She whispers in the night
"Come to me my beloved,
come and show me your Essence
moving all through me
your blood becoming my blood
your desire flowing into mine
as you learn the secrets of my thoughts
of my Being
of my deep Desiring."
He is moved across the miles
as a ship lying on calm waters
can feel the torment of another ocean
beneath him.
This Sea roils and burns with a fire
not overt
but not invisible.
His boat is perfectly still
yet deep within his hold
he can hear something distant calling
as he is drawn to her ocean,
her watery realms
her feminine nature
perfectly reflected
and expressed
and whose power
he can feel
as if he were a key
and she a lock.
Thousands, millions, billions, trillions
all emerge from her vast ocean
like foam
a froth
from his movement
as deftly his keyed being
melts into her locked being
and he knows his true nature
and she hers
by each knowing each
as each feels the press of their divine presence
upon the petals of their desiring hearts.
"Come to me
my ocean of salt yearns for your river of rain
for you fell to me from the sky
land of thunder and lightening
the masculine aspect of water
as flowing into me
as knowing all of me
all my secrets,
all that I am and shall become.
You will know all that I am
for I surrender unto you
this one simple secret
I have loved you always
and have yearned for you
and now
a continent apart
your rivers run deep into my being
as my ocean rises up to meet you
so that we may know the union of souls
once again.
Her whispered words
like prayers
pronouncements to the divine self
pull him in
as he pulls
and they push together
and turn
and roll
in the divine marriage of souls.
"No guru, no method, no teacher, just you and I in the garden...wet with rain."
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
This Is
You can read the words of others
and still not get it
ripening on your vine
your own awakening becomes
waiting for that breeze
of intention
to do its work.
It is not about transcending the self
but peering through the layers
and seeing more is there
and knowing more is there
feeling so surely
that one seeks to find a way to begin removing these clothes
We are petals on a larger flower of being
and this flower of being unfolds endlessly
there is no end to it.
Its less that the ego and self are unimportant
or subsumed into an ocean
but that it always was a part of this vast ocean
and just now you woke up a bit to see that this is so
and this changes you utterly.
No book or teacher or tradition can prepare you for such a thing.
It is a sudden wedding of your attention to the Truth
and from then on your are the intended to the Universe
and your boundless self which seems at first small
but spirals upward
and ressonant
dynamic and changing all others around it with its ripples
Make waves
spread them far and wide
for this ressonant frequency will be felt by others
as you make waves in the vast ocean
as others are awakened by your splashing
and laughter....
Your thought and ego all serve a purpose
but its just the surface.
We will ALL go beyond the surface at some point
just as that fruit will ripen and fall when it is time.
Your intention will fuel its ripening, suredly,
but mysteriously.
This is just the beginning, though,
and much work lies ahead
but its the best possible work
and useful to have a selfless helper who can remind you that you are indeed loved
when love seems to turn in the dark night of the soul.
When you have let go of the need of holding onto shadow
you will be more free to do more than glimpse
but channel the flow of the Cosmic Self
who is boundless.
There is no guru or master who can show you
but they can show you
and ultimately it is the inner master that awakens.
Great gifts abound if we can but say yes to it
and turn from our pain and loss and hurt
and worry over who did us wrong.
When we are free
we can glimpse it
then learn to live in It.
I hope that for all of us that we each find it soon...
its the greatest most confounding gift we can give ourselves.
and still not get it
ripening on your vine
your own awakening becomes
waiting for that breeze
of intention
to do its work.
It is not about transcending the self
but peering through the layers
and seeing more is there
and knowing more is there
feeling so surely
that one seeks to find a way to begin removing these clothes
We are petals on a larger flower of being
and this flower of being unfolds endlessly
there is no end to it.
Its less that the ego and self are unimportant
or subsumed into an ocean
but that it always was a part of this vast ocean
and just now you woke up a bit to see that this is so
and this changes you utterly.
No book or teacher or tradition can prepare you for such a thing.
It is a sudden wedding of your attention to the Truth
and from then on your are the intended to the Universe
and your boundless self which seems at first small
but spirals upward
and ressonant
dynamic and changing all others around it with its ripples
Make waves
spread them far and wide
for this ressonant frequency will be felt by others
as you make waves in the vast ocean
as others are awakened by your splashing
and laughter....
Your thought and ego all serve a purpose
but its just the surface.
We will ALL go beyond the surface at some point
just as that fruit will ripen and fall when it is time.
Your intention will fuel its ripening, suredly,
but mysteriously.
This is just the beginning, though,
and much work lies ahead
but its the best possible work
and useful to have a selfless helper who can remind you that you are indeed loved
when love seems to turn in the dark night of the soul.
When you have let go of the need of holding onto shadow
you will be more free to do more than glimpse
but channel the flow of the Cosmic Self
who is boundless.
There is no guru or master who can show you
but they can show you
and ultimately it is the inner master that awakens.
Great gifts abound if we can but say yes to it
and turn from our pain and loss and hurt
and worry over who did us wrong.
When we are free
we can glimpse it
then learn to live in It.
I hope that for all of us that we each find it soon...
its the greatest most confounding gift we can give ourselves.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
This New Sun, This New Moon
Today we wake to Solstice
borrowed by others
but singular in how it stands
an important event for how the universe is ordered with it as an ingredient;
like leavening,
earth was held for a gentle moment
between Moon and her Lover Sun
they cradled earth
all of earth
who in truth
is male and female
cast Sun light upon the body of Moon
because cradles of life contain both dynamics in profusion
but Sun and Moon play different roles cosmically
with coincidences so strange as to defy our imagining;
the sun is directly proportional in size as it is in distance to the moon
making Her seem the same size as Him to Us on earth.
This coincidence is so amazing it is beyond astronomical in coincidence.
This makes eclipses what they are; if the sun were closer there would be a brilliant ring
or if further, Moon would blot out her lover entirely
but she does not.
She is perfectly the right size for him.
His umbra discharges all around earth
as she shows a bit of his radiance to us here
on earth
but with the glow of earth added.
And likewise,
the earth allows a bit of His radiance to ooze through its atmosphere
so that Moon is bathed in an earth sunset of sorts
so she glows orange and red.
The color of prophesied for the End Times:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."
So rare, the last event like this, timed as it was was over 400 years ago.
This is a marking of time, a cosmic clock,
we do not need any other calendar, it was given in this simple way to us,
the cosmos marking our time here
as we feel ourselves slip and shift as the world slips and shifts into a new world.
From here we move forward into something new
with this New Sun, this New Moon.
Blessings be upon all who pass this way
considering for a moment what these larger cosmic events might mean
in their lives
as we move cyclically
round and round
as seemingly smaller events build upon still larger ones
some which we do not see save every 65,000 years
but some are longer still
as our world is like this
as we are like this
as creation reflects deep inside of us
and we into it.
So Merry Solstice!
The Triad rose and greeted each other
as they swung through the boundless realm of heaven
and finished,
moved off into new configurations
as we look eagerly to the return of the Sun and new moons to mark his passage
on Earth.
borrowed by others
but singular in how it stands
an important event for how the universe is ordered with it as an ingredient;
like leavening,
earth was held for a gentle moment
between Moon and her Lover Sun
they cradled earth
all of earth
who in truth
is male and female
cast Sun light upon the body of Moon
because cradles of life contain both dynamics in profusion
but Sun and Moon play different roles cosmically
with coincidences so strange as to defy our imagining;
the sun is directly proportional in size as it is in distance to the moon
making Her seem the same size as Him to Us on earth.
This coincidence is so amazing it is beyond astronomical in coincidence.
This makes eclipses what they are; if the sun were closer there would be a brilliant ring
or if further, Moon would blot out her lover entirely
but she does not.
She is perfectly the right size for him.
His umbra discharges all around earth
as she shows a bit of his radiance to us here
on earth
but with the glow of earth added.
And likewise,
the earth allows a bit of His radiance to ooze through its atmosphere
so that Moon is bathed in an earth sunset of sorts
so she glows orange and red.
The color of prophesied for the End Times:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."
So rare, the last event like this, timed as it was was over 400 years ago.
This is a marking of time, a cosmic clock,
we do not need any other calendar, it was given in this simple way to us,
the cosmos marking our time here
as we feel ourselves slip and shift as the world slips and shifts into a new world.
From here we move forward into something new
with this New Sun, this New Moon.
Blessings be upon all who pass this way
considering for a moment what these larger cosmic events might mean
in their lives
as we move cyclically
round and round
as seemingly smaller events build upon still larger ones
some which we do not see save every 65,000 years
but some are longer still
as our world is like this
as we are like this
as creation reflects deep inside of us
and we into it.
So Merry Solstice!
The Triad rose and greeted each other
as they swung through the boundless realm of heaven
and finished,
moved off into new configurations
as we look eagerly to the return of the Sun and new moons to mark his passage
on Earth.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Duality To Unity
It is time
The End of the world is coming near.
It is.
But remember what we said in the beginning
that there is no real end.
Here in this world
the world pulses with a life
which is cyclical in nature.
Atoms pulse
So it is no surprise
that there is an end to the ages on earth
and that these ages correspond to the ages of lives
reincarnational cycles
longer scaled cycles
tied to earth, moon, planets
and the galaxy.
Our ancient astronomers knew and understood these so well
they mapped them
and they were passed down
just as our indigenous brothers and sisters
saw into it.
As tipis rocked gently in the night
as the endlessness swirled above
it was understood
a giant interconnectivity reigned
and our lives were tied to this.
This just now is the end of an age
a new world is seeking to be born
and this conception is not subject to any of our control
but to our acquiescence.
The End of the world is coming near.
It is.
But remember what we said in the beginning
that there is no real end.
Here in this world
the world pulses with a life
which is cyclical in nature.
Atoms pulse
their electrons moving in and out of our world.
Our bodies-
if you could see-
are a pulsing realm of light
with lives and deaths coming and going every nano second
Our bodies-
if you could see-
are a pulsing realm of light
with lives and deaths coming and going every nano second
at a cellular level
we ride this wave
and this wave is part of another wave of your local humanity
and flora and fauna
and those join together in still larger invisible constructions
of consciousness and biological knowing
as every single thing
knows itself
as part of a giant webwork
so amazing and fascinating
for the fact that not a single thing
or particle falls through its net
but is held
lovingly and assuredly
in the always of being
and themselves rise up through still larger constructions
of being
and all of this and more rises up
through to the biggest of the big.
Galaxies pulse in the same way
turning like tops through space
and time.
and all of this and more rises up
through to the biggest of the big.
Galaxies pulse in the same way
turning like tops through space
and time.
Even they, in their seeming mute natures
brim with a knowing and life
which we scarcely understand
or know
and yet
our sachems
have sensed into this truth
this Life
and brought back
like hauling water back to us
told of what they felt and saw at that deep wellspring......
So it is no surprise
that there is an end to the ages on earth
and that these ages correspond to the ages of lives
reincarnational cycles
longer scaled cycles
tied to earth, moon, planets
and the galaxy.
Our ancient astronomers knew and understood these so well
they mapped them
and they were passed down
just as our indigenous brothers and sisters
saw into it.
As tipis rocked gently in the night
as the endlessness swirled above
it was understood
a giant interconnectivity reigned
and our lives were tied to this.
This just now is the end of an age
a new world is seeking to be born
and this conception is not subject to any of our control
but to our acquiescence.
It is time to our true divinity
which has never been subject to what our priests or priestesses have said is divine
but what we each know is true beyond illusion
the very core of our being
which is utterly unspeakably beautiful
in all of its passionate yearning
which is the life pulse of the All
the leaning into this uncertain wind
willing to go where no road take them
willing to see beyond what has been prepared before
to break with tradition
only because it no longer makes sense to do so
or never did
as we move out of the old understandings
and into a new conception,
The truth is
moment by moment
the All unfolds
and recreates itself
beyond all imagining
and so centuries old traditions
serve only as a recording of a pathway
but not the way forward.
We can honor the past
by understanding it
realizing that the faces
of Quetzalcoatle
and a host of others
return in this age
to those who can hear them
and learn
that an unbroken thread can move through
and unite
different times
as we let go the notion
that heresy is created by our being willing to consider
that our divinity is within us
like a sovereign right
not subject to someone else's judgement.
You do not need someone to tell you how to go.
Question your traditions
but stay planted in what god-dess gave you
the divinity that is your core being.
Toss out your notions of what is good or bad;
our world is not divided out
the sheep from the goats
the left from the right
but resolves into a unity
and understanding this
we are more ready to grapple with our shadow selves
and bring them into the light of our greater becoming.
-If you have the choice always choose the good-
and forgive yourself and others for any shortcomings
for in the end
they were a means to an end
to learn that your divine nature is within you
always has been.
So this world without end
is ending
so another may begin
so that we may move from duality
to unity
to fold back what we have learned
taking it all with us
discarding nothing
but renewing ourselves
ready to feel the bliss
of our divine nature
beyond petty punishments
beyond limit
and into the Heart
to bring the divine feminine forward
in all of us
a resolving unity
in the midst of great mystery
as wind
and water
and earth
and the fifth element
winds upward into heaven.
As all things pass
and end
all things are renewed.
There is no end
save for beginnings.
I have no illusions.
I know that our storied past
has been one rough tumble
but damnit
its time.
Time to admit that this is not working was never meant to work.
It was meant to show us that ten thousand years
of paternalism could never
will never
deliver us
the gifted child of our greater becoming.
And yet, we were destined to go through this
and see this
and taste and touch
and know
and become.
But right now I am tired of the old authorities
whose words ring empty in the heart.
The heart begs to be filled
in a way it has not known before this.
It begs the goddess to come forward
a version of goddess that is entirely unbound
from the stamp of paternalism.
Her code is unwinding wildly within you
and me
and her and him and all the others
a damned scandelous revolution is turning
and is moving through a ressonant field.
She is seeking to find her entry
in each of us....
and for men she will show you her sacred bliss
she will renew your inner man
and will remind you that she was always part of your makeup
not something to be afraid of
but to celebrate and bring forward more than just a set of characeristics
but a living indwelling spirit of awareness
She is like a stream that will break open the stony places of your heart
She will cherish all that comes before her
she is the other side of you
or the center of that which emerges in this age.
It is time to let the Goddess come forward.
She is not an abstraction.
Nor theory.
She can be felt inwardly
like a tug on the line
feel into it and see what it brings
where it takes you
will carry you through the dark
through all of your uncertainty
and into the light of knowing.
Trust beyond your hurt
in order to see into this new way of being.
The dark goddesses of the past will subsume to Her
in this age.
It was fated to be this.
The age is ending
and the Great Wheel has come full turn
And so it is time for us to no longer wait
for the authorities to tell us
or religions to make it right for us to feel
we will feel regardless.
The divine is not something that must be approved
for we are each divinely sovereign.
Each of us
and each of us must seek and find that inward dwelling miracle
of our being.
If not in this life
then in others.
For me
the fire burns
and has been with me
and so
it is something I cannot let go of
for it is not something to loosen
like a suit and tie
or shoes at the end of the day.
You can tell by the way my hands look that
She and He seek to dwell within me
not as some androgyne
but as a man who knows Goddess as part of him.
No book published
no authority outside of me
outside of the All
can tell me what I need to know
or hear
or feel.
spreading out like wildness
its great mirror is enough to contain anything you dare imagine
anything you say becomes true
as long as it is true to you
which is why its important to know what you seek
as the gods you create will return the favor
and reinforce those beliefs that underline their contracts....
We move from the horrors of yesterday
understanding that control only breeds division.
When HE is integrated into HER some ancient magic happens
and you become more free.
The path to them is certain
but obscured.
Ask and you shall receive
seek and the door will be opened to you.
You need only believe this
for your belief has enough power to create Gods enshrined for thousands of years
even unto the end of this age.
It is also enough to recreate and recycle
as Hyena medicine laughs atop the heap
teeth gleaming
him/herself a dual singularity created through the lens of our native belief
but useful for recreating in this age.
Just ask.
It can be enough to move mountains.
I know that our storied past
has been one rough tumble
but damnit
its time.
Time to admit that this is not working was never meant to work.
It was meant to show us that ten thousand years
of paternalism could never
will never
deliver us
the gifted child of our greater becoming.
And yet, we were destined to go through this
and see this
and taste and touch
and know
and become.
But right now I am tired of the old authorities
whose words ring empty in the heart.
The heart begs to be filled
in a way it has not known before this.
It begs the goddess to come forward
a version of goddess that is entirely unbound
from the stamp of paternalism.
Her code is unwinding wildly within you
and me
and her and him and all the others
a damned scandelous revolution is turning
and is moving through a ressonant field.
She is seeking to find her entry
in each of us....
and for men she will show you her sacred bliss
she will renew your inner man
and will remind you that she was always part of your makeup
not something to be afraid of
but to celebrate and bring forward more than just a set of characeristics
but a living indwelling spirit of awareness
She is like a stream that will break open the stony places of your heart
She will cherish all that comes before her
she is the other side of you
or the center of that which emerges in this age.
It is time to let the Goddess come forward.
She is not an abstraction.
Nor theory.
She can be felt inwardly
like a tug on the line
feel into it and see what it brings
where it takes you
will carry you through the dark
through all of your uncertainty
and into the light of knowing.
Trust beyond your hurt
in order to see into this new way of being.
The dark goddesses of the past will subsume to Her
in this age.
It was fated to be this.
The age is ending
and the Great Wheel has come full turn
And so it is time for us to no longer wait
for the authorities to tell us
or religions to make it right for us to feel
we will feel regardless.
The divine is not something that must be approved
for we are each divinely sovereign.
Each of us
and each of us must seek and find that inward dwelling miracle
of our being.
If not in this life
then in others.
For me
the fire burns
and has been with me
and so
it is something I cannot let go of
for it is not something to loosen
like a suit and tie
or shoes at the end of the day.
You can tell by the way my hands look that
She and He seek to dwell within me
not as some androgyne
but as a man who knows Goddess as part of him.
No book published
no authority outside of me
outside of the All
can tell me what I need to know
or hear
or feel.
spreading out like wildness
its great mirror is enough to contain anything you dare imagine
anything you say becomes true
as long as it is true to you
which is why its important to know what you seek
as the gods you create will return the favor
and reinforce those beliefs that underline their contracts....
We move from the horrors of yesterday
understanding that control only breeds division.
When HE is integrated into HER some ancient magic happens
and you become more free.
The path to them is certain
but obscured.
Ask and you shall receive
seek and the door will be opened to you.
You need only believe this
for your belief has enough power to create Gods enshrined for thousands of years
even unto the end of this age.
It is also enough to recreate and recycle
as Hyena medicine laughs atop the heap
teeth gleaming
him/herself a dual singularity created through the lens of our native belief
but useful for recreating in this age.
Just ask.
It can be enough to move mountains.
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Encoded within you, within your dna, and from the very bottom to the top of you are those messages from your greater being to your smaller being, expressed in languages which you may not have been used to deciphering, but are there. When I say this I mean your higher self to the most elementary particle making up your physical expression in space and time. Within you are the messages that we were all meant to hear, to understand and then perhaps learn to heed as we reach those places where we simply remove the debris of our being enough to catch the glimmers of the light that pours out from within us and which has been hidden far too long. This message is ancient, and it is like a key, one of many strewn all through nature, literally embedded in the physical matrix of our world. As we make our way through our own individual process of awakening and learning and growing, sometimes we lift these keys out of the sediment of our being or a dream comes in the night or our consciousness shifts enough to allow for some new awareness…..if we can but listen. Currently there are those of us who are waking up to this divine reality, the place where science and mysticism meet, where understanding our physicality is poised to reach new levels if we can but humble ourselves by considering that there is much much more for us to know and that our institutions ought never get in the way of us pushing into new territority cognatively and spiritually. Really, the path for me seems to be the one that includes all of the tools we have available. All of our institutions have something to contribute, but we must be able to discern where the coding goes wrong, and where we can have the eyes to see and the ears to hear when these truths, key-like rise up from the depths of our understanding.
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