
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Alison Neville, Psychic Intuitive

 I have known Ali since 2008.  I came to know her as a result of my awakening and my subsequent membership in an online forum having to do with the concept of the twinsoul and soulmate.  We struck up a conversation at a time when I had questions, a time when I was beginning to question what was being said about the phenomenon or "twins" as well as the subject of awakening (which is often couched hand-in-glove with one another). I realized in our talks that I had found someone who had been teasing out th light from the noise for years and was brave enough to go her own way when her conclusions differed from the crowd.  In many ways the subject of the twinsoul or soulmate or twinray is itself a crowd of people who have shoe-horned a feeling into a narrative that, while it seems to make a kind of sense because of how the experience feels, has always struck me as not being the full story.  This became the backdrop against which her and my conversations began. In truth, she saved my life at a critical time when I very much needed someone who could help me show me the way ahead.  It was interesting because instead of being someone who just told me the way it was, it was more like she was telling me what I had been trying to formulate myself straight out of intuition.  As a result, this gave my conversations with her a ring of authenticity.....which is to say not a false sense of the authentic, but the true-blue stuff.  That information has held up well over the years.  It stood in contrast to what everyone else was saying about the connections that are forged in such circumstances, but it also served to reveal the potential that humans have for self-transformation if we can get out of our own way. 


In most cases, the "twin" winds up being a barrier to full self realization because of how the connection is being fueled by karma.  It is hard to imagine that something so incredible and powerful could be catalyzed by karma, but once traced back, you can see for yourself that it is true.  I will be the first to admit that the bulk of the experience with twins appears to be something that it is not. The reason for this is that for the most part the really powerful karma for humans at this stage in our development has been negative.  Now, bear in mind that the universe is neutral.  It operates according to some very basic laws and one of those is that karma will create chemistry.  It will draw people who have interacted and gotten entanglements in the past (and future) together.  It is a law of attraction.  However, the universe does not judge or decide one connection over just creates the chemistry to power a super incredible connection.  That being said, it probably means that you could have a "twin" who killed you in a past life.  In fact, it may actually be the case that you and your twin were involved in this kind of thing over and over for a lifetime or two.  Now, the past seemingly far from your conscious view, you now have this powerful draw to them, and you just don't know why.  But if you are really honest with yourself, you might begin to find the architecture of your past encounters with this person present in your heart and mind, albeit a bit disjointed in some ways.  Maybe "incomplete" would be a better word here. However, you may find yourself feeling anxiety or even fear around this person at times, and for no known reason. There is a charge present that the person may find hard to know what to do with.  This charge, absent knowing, is used to fuel a strong connection with the other person who was involved.  I will be the first to admit that digging this deep into these connections results in some disillusionment.  This was what we did and I found that I was able to drive my awakening to another level.  I also was able to accelerate the releases that were taking place slowly so that I could remove a lifetime of stored emotion from the body.  This was the stuff of what we were involved in.  We talked about how mind and matter align when used in the right way, how to heal, how to let go of old stories, and how to be the best you that you could be.  

Alison is an amazing type of psychic who is called an intuitive.  I saw her abilities early on in our conversations when she would be reading me as we spoke. Given the time I have known her, I can say that she knew things about me that I had not yet come to know, such as the nature of relationships of people who I knew well but she did not.  I had a number of instances where the things that she described that sounded completely off-base to me at the time (I just didn't know what she knew) that wound up being just as she had told me.  These were intricate, detailed, and specific things about my life and the people around me.  She, at this time, didn't know me from Adam.  How could she be so accurate?  

Over the years she has been able to assist me with releasing stored emotional energy in my energy field.  For some, I know that this idea will sound odd, perhaps counter-intuitive.  However, what we are now learning is what the ancients have known for centuries which is that the "body thinks."  I would take it one step further and say that it also feels. To explain what I mean you only need to observe a discovery that has been made recently in biology, which is that researchers have found neurons scattered throughout the body.  Neurons were normally thought to be those cell structures specific to the brain.  To put this into perspective, the human gut has as many neurons as the brain of the average house cat.  Now, pray tell me, what is your gut doing with that much processing power?  What does your gut tell you?  It doesn't stop there, though.  In the heart, there is an astounding number of these neurons.  It has recently been discovered that the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.  Electrical signals equals information, so this is completely opposite from what we had expected.  I think this helps to begin to point out that the body is indeed a repository for thought and feeling.  What is interesting here is also the reality that humans are the only mammal that does not have a way to release stored trauma.  All other mammals exhibit this capacity through an instinctive reaction to trauma by way of intense bodily shaking.  This was discovered by an animal behaviorist who saw that animals that were attacked in the wild by large prey animals but who survived, all would go through a shaking fit.  He found that when he induced shaking in humans, it gave them relief from PTSD (he worked with veterans from the Iraq war). 

As a result of this tendency that humans have for storing our old baggage is we have become one heck of a neurotic species!  I really mean it.  We go about our day, holding it all in, not fully realizing how we are holding it all in and after mid-life we turn 'round and feel like we are about to explode.  Is this any way to live?  No, no it isn't.  

What is so interesting is that the force of kundalini, which is at its root an energetic event and phenomenon linked directly to prana or qi, is that its presence is know to release these blocks.  For me, my journey became one of feeling these blocks fall away and the relief that it brought (albeit block by block, link by link, yard by yard). I was able to benefit from what a kundalini awakening had on offer. It was also interesting to me that I saw that the stimulation of kundalini was based in my removing a key block from my field of awareness. This has been one very big hint about how to bring on kundalini that most of the teachings (maybe all of them) do not address.  Anyway, there you have it; clear yourself of enough material and it will be easier to awaken. This subject is covered throughout this blog. My last post before this one is on the architecture of the energy body and how and where emotion can get stuck in the meridians.  In my last healing session with Ali she dug into the three points in my hip which was where I had a very stubborn series of blocks which she released inside of an hour. Boom.  Years of angst and upset stored in my body and nearly all of it was just gone.  Poof.  And the path through it?  A process of allowing the stored energy to express or in some way move so that it can begin to move out of the position that it had been in for decades.  There was a correlation with the psoas muscle in the hip/back area and the L line that goes up the right side of my body up into the shoulder where it does this little shift where that energy goes out through the arm and fingers.  What she did was like clearing out an old clogged garden hose so it could flow more freely. In flowing more freely it meant that there was less turbulence.  Energy was calmer, it flowed, it did not become disruptive.  The truth is, we can get used to the energy being disruptive.  It becomes the devil that we know.  Poof. Gone.  She did that. 

She does it in person, she does it over the phone, it doesn't really matter for her. She can deal with one person or a group.  She works with corporations, NFL coaches, heads of large well-known companies.  She worked with TED for a time on their board.  She helps ordinary people like you and me learn how to anchor a better existence. 

So a few weeks ago I went to visit her to help her with some marketing materials.  She had helped me so much it was time to return the favor.  We swam in the Pacific ocean off the coast of Santa Catalina Island and I filmed  her and the ocean, which she loves so much.  I was able to put together a video for her which she will be using to help her get the word out about her gift and her services which she has been providing to people for decades now.  She is the best kept secret that I know of!  

I would be remiss if I didn't provide you with a way to get in touch with her.  You can find her on Facebook under Alison Neville.  Also, you can find her website at  If you would like to set up a session with Ali I am happy to give you her direct line, just leave me a message with a way to contact you and I will be happy to do so.  This video that I am posting is on her Youtube channel, which is under her name (I had no trouble finding it). 

If you have a challenge, it really doesn't matter what it is because Ali will be able to read it.  Her gift also comes with a way to solve the problem that is tailored to the person.  It's just that crazy amazing.  All you need is to have a set of questions about the things that hang you up the most or that give you the most trouble in your life.  Then watch her go to work.  When she says that she works in miracles, she isn't kidding.  Give her a try,  she will not disappoint!


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leg Chakra Work

At a certain point in my own process of shedding blocked energy in the wake of a kundalini awakening, I became many times more aware and sensitive to my own energy. As a result of the clearing work, I realized that the body, every square inch of it, has chakras. Not just seven, there were thousands. I had never heard of such a thing, but reading later confirmed this.

I saw that this energy system extended to every corner of the body in much the same way that the nervous system is established at the most minute scales in the physical system. I saw how energy lines would cross, creating a thicker line of energy, and that a line would cross another line in a series of branches until all lines seemed to be connected by way of a central trunk. This looked like a tree of life. I realized that this system was responsible for what we call chakras, which are vortices of energy that are produced when at least two lines of energy come together. In the case of the trunk of the system, many lines merged to create powerful effects. This is where the seven major chakras are located. Everyone knows about those, but not about the thousands and thousands of chakras all through the body.

What kept me interested were the chakras no one seems to mention, which are the chakras in the arms and legs. Why doesn't anyone talk about those?

These areas deserve attention if for no other reason that the energy that gets stuck there is the hardest to remove (at least this has been my experience). Not only this, but the type of energies that become lodged there are also the ones that can hold us back the most.
It would make sense that more awareness about these chakras is in order. To that end, I have blogged on this topic numerous times already. You can search my blog using "leg chakras" to learn more. I have named them and the paricular emotional vibrations they correspond to. I'll put up a few direct links about those older posts since this topic is so popular.

Moving energy in the legs is no different than how energy is moved in any other part of the body with the one exception that the force in the legs seems lower to me than in the trunk of the body. It is the intensity or force of the energy that is so useful in releasing or clearing blocked energy. I will tell you that the hardest energy to move has been in my legs.

A Curious Event

Last night as I settled down to sleep, I slipped under the comforter and instantly felt the energy in my legs seem to come alive. This thing about this, I knew, was that my awareness was what was coming alive, not the energy. The energy had always been there. Something about last night was different. I couldn't figure out what it was, but something was different.

As I lay there, I experienced what I call "shimmer" which is a word I use to describe a pulsation of energy in my body. This shimmer effect was happening at about five pulses per second in my legs last night. This pulsation moved all through my legs and it gives me the feeling as though I have come alive in some novel way. This was located in my legs only. I call it shimmer because it has the effect of a physical compliment to how a visual effect might feel like if it was moving through your body. As one pulse emerges, there seems to be the tail end of the last pulse leaving. In a way, it could be also a little like an echo, with multiple pulses happening each second, some pulses feel as though they could be echos of later pulses (even though they aren't). I was very pleased with myself and was happy to be experiencing this.

I began trying to approximate the cycles of pulsations. With my phone on the charger and in another room, I didn't want to get up to try to use the stopwatch in order to count the exact number of main pulses per second so I tried to "guestimate" it. As I put my attention there, there came a sweeping type of movement of the energy, moving from one end of my legs to another. This was so enjoyable, lovely, and as the energy continued, it turned into bliss. I kept counting the pulses until I felt relatively certain they were in the 4-6 per second range.

I wondered how this might relate to ELF waves, which are waves of energy human energy operates at (this stands for Extra Low Frequency). For the moment, it was good enough to map it in this way. It could change over time, s this could be a moving target of sorts. Time would tell.

All of this was happening as if my energy system was on automatic. Nothing I did seemed to make any change in it. As I lay there my inner guidance nudged me to place my hands on my legs. I had noticed that there was a strong pulse coming from an accupuncture point just above the right knee, about 4 inches from the knee on my thigh, so I centered on that point to see what might happen. This point can be seen on the meridian chart above, which was LV-9. At the time, I wasn't familiar with this point as I was with the one lower down on the leg.

All pulsations changed....immediately. I heard a voice in my head explaining how it changes when another part of the body and its electrical system gets placed in proximity to it. It had the effect of having been grounded out, although I can't say that this is an accurate description. Perhaps some energy was being re-routed? Accupuncture can sometimes reroute blocked energy through metal needles that conduct electricity so that energy flows with the hope this is enough to clear the center of the blocked energy.

I then took my index finger and traced from the meridian point up my leg into my right hip and up into the liver meridian to try and move the energy. This was a technique I was shown in a dream years ago about how to move energy in a body. I could feel a sense of something being drawn upwards. This was very subtle, and no other results were noticed after having done this. I wouldn't say this resulted in a large release of any kind, but something moved. That is, nothing moved at that time or in that particular interval of time. Something interesting was about to happen that was surprising, though. Sometimes a "nothing" winds up as something.

The shimmer effect or the cycling had changed after this, and as I lay there I returned to the point above my right knee that had been pulsing earlier. As I thought about it I was being told how this point in my right knee had an energetic relationship to jealousy. This was odd because the point normally associated with jealousy was much closer to the knee, the inside knee point as a matter of fact. Instead of resisting, I asked how this was so.

Almost immediately I was shown the person that this block was associated with. I was having a memory of being dressed down and berated by this woman in a parking lot years ago for having called a cashier in the market by her first name (this is something I do-its part of who I am which is letting people who work these menial jobs know that I appreciate what they do). This woman kept yelling at me, trying to create this sense that I had somehow done something wrong, a terrible transgression. Even though I knew there was nothing for me to get upset about in that moment, it was upsetting for other reasons, most notably that she obviously didn't understand me very well. Still, connected as it was to her being over the top jealous must have been why the block happened where it did. This is very interesting, because it wasn't me who had stuck energy related to jealousy, it was the other person and yet I had stuck energy from this emotional attack just above the knee area regarless. It was my stuck energy, but was based in my reaction to another person "losing their shit." I think this is interesting to learn. Jealousy is described as being locked into the knee region under the Indian chakra system (different yet similar to the Chinese meridian system).

As I lay there, it seemed like something was beginning to clear. This was an unexpected outcome. My guidance said to imagine placing my hand over this person's heart and feel the energy return, flowing back to this person and to the universe. Normally energy of this kind only needs to be dropped, but I suspect the nature of how the block happened had to do with this urging on my part to give it back, so to speak. I suspect this only served to keep my mind clear and focused on how this block was created (not like there is any magic to any of this beyond my mind being made clearer about where this emrged). Quite unexpectedly there was this moment of feeling this person right across from me. I remained calm and did as instructed. She seemed to be laying facing away from me, which was good for me and I directed the energy and felt the energy return or flow out of me.

After this I fell into a deep sleep brought on by a fuller flow if prana. You know the feeling you have after having a great massage? It's as if you can't focus with the rational mind and you just float off into deep sleep. That was me.
I awoke suddenly in the middle of the night to find that this person had been in a dream, but when I fully woke up, she was still there. She said she had left but came back and began making a statement that sounded like an odd excuse for being there. What she said suggested to me that there was a less than honest statement being put forward. As she spoke I could hear an entirely different dialog in my head of what she really was thinking . You could say this was what she really meant. As she kept talking and I kept hearing how her words did not match her thoughts or feelings, I began to tell her what was the truth and then said, "You really need to be more honest with yourself if you ever hope to heal from your issues.." I then turned over and went to sleep. At first I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep because I had been asleep for a few hours already. Surprisingly, I was able to drop back into deep sleep again.
Upon awakening, I found I was aware that my right leg felt different. I also had crazy bliss moving through my body. It continues unabated since the experience, which is a very nice outcome.

I think I will try to focus my attention on my legs each night to see what happens. If I continue to feel the energy so clearly then perhaps it will be an avenue for working through the energy system of the legs. To be clear, I never really know when something like this is going to come along. It certainly isn't something that is deepky rooted in intention or expectation, but seems as though it works on its own time-table. Why I would quite suddenly be thrust into working on my leg chakras, I can't say. Maybe it is a ripening process. Maybe this simply had to reach some stage of maturation before it would emerge in my conscious awareness? Being calm, quiet, and reflective seems to have been an important factor in tapping into the state necessary to be aware of this issue enough to be guided properly. I know for some of you, this may seem obvious, but it may not be for others. Learning to feel your energy is important.