
Monday, September 26, 2011

REviSioninG KundAlini

I very much want people to understand that everything written about kundalini or awakenings is based on a feeling, but is describing something that can't be felt seen or touched.  Its not conventional when first experienced.  Its a horse of an entirely different color, and yet, it becomes the entirety of being as this energy begins to swell and grow within, a tidal wave that sweeps away the debris of a lost life, now a growing memory in the face of the fires of the soul.

But the idea that kundalini is a serpent wound three times around the base of the spine is a nice way to envision it, but its not correct.  The deeper truth is that within the resonant energy that is the soul self, you are interconnected with a vast field of energy.  This energy is like the background radiation of the cosmos, or the waters of the earth; they are everywhere and connect through vast networks.  This energy builds much like a wave might build and within this wave is an entire octave of harmonics.  As in all energy, there are harmonics, like octaves on a musical scale, and these are all a part of a standing wave of energy.  It does not go UP the spine.  It potentiates.  Within the base energy lies all the other energies in potential.  As this energy builds and as you clear the debris within your field which is  years of muck left untended, the ability for this subtle life force energy to further build within itself those other frequencies is realized as we simply surrender and open ourselves to what we learn is the divine flow (it winds up being so different from what the books would have us believe!....another good reason to consider rethinking some of this!).

So the idea that kundalini rises only tells half the story.  I know; I have experienced it in about every possible aspect one might imagine, and kundalini does not operate in a linear fashion as a rule, but it can.  Kundalini moves through each center and works with that energy center until the debris is worked through, but centers can open in a totally nonlinear fashion as was the case with me. The things is, on balance, one frequency of energy will tend to push the frequency next to it, but if there is resistance to the orderly rise, then it will seem to jump around.  There is no right way, no more orderly way, or more divine way.  Kundalini, being intelligent, knows what it is doing, and deep within you, its knowing is your knowing.

Interlaced through all of this is the masculine and feminine energy, yes.  These two poles serve as archetypal forms that loom large in the psyche and mass awareness of the race;  they are mother and father, they are husband and wife, and they also happen to make up an important part of who we are both physically and nonphysically. Having these parts at work are a critical part of our unfolding process because the energy itself seems to oscilates between these two poles.  This makes the dynamic flow that is this energy.  Each of us, composed of differing percentages of masculine and feminine energy will align in our own way to this universal flow of energy which is itself beyond duality yet seems to be this as a result of the way our world is ordered.  All of this is discovering your potential, and everything that happens will serve this in some degree. As this happens, your Essential Self moves to the fore, into your more conscious self in a way that may reveal a great deal of who you are but had been submerged.  In some cases, long lost parts of yourself are enlivened only to recognize and discard as no longer needed.  This amazing sorting process that kundalini presses upon us helps us to redefine who we are in terms of the cosmic and divine.  Within this is the "rise" of kundalini, but the "rise" is merely discovering your fuller potential.  In many ways we are much more like onions than centers of energy that are linked one after the other.  Each of these energy systems, by the way, called chakras, themselves operate as funnels for bringing in nonphysical energy and while connected as if in a chain are in truth more like funnels that move from front to back of the body and repsond to a given frequency range of energy. We then have certain "centers" that just happen to correspond to these energies and that also have a tie into our psychology or spiritual physiology, but its more as a result of what each energy range is capable of containing or carrying much in the same way that a radio frequency carries information.  When you need more or different information of a different wavelength, you have to tune into finer vibrations, and these naturally will lead you into different parts of the enrrgy body, into these funnels we call chakras.  But they are indeed funnels because they draw in and push out energy in the same way that a black and white hole operates.  In truth, chakras look just like a black hole that sucks in energy and pushes energy out.  Each funnel is resonantly tied and overlaps with the chakras physically near it so that these energies all operate as a whole.  Within you there are all manner of tides of energy, and not a single serpent to be found.  Thinking of it as a serpent has its purpose, but we are also entering a new world where our sensing will be more refined than ever before as an increasing number of people come to this experience.  If thinking of it as a snake helps you, great.  I think in the final analysis you will find the movement of kundalini to be much more nuanced than a mere snake as well as something that isn't linear but does act upon a body system in a way where certain centers will feel a flow one to the other sometimes.

An awakening is a powerful and mind blowing experience.  It can also be one of the most challenging experiences of your life, too.  Being able to come to this experience with a nondogmatic understanding of its potential I think is a good first step in realizing that some of what we have in our past is limiting.  We do not want to limit our envisioning of what it is we can become.  In the face of an awakening, it sure feels limitless!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

What We Are

I have been making a few changes to the pages, trying not to have things too cluttered.  As I look through the stats for the site I see some interesting things.  Not to worry; Blogger provides some information about where people come here from, like a referring site, and their country of origin, but its pretty basic information. 

What strikes me about the people reading the blog is that they come from such a broad range of countries.  I will see someone from the United Arab Emirates, just one or two, every now and again, but consistently coming on and reading.  U.S., Canada, U.K., Russia, Ireland, Italy, and South America continue to be the heaviest traffic, but the stats show a consistent broad-based readership.  It is for this reason that I have been upset about their not being a good translator application available for blogger so you can view this site in a range of languages that may be more comfortable, easier, and enjoyable for you to have at your fingertips.  If the translators become available again (they used to be but that widget has become corrupted and no good alternative is currently available) then I will use them for the blog.

It is my hope that the interest and experience with this thing called nonduality or awakening will continue, that its presence will spread not just in an academic way but in a real life way, helping to deepen the mystery of your life and the lives of countless people here now.  The experience is simply the feeling of FEELING how you have suddenly become connected to a larger sense of the world, to the might seem very over the top, but its very simple, this.  Within each of us is the capacity for this experience and once you do, it wont seem strange or unusual, but like a long lost friend who has returned to you.  Or who has returned you to a part of yourself that was perhaps getting covered over in the worldly stuff.

I am including a list of all the countries, or most of them, that I have noted over the last year since I started taking notice. 

United Arab Emirates
South Africa
New Zealand

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Cosmic Kaleidescope

I say a lot that I feel strongly about.  Some of it is simple, sometimes complicated.  There is in truth little I know with certainty except this one thing.  Out of it worlds form. Something like the simplicity of an atom, an entire universe rests upon it....that is the kind of poetry I can wrap myself around. 

But I will readily admit some things have me stumped.  Some things don't make sense to me.  And maybe its a flaw in my being able to tap into this thing...

If we come from a perfect place, a boundless sea of perfection, then why do our soul fragments, those parts of our oversoul which projects itself into this and other realities wind up with selves that are themselves less than perfect?

Is it in the manufacture? Is there a glitch along the way, or is it more nuanced?  Could it be that in the translation something happens that does not or will not allow perfection to move through the barriers between one world and the next?  Is it the effect that duality itself has upon us, a way of multiplying the smallest into something ridiculously big?  Is it the result of the Cosmic Kaleidoscope?  Is it the result of a scattering of a few disparate things, like facets on a still larger ball of being that simply results in a loss in translating our deep soulfulness or perfection?  Or do all souls travel this path in duality and......and is there really no answer?  Do we make souls little and then watch them and help them grow in the nursery of these worlds and since they have freewill they can decide crazy paths, ones our soul might not choose simply because it already knows the outcome or simply doesn't focus on all those mistakes it made outside of time?

Or is it perhaps that in a perfect state its less that things are perfect as we do not mind the imperfection and thus are at peace and it is this peace that we sense or are aware of?  Do we simply tune it out, not mind it?

Or perhaps is this a factor, a result of what our world limiting our dimensionality, it also exaggerates something in the process?

Maybe its possible  that this other realm isn't perfect, never was perfect, and we seek some means for ascending that fabled stairway of the spiritual through means such as these and others, all like petals turning on a great and boundless flower garden full of lotus, petunia, honeysuckle, poppy, lily, sunflower, begonia, and fern.  Maybe we assume all if perfect elsewhere....

Certainly the Gnostics, an early Christian sect, felt that this world was the result of some  flaw that had turned within creation, something that came about as a result of an imperfect union at a much higher level.  The Hindus and others have expressed this sense that this world was less than perfect, and it has always been my sense that less than perfect here, we are less than perfect, perhaps sense this deeply yet do not quite enunciate the knowing quite right, injecting our own inner loathing into the mix, a projection less than a reality in the heart of the matter?  I feel like its not completely black and white, though.....

What do you think?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Trusting The Multiverse

Trust your experience
your feelings
to tell you what needs to be known
for this very moment.
For all that remains
clouding your vision
it is there to be realized by none other than you.
As your own inner compass tells you that something might not be
quite right
something knowing
in you
begins to turn
and the Truth
which is none other than you
whispers the Way.

The world  may tell you a million different things
or the most trusted authority might say
some ridiculous thing
that you took as utter truth
that has you turning on your heel
wondering how on earth you EVER
believed such a thing.

Love is the way.
Simple as that.
Anything else falls short.
This love has three petals;
mother, father, child.
Nothing else need be known.
Our religions seek to ferret out this truth
all to greater and lesser degrees
but what lay at the heart of religion
lies in our hearts vibrant and alive
in this singular moment.
By tapping the power of the moment
we tap infinity.
This is how things are in our world
where time flows in one direction
and so thus our point of power is in the moment
and in no other stream
for now.

As we begin to change the matrix surrounding the earth
as we are handed the keys to ever greater making
we will begin to change how things used to go
and write a new Way.

There will be those who will cleave to the old and say
things were this way forever,
the authorities were correct
we must follow tradition
and the old teachings....

For a time, they were right
but I am here to say things are beginning to change.
Something is looming
and it has to do with creation.
We are cocreators
children of a still greater Being
that brought All to Be
through a simple act of intention
which was itself an act
a pulse
of divine love.
we are thus forever formed and informed by this
through all time and all place.

Rest in this moment
listening to your heart.
If something pulls you
it pulls you for a reason
and there is something to be learned there.

When the moment begins to resolve kaleidoscopic
in the moment
it may be the time
of many times
coming upon us.
This is where you will have to listen
to what you feel is true.
Its simple
and brilliant
and confused by your mind
which is why they all say to quiet the mind.
Open the heart
open yourself
to the universe
and to that which is you.

The part of you that is looking
is the same part that is in the universe
you are being looked for
and you are looking.
When you reach that moment
when you touch upon the universe
as you
looking out
looking in
something powerful will resolve
as you know the journey just reached a final stage
all of that searching
life after life
has now reached an 'end'
which is a beginning

Trust what you feel
your experience
and quiet the mind...