
Who Is He

I am a full time artist, educator, parent, and mystic.  My approach to all of the denizens of the awakening phenomenon has been to be as nondogmatic as possible.  I feel absent actually seeing the world as it is, we substitute what we feel or think it is in its place, which isn't such a great way to go about understanding the world.  I'm not suggesting an impirical manner of observation, but neither do I feel that we have particularly gotten it right all of the time, or else we'd be further along on this whole enlightenment quest, now wouldn't we?   I do not feel I have the answers, but I do observe carefully and this has led me to tearing down lots of walls and illusions. When I awoke I did so with another person whom I thought was my twin soul.  Over time, I came to observe caerfully and learned that the twin phenomenon is actually karmic relationships in the awakening process, a process that creates a nonlocal holography.....which is to say one begins to feel things in people who are far away as though they are in your own skin.  This phenomenon has led people to assume that the people they are connected to are fated.  As humans we have this tendency to say "its the will of god/universe" when we experience something we do not understand. What I have discovered is that its actually not the will of god but is an explanable phenomenon that will greatly enrich your life if you are willing to tear away the illusions and see things for what they are.  I am not asking you to believe anything and I have no kool aid. Rather, I very much feel that the sovereign truth is never found outside yourself, but within your own being.

I am in the midst of writing a book about my experience that I feel will help to shed a great deal of light on the nature of awakening in ways that have not been done to date.  It is groundbreaking and substantive while telling the story of one person's awakening.  There are some early excerpts from the book on the blog and the book itself has by now gone through many rewrites, complete re-editing and reworking in order to fit a large 1200 page manuscript into a 300 page book.  Instead of a book on the basics of kundalini awakening, it seeks to move to the next stage of comprehension for the reading public.  All understanding should, I think, reflect an evolving understanding.  I think the book achieves that.  For those who want to know be contacted when the book is ready to purchase, you can contact me through the blog and I will make sure that your are included in the launch information.

I also maintain a blog about art and design here.

I hope that you can bring something of value from my ramblings.  The truth is, I never really know what I am going to write until it is out there.  Here. Some of it, I feel funny about sometimes.....I am a visual artist, and had trouble speaking as a child it seems.  Maybe I just didn't have much to say.  Perhaps I am now making up for that.  But if it helps one person, then in the words of a writer who encouraged me early on, it will have been worth every second.  




Awake Aware Alive said...
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Him said...

What you are describing is a rather disconcerting but in no way dangerous sensation that will often happen when moving through altered states, especially related or close to out of body states. This is called sleep paralysis, but it happens before going to sleep and also after being asleep. Some folks wake up unable to move. I never was bothered by it because it happened to me as a small child a lot and I think because of that, I just never associated it with anything scary.

If it DOES bug you, imagine moving a finger or something. That seems to break the spell. But it might also break the state of mind needed for this altered state that might bring you some interesting material....just a thought.

The thing about this, though, is that very often you feel this paralysis while also experiencing some other unusual things, such as your two hooded figures for example. If you can tell yourself that the only thing to fear is fear itself, things get a lot easier. When dealing with the etheric, it tends to carry a gloss or caste based on where you are in your head at the time. So no worries, k?

Now as for the burn. Now that is one that is very interesting. And yes, right, I did have one of those some time back (2007 or so). If I were you, I would photograph it in good diffuse light. Outdoors is often the best in mid day, otherwise inside is good. I photographed mine a number of times and from different angles.

I will tell you what I think this is. I think its connected to.....oh I am going to draw a blank.....its experienced by some Christians who wind up having mysterious marks on their bodies related to Christ or Mary. They get marks on their hands, or whip marks on their backs. I forget what this is....oh, there we go: stigmata. I think its a form of that, even if few if any get crescent burns. I think its the body responding to something energetic....thats my take on it.

Having said that, I don't think that its not not real or the result of hysteria. No. I think the body has an amazing capacity to express things that are impressed upon it. If you FEEL it at some level, he body is going to express it in some way. I think that these things may be so anomolous to the body that its trying hard to translate it in the best way it knows how.

So its like a living dream image....kind of.....and the message may well be that you are an initiate. Crescent moon? If you look back you see some pretty big stuff connected to Goddess worship and the crescent moon. I think if I were to get branded by the spirit, a crescent moon would be just what I'd want. I am not being flip, though. And if you would like I can send you a pic of my burn.

The burn did not hurt, nor did it itch or anything like that. No sensation. You might want to keep track of it because if this starts happening more, having some examples of it might be a way to keep others from maybe flipping out. Maybe a way that the Goddess is seeking her own. If you are okay with sharing a pic I would be most interested because, well, having a burn like that was a big mystery for me. Personally, I think having images of these out there for others to see in case others come along might be helpful for those who wake up branded similarly. :) But no worries if you aren't interested. Me, I just find all of this fascinating. A childlike kind of thing. It beats the heck out of being creeped out.

But keep in touch and let me know what else happens if you feel ok sharing. If not, that is totally fine, too.



Him said...

This comment, which I responded to but which I needed to delete because it had contact information in it follows.

Awake Aware Alive said...
Last night I astrally projected for the first time. When I began to come back into my body I could do move..I was mentally aware but my whole body was paralized. There was a tall being sitting next to me on my bed wearing a white hooded robe. I tried to move my body to feel it and tried to talk to say something but nothing came out. I closed my eyes and then the being turned its head towards me and i made eye contact with it through my eyes being closed.
when I opened my eyes again there was a shorted smaller being sitting down at the foot of my bed...wearing a black hooded robe.
all the lights in my room were out. and it was around 11pm.
and i could still see them.
i laid there petrified and still could not move. they both dissapeared and i took a huge breath and i was able to move and speak again.

when i woke up this morning i had a crescent shaped burn on my right shoulder. i had not left bed all night (not physically) and there was nothing hot in my room or bed that could have done this to me.
i have been researching all day and can not find any information on this.
it is a white third degree burn.
i want to know how i got this and who did it to me.
and the only thing i can find online is your one entry about you having a crescent shaped burn on your hip.
do you know any information you could share with me?

I may not even be able to get in contact with you through this blog, but I hope that I hear back from you.

Sudesh DJV said...

Dear Parker, Nice to see your blog.. I would like to request you to visit my blog and find a useful link in which you can find the real and ultimate way to learn and teach about Kundalani awakening.. after visiting my blog you may find a photo of our holy mother Shrimataji and click on that photo you may get an another link where in you will find entire knowledge about Kundalini power. Thanks and regards Jai Shrimataji. Sudesh Kumar DJV

Him said...

Thank you for your information, which is welcome here! Blessings and welcome!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful and deliciousness! Thank you so much.All things are working out and I embrace this journey as I am the creator of my own experience. I am now more comfortable and confident in my alignment. God gave me exactly what I need at thia moment. Blessings!

Him said...

That's great to hear, Anonymous! May your journey be a blessed one, and thanks for sharing.

indivisible, so who am i said...

Thank you for this.
It describes my experience with words which I could not find.

D. C. Salazar said...

Hi, I just stumbled upon both your blogs. The information you share is excellent. I've been studying chakras and healing for a couple of months now and no one had provided information beyond the seven basic chakras or what a chakra actually is, I understand a little better now, however I'm still at a loss in many things. I would like to consult you on an issue I've had since I was a child, but I'd prefer to do it through email if possible. I'm not expecting you to diagnose me or anything, just maybe an insight from someone who has deeper knowledge than I have. If it's ok with you, please write to, or give me an email to contact you. I'm a new mom, my boy is almost 1 year old, I'm a writer and I work as an english-spanish interpreter. Thanks so much.

Him said...

I am glad. I am also puzzled why I have not seen your comment until just now. I think blogger isnt relaying messages to me or something!