to grading and getting through the end of a very bush semester at school! 

Until later...
