
Wednesday, February 12, 2014


We speak of is this many faceted for a life, a car, or a carnival for a subject, a hobby, a passion in life and then...

The love of others.  Our children, our spouse, wives and husbands, significant others, lovers, friends, our family ancient and newly minted.  Each, a different love we experience and feel.

Spreading out before these loves is a force beyond, difficult sometimes to capture, sometimes hard to even feel, but that exists in forms that are more like forces of nature.....higher dimensional expressions of love as this love floods through blood and vein.  This is not some abstraction, it is the fruit hanging on the far limbs that are often missed.  It is not some vague nothingness, but a great something that has the power to change you.  But it can SEEM like an ambiguous abstraction to those who have not known it or felt it.  It can lead to misunderstanding, these things have always have since understanding it perfectly is so necessary for something that goes beyond mere myth-making as we, humans, have want to do.

This love is the same love I was directed to to write about in my book, events that happened that were unbelievable in how they of which involved a voice inside my head urging me to go to the "nearest body of water." What unfolded was a three-part synchronistic event that led me to a book that explained the issue I was having trouble explaining perfectly.  It is in the book.

And this love is in you, and will flow through you, as if a voice from another world just beyond your, you thought love was FOR something.  This love IS something....a living presence that sets up shop, broadens awareness and can, if you make yourself utterly available, into a different, not different....but redeemed.

Free.  Free from belief, from dogma, from agendas, from need, want, and from what once imprisoned you, which was that love was FOR something....anything.  The fountain goes from gushing with a leak to healing the leak and is now overflowing.  And how is this possible?  Forgiveness.  But forgiveness actually comes TO yourself as the chief way of actually healing the hurt from the past.  Tired?  Had enough beating yourself I over the whipping post?  How many lashes do you think your enemies deserve?  What hurt do you think this is doing to you?  We most often miss the harm we do to ourselves when our anger, rage, jealousy, or loss moves us to lash out.....and might I say, this is not love but a shadowed land of our own making.

This love, it is the great sky over us all.  You cannot know it until you let it seep down into your very bones.  How life hanging it is, how it continues to change and stir us.  Healing the pain we have carried for so long is a necessity if our own awareness is to accelerate and expand.  This returns us to smile places....places of peace, simple pleasures, to our own joy and our  Just FEELING this is so important.....and yet, so many don't know it is there.  But it is.

Just saying it could make it happen.  Great things await!  Ask yourself what remains for you to know, then wait by the waters of your intuition, unexpectant of what the answer might be, and see.  Surprises await!


Several weeks ago, after having spent months revising, and editing the content of the book Waking The Infinite, I suddenly found myself at....the...end!

Wow.  I got through it?

Bear in mind, this project has become a monster or sorts.  It grew from notes on slips of paper and napkins from the first weeks of awakening all the way through numerous versions, rewrites, edits, etc.  The challenge, I soon observed, was the strategy of knitting all these pieces of paper, like a quilt worked, but it made organizing everything a real challenge.  When the book grew to 750 pages with 8.5" x11" margins, you have a "cut" book somewhere between 1100 and 1200 pages!  Now, imagine editing such a beast.  It is like making order out of a vast apartment complex with furniture in each room, apartment, and seeking to arrange each apartment in a way that makes sense, is easy to navigate and to understand.  So when this got cut down to a mere 160 pages and then built back up to its current 350 pages, a lot more has flowed and made better sense.

But....continued improvements have been made to bring greater simplicity in the story as well as balance and flow.  The book has changed each time, evolving at each change.  I was hoping to keep that early spirit present in awakening present in the work, along with the blind spots, the lessons, assumptions made...all of it....THERE.  This has been a continual evolution.

The main thrust of the book is about how love guides this process, a love that is higher order in nature, a realization driven home by an event that took place in the most inexplicable way during the course of writing the book.  It is also a book that pulls back the veil on how our physiology ties into awakening.  All of this is physical, folks, and I have been keen on observing how this all plays into this....and how it reveals HOW consciousness is tied into our physiology and how it is that events will take on very unusual characteristics when the flood of energy flows when awakening comes.  WHY? The answer, based on my personal observations, the observations of others, as well as some interesting observations and research being done on the brain's dual-hemispherical focus in our bodies corresponds to what the ancients have been saying for thousands of years.  Connected to all of this is how this can point to how you are can form the basis for events in your life.  Matter and mind are not separate, and this little rabbit hole goes deep, leading each of us to conclusions that are inevitable.  :-)

Right now I am adding a small bit of additional information in several chapters while also trimming the book down so it is not too lengthy.  I will have a round of observant eyes on the book to help to point out issues I may have missed in structure and hopefully to help make the book the best it can be.  And trust me when I say, I am extremely anxious to get this project put to bed!  I don't know how it will get published, but I will be seeking an agent first whom I hope will be the right person for pushing the project forward.  If that does not yield the results I hope for, I will pursue self publishing avenues.  And boy, has the publishing world really changed!  Any release will be announced here first along with e-book conversions as well.

That is the news from the Mountains of  Virginia!  Lots of interesting things to write about, but as I sit and watch the foot of snow we are said to be getting, I am reminded that I have a two mile walk ahead of me in rapidly dropping temperatures.  It's great to sit and sip coffee in our local java jive place with old tunes playing, but it's time to get out the weather to find my way home!
