
Friday, August 30, 2013

Back In The Book Groove

After a number of months keeping the book at arm’s length, I have recently gotten back into working on it.  This book, which grew out of a journal I kept to keep up with the changes taking place during my awakening experience, had just a year ago swelled to 700+ pages, which, when “cut” down to the average paperback book size meant I had over 1400 pages!  Three months were spent just chopping the jungle of words so that they were more manageable.   Another few more months were spent after that to re-edit the book where it was finally gotten down to under 300 “cut” pages.  I am now convinced of what friends have said who have seen the book; its really about three books…..except I need to work on the first before a second or even third.
At a certain point an effort like this can become overwhelming.  Toss in a little kundalini and it can get dizzyingly interesting really quick!
I have had a friend who helped me to edit the introduction mention how the beginning just doesn’t have enough juice and form to make it different from other books on the same subject.  As a result, I am now taking a different approach to re-crafting the beginning of the book, which is just what I have been up to the last couple of days. This time, less is more and being able to keep the rewrite and revisions simple and more to the point without losing the magic is pretty important.
The book charts how my own awakening took place.  Unlike what many Hindus and traditionalists have said, I can point directly to what triggered my awakening.  It is interesting, too, since a little-known Christian document that was hidden for over 1600 years which has come to light having to do with awakening mentions the exact same scenario as my own.  The book is written to show just how different an awakening can be; someone who had awakened kundalini over a decade ago who I talked to didn’t even recognize my experience as being kundalini…..and yet this is most definately kundalini!  By being able to bring new information to the fore we will all benefit.  The book will also deal with the issue of the quantum wave and why the left and right hemispheres of the brain are important in harnessing the full power of the universe in our bodies and our consciousness.
Since kundalini accelerates experience and phenomenon, its possible to experience a broad range of things in a relatively short period of time. As a result, I have been able to observe  synchronicities enough to bring forth some new information about their nature and how they emerge as phenomenon connected to us even as they seem to be events happening “beyond” our control.
The book will speak to those interested in the topic and who want to work on issues that are central to awakening as well as those who have experienced the stirring of kundalini or awakening itself.  I think its important to begin to have a larger appreciation for and understanding of kundalini and how it affects those who have activated it.  I had a spouse who tolerated my condition but when the symptoms grew stronger, the marriage began to crumble, resulting in a very difficult time for me.  With greater understanding will come more compassion and awareness, which I think is vital for helping to shepherd those individuals who may well help to guide others to a new paradigm and way of being in this age.
WTI Quote

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