
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dust To Dust

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What you brought
you can take away.

What you breathed into me
can breathed out.

As the universe expands
so does it collapse.
Over and over does this happen
or perhaps until something has been satisfied within...

All of this goes in
all of it goes out.

I am not perfect enough for this
I am not refined.
I am full of sorrow

I struggle
I do not excel.

I am not born of grace
but of discordinance.

I am unsure that this has any purpose at all
beyond breathing me in.

if I am breathed in
I can be breathed out.

If I am
I can not be.

So recycle me
take me apart
limb by limb
so that I might dissapear
and be ground into the kind of thing
that is food for the universe.
Move me through the furnace
make me into something
more fitting for you.

There is nothing I can do
only be
and being is not enough.
Let this cup pass before me
I get that we are all one
but I cannot be one with the greater all.
I can only be me
in my little world
but not being in the pulse
for its too terrible the truth
of this world.

This is where love dies
where hopes are dashed
even in the face of divine visions of ultimate possibility.
The reality is that its time that we all be ground into dust
starfire for some birthing of the cosmos
a recyclcing of this terrible experiment
which seems to have gone awry.
We are just not ready.

No one truly wishes for the All to Be present in them
but rather their own all to move through them.
This is the problem with individuation.
Everyone is out for themselves.
And that is me too.
And you.
All of you.
We do whats good for us
not for the All.
And maybe
just maybe
the best thing
is that we move beyond this realm
so this world might get some peace.
For our appetites are so huge
so insatiable that we will find no end to Maya
want and wish and hungering.
Never happy enough with the best outcome
we move to the next
and the next.

It will not end.

It will resolve into some terrible result
just as it has for generations.
So let this pass before me
take me
let me be resolved into the great nothing
which is everything
and which has the power to dream itself anew.
Dream me anew
as something different
more fitting for the dust that makes up my cells
and the fire that burns in my soul.

I know I cannot be unmade
but would rather that this might be so
that this terrible world I have walked through
can be less than even a memory
but forgotten
wiped clean.
But this world
is a nightmare.
Are these awakenings stirring in each of us
enough to rouse dust to fire
and fire to transformation?
I saw this before it was even created.
I weep at what has resolved before me.
What was this walk for?
This long terrible turning of the wheel?
What good was it to be gentle and kind in such a world as this?

So Thunderself
come down
step down out of heaven;
I call you
as I call my own self.
Cleanse this world of me
make of me something new
burn all of this desiring out of me
and make of me something different
Let all that has gathered in this cycle
be released
all memory purged
Arms raised high
strike me
turn me to smoke
let me rise
like mist into heaven
to rain down upon these fertile lands
made dirty by what we have lain here

Let some good come of this at long last.
Let something good come
let this not be for naught
and let me lay my worry
and heartbreak
that I might slip into some deeper dreaming
where dust swirls off the edge of Orion
and out time forgot
but redeemed
by some greater force
than the ones which seem to have been left in a world such as this.

The Joke

As I stand in this place
I feel the forgotten ages slip between my fingers
like pearls on a silken necklace
like stars in a sky counted before breakfast
before sunrise
as I walk
smiling into the dawn.

But you brought this desiring into me
you who made me
were you seeking to play a joke on me?
Would you give me the world
yet hold it from my lips?
Would you give me knowing
only to keep its reality from my life?

What kind of joke are you trying to play on me?

As the wheel of fortune spins
as a fool moves through his many seasons
the inner self moves forward
and speaks.
I know his voice.
Its not imagined
but known
implicit in the moment.
But why must this all work this way?
What exactly have I done to be so deserving of this?

All of us
suffering on our way to the promised land
just trying to get through this world
swallowing hard
taking all of the gall
just to get to a place where we can dream of honey
but not truly know it
as expressed in this realm.
I am not interested in having heaven slip between my fingers.
I am here to bring heaven to earth.
I was born to walk this realm
countless lives I walked
of not having
even though I was surrounded
by a sea of surging humanity.
And now it is time to bring this to earth
but honestly
there must be something I am missing.
Like some great joke
you have lain all of this before me.
I  wonder over its purpose.

The world
every soul within it
hungers for this love
and yet this love is never enough.
Person by person
then brought into the flame
which burns to our marrow.
How can we be
so changed?
How can thou joke in such a way?
You allow yourself to be infinitely divided
yet seek to remain One
and all the while
your children hunger for the only thing they have ever wanted
and this itself
is not enough.
Feed your children.
Feed your progeny.

Such tricks
Surely I must be missing something.
Surely I missed the punch line.
Sad that it has to be a punch.
Not a gentle prod
or a touch point.
A punch.
Here is mud in your eye!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I have been a searcher all my life.  I can remember this feeling that erupted through me somewhere around the age of 9 or 10.  It began with my searching books about things like divination.  When I read Raymond Moody Jr's first book Life After Death I felt like I had hit upon something very important.  I wasn't looking for magic but the magic that IS us.  Over the years the journey continued and I kept reading some new book by someone who had something happen to them.  All of this left me with a feeling like I had just scratched some deep itch.  There was something MORE.

Over the years it felt as though increasingly more and more was being discovered, this other realm of being that I had hungrily read about through others' experiences, and hen as I grew older, began to brush up against this realm more and more....seeing auras, having past life memories, experiencing energetic effects and how they affected consciousness, my interaction with a deceased grandmother who returned in the early morning hours to enter a dream when I was awake but in the right state to perceive her in her unbounded state of being.....these things and more all began to point to some continuum of experience that I was very interested the same way we were excited in the 60's and early 70's to be going to the moon, and to discover other worlds.  We are, in all truth, adventurous in this way whether we are discovering inner or outer space! 

As I read more, though, I found a rather curious impulse to emerge.  I found I could not read that much about systems of thought very much.  I found a few teachers through books but found by and large, when it came to something that felt like it was system driven, I would stray away.  A light bulb went off when I finally did read some of Krishnamurti's work a few years ago in the wake of my awakening.  He espoused the pathless path, one that did not seek to inject dogma once again into a spiritual journey. After having FELT into awakening for myself I was able to appreciate his words so much more.  I also began to understand, and continue to do so now especially, why I had stayed away.

I never did Kundalini yoga
I never practiced special diets (but I would fast from time to time)
I never meditated based using any system (my meditation was calming down after a long day while in bed)
I did not read and adhere to any eastern traditions of thought about aspects of Awakening.

Understand though, I didn't feel like there was anything at all wrong with these things.  I did not eschew kundalini yoga or any eastern traditions because I thought there was something WRONG with them (or evil or of the devil or any of that nonsense) but because of some deeper sense inside of me that my inner self knew what its "truth" was.   I use quotation marks because truth is itself so changeable and even suspect, subject to peoples perceptions and turns of mind that are themselves built on a worldly foundation that has a lot of distortions. Something inside of me must have known that at some point I would know what I would need to know as I needed it. Looking back I can say that resources came as I needed them in perfect timing and now that I have awakened, this has never been more true. Having said all of this, I did read Gopi Krishna's book and I have browsed through a few things about how meridians work or about chakras.  For the most part, I was very much a tourist.

I have found that now I can go into books and begin reading them and see what they have to say after I was able to FEEL my way through all of this.  It has helped me to gain some insight I think into where we have gone astray, or perhaps better stated that it helps me to understand where I would prefer not to go in this awakened state as a result of what I have encountered.  I also do not get hung up in the language of the traditions (nondualistic shavaism, Advaita, etc.).

An example of this is how energy works.  By seeing and feeling into this and using my own experience and the guidance of a dear friend who has helped me understand some of these principles and how they work, I was able to see that when we connect to others, we also connect into their karma.  Often with energy we can tune a person or change their energy through this deeper connection of our deeper essence. But what people do not realize is that this also means that, through love, we accept their burden and the responsibility in some measure for that person.  The problem is that this means that everything that is connected to that person becomes your own. Energy can manifest illness when it is off kilter, it can cause all manner of things to happen to you if you are not careful.  So as I read recently about a man who gave something to his students called shaktipat, I realized that he was taking on their karma when the writing described how he would often take on their illnesses and suffer through the problems of that student as though they were his own.  This was so because they were part of his own. It was then that I realized just how serious this stuff is. You have to ask yourself if its worth it to take on this other stuff for the sake of bringing one person upwards energetically.  Is it enough to keep them there?  Is this being done out of love or is it being done out of ego? And as far as I am concerned, ego is always there anyway, so the answer is yes (even if just a smidge).  But I suppose then this is about DEGREES.  The difference is that love will seek only to help liberate for more love, not for the person to gain more love but only the satisfaction that they were a vessel for this love, that they did the will of something greater.  But discerning what this is in the midst of an ego trip means little discernment in truth because the ego will hop into the process so fast that you wont even realize its ego.  Don't get me wrong;  I do not view the ego as some devil or evil in us that must be rooted out and destroyed.  I just know that it CANT be destroyed and find all this talk of ego death as laughable, really, because in all truth we don't nor can't do that.  We can ascend into a space or focus our consciousness into a place where it seems we are awash in a cosmic radiance, but we are still here on this earth with everything in place as before.  The real challenge to my mind is learning how to take a bit of that cosmic and breathe it into our lives here now in order to effect that small self that is us here.  Its about growing up.  I am certain that those who only know the bliss of the cosmic have not done the work on themselves necessary for the very fact that I have been able to feel that bliss perfectly yet still come back down to this channel of awareness only to find myself frustrated angry and upset over the most petty things.  I am only human, yes, but I think my challenge is in making myself a better person through real change of the self.

So in reading about this issue of shaktipat and darshan I see that they are in essence the same thing.  One is more "intentional" in which one person is going deep into the other in order to flow kundalini into the other.  In darshan, it is done through a glance, but realize here that with kundalini space is not an issue, so whether at a glance or with your hand on someone's heart, it matters little.  I remember seeing someone doing this (darshan) and I realized what it was she was doing. It was sending out her essence, her soul, her love, into the crowd.  It was called a blessing, but it was also taking on energy by others.  This is experienced just as one might experience these experiences of soul connection which is also like shaktipat.  It is, energetically speaking, the same thing.  In order to send the energy it means a connection is forged.  This then unites the two people even if only for a moment. To release the karma requires an act of grace, a surrender, a letting go.  When I read of a teacher taking on the diseases and maladies of his or her students I know what is at work here.  Its energy.  But we make contracts with it and can be bound in many ways by it, with it.  By knowing this before crossing the road we do not get tangled in that which is part of some false sense of compassion or ego.  By moving forward in a positive way I am better able to forge alliances based on bliss than on what is unresolved in me.  The desire to fix things in others runs strong in the control meme and we have to be careful I think and use love as the measure by which all else is considered. 

So I wonder; is it our job to reach outward and seek to awaken others?  The impulse to press forward to do that can be strong. I know we can tune others' consciousness, but just because we can, does it mean we are here to do that?  Or instead, can we work behind the scenery, through the resonant field of the species to pour our energy into the system by being part of that system and change it from the inside out?  Does the building energy of awakening in one of us press against the walls of the Collective self of the species?  I know it does.  Can we help effect a change based on how the Collective Self wishes?  I think so.  I think that as the pressure builds those who are ready to awaken will do so seemingly spontaneously.   Its hard to know what will awaken others into this new life, but within each of us is the infinite self, the infinite knowing, and while some of us may seem like we are rolling about on the floor unaware we have hands and feet with which to get ourselves up with, we do, and we can (get up).

We are gifted with consciousness which in truth can turn into anything it wants or needs to become fulfilled.  This can mean countless other realities through which we project the energy of consciousness  like a projector that makes the movie of our reality possible.  What we ultimately choose at higher and lower levels of awareness is part of our gift of free will.  In hand with freewill is also individuality. At some place we wed the higher to the lower.  I can't say that I know what will come from that since it has yet to happen fully in our world in an intentional enough way for us to understand it.  This is ultimately the great adventure that is our consciousness and our place in many realities.

I go back and forth on all of this, trying to feel through how it surely should be in its highest.  What I think about is how so many of us have KNOWN what is best for another person, then shoving that view or way of acting or being on another person, and sometimes this has meant entire nations have been effected (here in this country scores of Native Peoples had their lives destroyed by a western conquest that also meant the end of their old world view with the requirement that they adopt the new Christian ideals--people were not allowed to speak their language nor practice their rites....sacred pipes were hidden away lest they be confiscated by priests or police--and their children were deemed in danger from their parents and forced into adoption in order to be raised by Christian parents...all in order to crush and destroy a great and wonderful way of Being here on this earth).  So as I think about this legacy of control and might making right, I reflect on these things and consider what is all of this about?  What is the truth?  The truth, I know, is that we are all infinite beings underneath and thus are working through our own inner stuff in our own way.  To us it might seem people are just not coming 'round but in my higher self I know that time is largely illusory in the sense that its not the final word on how time flows.  Time flows in eddies and currents in swirls but emerges from a larger expanding present and so time loses some of its meaning when we operate in multiple dimensions at once....across vast time scales....and so seen this way, we will each find our ascension at some point and as our own insides bid us.  We can accept help, but trying to push the flow might not always be the best.

By going beyond the old paradigm of control and trying to form and mold a larger spiritual awareness, perhaps we need to approach this in the same way that we have to approach on an individual basis an awakening....which is to surrender.  Maybe as a race we need to learn to surrender when it comes to or larger global awakening.  Maybe not let those who would seek to control to have their run of the place, but to slowly weed this out by simply following what we feel is right to do....and while it seems we are headed for a One World Governing structure, what if the people who are bent on control set this system up only to find that the planet IS ready to unite as one, but just not as they had envisioned?   Maybe that is very pollyanna, but it might also contain more truth than we might think at first glance.

Beyond all the dogma, beyond all belief is the still truth of your soul and this "truth" is love, and your soul is this love.  How do I continue to operate within this stream of love?  How do I honor the larger awakening that is coming to earth?  Let those who have ears to hear......

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Prayer For You

Pour your spirit
your loving grace
upon us
mother of our hearts,
father of the indwelling
child of becoming
-the sacred union-
of our knowing
of our surrender
our love
our divine longing,
open all that you are
can be
to us
help us to understand the reasons
and if no reason
then grace in the face of such irrationality of being
and nothing but your love
pulsing so lively
to wonderfully
fill us up with your being
help us to know
you come from within us
as we beseach the you
inside of our hearts.

Heal the hearts
so hungry for your love
quiet them
as they drink from your boundless font of spirit
pour your spirit out
like water
that we all  know
in wholeness and joy.
And as they know this greatness
hear their voices rise in a new song
which is your song
which is every song ever written
that ever leaned into your essence
joyfull and ready
to see it a different way
and feel in a new way
that is native soil
native soul.

Let the sadness and loneliness pass from this world
let that emptiness
be filled with something entirely new
and revolutionary
in its joy
and bliss.....
let all those whose purpose it is to know and feel you
feel you in completeness
and open even deeper
to feel you deeper still.
Let your stillness reign
like a profound peace
filling our souls
with your grandness
and joy
as you fill the halls of heaven
and earth
in this new unfolding
unfold to me
unfold to her
unfold to my mother
and all who have ever thirsted
for the bread of your body
your life
the breathe of your everlasting soul
as we breathe in New Breathe=
and are lifted by you
by all that you are
and are still awaiting to become
in us
your latest wrinkle
our latest realization...

We are all  apart of you
drawn in by our opposites
but even there
we are one
And yet pulled
toward the union of souls
to knit this world together
after centuries of war
and hurt
time for your boundless joy
your spirit to be poured out
onto all flesh
that we might know the kingdom
on earth.

Let my hands
be your hands
let these eyes
conceive of what is yours to see
and my breath
full of fire
and desiring
to catch this whole world into a flame
which would rise
and know
that it was not as separate as it had thought
that every slaying is its own slaying
that every hurt is always its own....

So let me be your instrument
that your kingdom might come
petal like
and beautifully
as the grace that is you
is me,
that the beauty that is you
might be reflected in me
through me
through all of creation
as hope burgeons
like the great promise that it could be.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Walking out into the spring air I can feel how heavy it is with dampness and life.  What I feel is inside of me, yes, but also all around me.  It has something about it which tells me that it is me, too.  How is it that it can be that way?  When I run up against a real problem in being able to understand all of this stuff I think on these simple things and I seem able to resolve into some sense of knowing that is not about knowledge but feeling.  The universe does not know, even though there is so much to know, its that it FEELS (you will see eventually how this is possible for seemingly inanimate matter) This is how I have been relating to the world now for a few years, since my Awakening which took place in 2006.  As I walk out across that parking lot and the trees all alive with flowers budding and life bursting out all over the place in one giant cry for recreating itself, I think about how a friend wrote recently about our world....words I read and considered.....was our world consciousness or was the physical not spiritual?  He was considering the makeup of the world.....was this just an empty place which we fill with spirit or is the physical world itself containing something?  I read this and bit my tongue a bit.  Well of course everything is alive with itself I think to myself as I feel this damp wet air hit me with its juicy sensuality....and its more than just because I feel it as sensual.... the shaman and the aboriginal people have all known this, it has filled their lore, their stories, their knowing for countless generations.  Not just known it but felt it, which I think is important. How was it that we fell away from this feeling, this certainty of the way things are?  How did we become divorced from our natures, the part that could feel the collective breath of life in everything?  I know that for years I would read in excitement what the shaman would say or the wise women who would speak the truth of their souls;  everything is an aspect of everything else---we are one part of a much larger web.  We are not the web, but a part within it.  This all felt right, but in truth, I didn't have many expeirences that I could point to where I felt this deeper sense of how what was in me was moving through everything else, or was part of some charged world of energy, as though some energy which was in the tree could just as easily move through me and then into the water and then the next moment be pulsing a million light years away in a dustcloud.....

As I walked across the parking lot the world felt like a boundless realm of being wherein everything was connected.  Everything was within all else.  Everything arose from a common realm. What I felt was what pulsed through all of life, and its not something that is dependent on my feeling a certain way; its here even as I write, and its here as long as my heart is open, as long as I make room for this bliss to pour through me. All matter contained this, certainly it did. This was what my awakening afforded me; a broadening of awareness or of consciousness.  This broadening was not itself enlightenment but I realize how some might confuse it.  This was the infrastructure FOR enlightenment, but sadly, we are only as good as we are willing to make ourselves or allow ourselves to be.  Kundalini itself is a magical thing in that in some ways it gives you this key into yourself and into the corridors of the universe.....and yet at the same time,  the world is replete with people who have knowledge.  This was what the keepers of the Mystery School In Egypt were telling Pythagoras about when he beseeched them to let him enter in to study with them.  They weren't interested in knowledge.  Its not about knowing.  Its about feeling because knowing is a trap of the mind which gets you out of the heart.  What I know in all of this is I need GRACE.  That alone is the difference as far as I am concerned.  We are set up to feel this bliss in ourselves, but this bliss does not make us good people, or even caring.  We just wind up caring about OUR bliss.  By stretching into compassion we become more.   But event then, the world breathes as I breathe.  There is a unity in consciousness, but some of us do not feel it.  It isn't that we can't feel it, its merely a matter of unlocking the cabinet that caries the tools.  Kundalini does this.

I realized I lived in this world 24/7 where intellectually I knew things were all One, I just didn't feel it like I do now.  This was now how things were ordered and perceived. I had believed all of this was true, I just didn't FEEL it like this the way I feel it now. The whole of this world is knit together like this.  The problem seems to be the consciousness that rides atop this wave of aware-ized energy.  We.  We the plunderers, the blinded would-be gods and goddesses.  Why do we feel we are the top of all creation when we are but a thread within its great and marvelous web? What has our great and powerful ego done to make this world a paradise?

Walking out into the air I was caressed by the beauty of the air all around me, alive as it was and connected as it will always be, or for as long as air moves across our planet.
Everything is woven together like many threads of a carpet or tapestry....

Feeling it this way I think is the revelation.  Feeling how it is woven inside of you and outside of you....this is what is freeing and confounding all at once.  Sometimes its just confounding, but its better than the alternative.

So inside of you is this bliss.  Your body will make way for it, to let it come streaming in, to appear as though one day it took up residence.  I remember thinking how it felt like something outside of me began to inhabit my body and it was cause for some concern. This got me into a scared place for a while until I learned the art of letting go.  And letting go, like anything else, comes in degrees. Ascension and enlightenment are that way, too.  Its all in layers, levels, degrees. But inside is the Way, the sacred path that the sachems and sages and teachers and psychics and healers, shaman and will unfold like a carpet rolling out to greet you and you will no longer be the same.  And as you learn to let go, it will flood into you more and more.  Finding your peace in all of this, the bliss rises like a flood, and in that bliss lies the secret of all of this.

This is where love begins. Its all around, and its waiting for you.....not as some dry cloud -pure thing but something so alarmingly alive and passionate its enough to change the trajectory of your life.  And confounding, yes.  And difficult, yes.  No one said this would be easy.  But anything worth something wont be completely easy.  We all have work to do.

I sometimes ask myself what my purpose is and most of it I realize is to simply breath this in and KNOW it for what it is beyond anyone else's perspective.  After all I have to feel this in my own skin.  I have to feel it so intimately that its like it is myself, a second skin. What is this being that is observing me quietly and filling me with such bliss?  it is part my job to observe it, to live with it, to know it, and to feel as deeply into it to plumb its mystery and being as I can.  Its so simple and wonderful to know that everything is connected.  How it is connected, I could scarcely begin to describe to you.  But its there, and its waiting on you now for you to feel it and when you feel it, it will be feeling you feeling it, and this other you will know itself resolving in a vast array of everything....every particle that ever was.  And while confounding, its also bound together as a unity at  some point in its self. Beyond that, I don't know. I know what I know, but what is its knowing? Is it possible for me to see as it sees?  Or is it enough for me to simply become aware of that great awareness which leads to a still deeper sense of awareness which we think of a still ocean of awareness?  This still deeper ocean of awareness is not what our gurus have felt.  Like being a small cell in a still larger body we have looked outward and felt inward at its massive force and body not fully knowing what end of the tiger we have.

So there is more to see and do and feel into.

I am happy enough to know that its all connected.  Its a bit like a mantra I have been chanting from lifetime to lifetime.  And I am glad you are here readin this because what that means is that you are both ready to take these words in and you are also composed of this knowing within you.  Some might even struggle with it, might even dissagree.  All of that is perfect in all of its time.  And when this love comes to you, ready to topple your perfectly created composure, I will be there smiling and so glad that you made it here.  We need more of you, more of us to wake up, more to be kissed with that great pulse of love, that great and terrible conflagration which will set your world on its edge and make you wonder what its all about.

And you will know the answer, maybe not on that very day, but it will lurk in your days and nights as your guides and your own soul brings those resources to your door for you to consider and interact with consciousness making more of itself.  This will be a liberation, even if it does not seem that way at first.  Finally you are feeling, and while it might be hard to remove all the dross, its also important to do so for the good of your tender heart which needs to beat in rhythmn to the passion that makes up our universe, the part that bears the string that pulls all threads tight, which winds its way through the tapestry that is our existence.   Perhaps in that time, as you awaken, or awaken more, you will smile, too, a little, and know that fear need not be the way.  Its a great path, even if it means simply knowing deep down inside and all through you that everything IS connected and that everything IS a radiation of this very special brand of consciousness, this thing we call love. 

Healing Shame

Shame comes from a judgement that we make for ourselves
or that we accept from others.  This shame can strike to the core of our
being, to what we feel is most sacred about ourselves. If something about you
drives shame in you then it seems that that part or aspect of you is bad.
This puts you in an impossible position.

When we learn that our being in its higher truth is perfect, its like a revelation
So much of this is letting go of the shackles of this world the veils of the earthly self
to ascend into our higher selves only to find everything about us is perfect underneath all of the artificial postures, positions, and beliefs which we took on because we trusted our forebearers but never bothered to question or examine them ourselves. We have participated in a world that has managed to keep rolling a very old way of being.

Healing shame means forgiving yourself.
Whenever we forgive it lightens our being because the inability to forgive means we are karmicaly connected to a given thing within and without ourselves.  This uses up energy and also keeps us in a lower energy vibration. It is akin to carrying a weight around.  When you let go of it you will feel your energy field change instantly.  It will feel as though you are soaring.  It gets to a point where you ask yourself what else is there that you can forgive so that you might feel lighter.

To ask how one forgives is like asking how to breathe or ride a bike.  Its something that you simply have to feel. You feel into it and surrender to it.  In truth its the easiest thing for all of us to do but it escapes notice because of how covered over in all of our junk we are, covered over in such a way that it clouds awareness (trust me it does....there are worlds beyond our notice not because we cannot see them but because we have so much competing material in the way of our becoming aware).  It just SEEMS like its hard. Trust me.  The trick, though, is finding that feeling place within you where it IS easy. That we find something easy hard speaks volumes about where we are currently.  Problem is, we can become estranged from our feeling self, and in those cases its as if it never existed sometimes. This is because feeling is not a mental activity but a full energy body thing.  If the mind is the brain then feeling is the body.  And truly when we seek to remove our years of junk it does not come from the mind but the energy body.  Qi Gong and acupuncture and dance and ecstatic movement helps to loosen the blockages in the body where we have "shoved down" our junk.

With the addition of a kundalini awakening our fields begin to be pressed for cleansing.  Sometimes kundalini is not enough to remove things stubbornly infused into our fields.  In this case we have to do the work of learning how to let go of it.  This might mean some kind of process like dredging up old memories, talking it out with a person who was somehow involved in our earlier life issues, or using creative visualization to begin the process of seeding the subconscious with the signals that begin to tell it that we no longer want that old vibration in our field.  Ultimately this is what a an unresolved hurt is; it is a bundle of energies which have a kind of identity.  All consciousness is self aware at some level and since consciousness itself forms alliances (think about the cells in your body!) then this is very natural for an idea to become lodged and remain in your body of consciousness for years even when its usefulness has long outlived itself.  These accumulate into a "body" of "dead" issues that still take up space in us because....well...we are use to holding onto stuff and consciousness creates alliances.

 Everything is connected.  When the being that called himself Sandalphon came and pulled what amounted to a body out of my heart center, this was just what he was doing---releasing old material that no longer served me but which had developed a magnetic pull to me.  It was communicated quite clearly that this was an old dead "body."  When it was removed I was admonished not to go and try to pick it up.  I also felt as though my insides had been cleared.  The essence of life, Prana, began then to move freely in an open house instead of something that felt crowded and cluttered and stuffy (I just didn't know how crowded it was until I was emptied of this "body" of thought and feeling).  St Theresa of Avilla had a similar experience of having her insides pulled out by angel (also through her heart center!). The thing is, you don't need to know what it is you are releasing. I sure didn't.  For me it had been long forgotten I think.  In fact, this can be something that can be left up to your higher self to work on or think about. If you are curious, then perhaps the best way is to ask that it become known to you in a way that wont compromise your forward development, and that if its not yours to know, that not knowing might be for the best for now.

Sometimes shame comes with the feeling as though we have done something wrong.  Deep inside of you is a self that wants to do right.  It wants to love and be loved.  In our world we often punish people for wanting to be loved.  We have carefully defined lines and categories where only certain kinds of love are acceptable, and yet the soul knows no such bounds.  This is what kundalini can bring which is an awareness of what is.  What is is inescapable. We all know it deep down and have to move through untold dross in order to get to it, but once there the truth resolves into an ever-simpler thing.  This thing has only one axial point and that is love.  Nothing else.

Learning how to resolve shame and grow self love is sometimes the hardest thing because of how conditioned we are to remain locked in this place.  Some people simply do not know how to love themselves enough.  How does something like that feel when you are not used to feeling it?  An by not feeling it, how dependent does it make you on others' approval and "love" do you think?  But until you are able to break out of your old conditioned behavior, it might be hard to learn how to forgive yourself or others.By learning how to access your higher self you are able to access your nature which is love.  Its a pulse so strong and wonderful its like a revolution inside of you if you have not been used to feeling it.  I wasn't. In fact I had a hard time knowing how I could hold onto such a feeling when my heart opened powerfully for the first time, sending me into what I later learned was a "kriya" or involuntary body movement (mine involved an arching of my neck and back while feeling this sudden release and flow of this powerful heart energy). While these heart openings are seen as rare, I had enough of them in the following year to observe carefully how each one went down. What I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt while visiting this seemingly unusually land was that we reached this heart opening and self love pulsation based on a choice.  I could feel something ancient within me DECIDING to let go and allow this love to fill me as though I was being made love to.  This is a very vulnerable place to be in and further is not something you would ever want to admit to the  casual observer or friend unless they themselves understood what kundalini was all about themselves.  The truth is is that in our world we are just beginning to discover this world within us.  Until we learn to get such openings of the heart more wide-spread those in the minority will tend to be looked upon with some degree of ignorance and bias, even derision unfortunately. The advantage that the internet offer us now is that we can communicate with that growing community of awakened people and build understanding what all of this is about.

At the bottom of all of this is love.  Getting to that love is the challenge; learning how to rearrange the self so that it can be more inviting to this higher energy to enter in.  It mine and your birthright.  Learning how to feel into this is an important aspect in moving forward in this way.  In love and in the forgiveness that it always brings.


Post Script:  Day before yesterday as I struggled with some emotional issues having to do with how my life has been,  I went to lay down, and as I did so I had an inner vision which showed a man riding up to me on a horse.  He spoke to me in a glib sort of way, saying how he could depend on me to do his dirty work for him.  In what was an extremely spare but potent interaction with a past life, I learned that I had done something that I blamed myself for for lifetimes (literally) and wore the shame of it around my neck like some old dead goose eversince.  This was something that should have been dealt with lifetimes ago (at least 700 years ago) and its presence in my energy field had its effect.  When all of this resolved in my awareness it was as though I was watching something from deep within me rising like bubbles to the surface of the water.  As these bubbles rose, the issue became a non-issue instantly.   Just like that.  All my problems with being scapegoated or blamed as a kid and in other lifetimes - gone.  Poof!  Then, the pain that ringed my heart disapeared as a feeling replaced it which pulsed with the vibration of joy.  It felt like how you might have felt on the last day of school, but times ten. It was a marvelous relief, a release!  Event began to change immediately after that!  It was amazing to see.  The people who were interacting with me were doing so based on this new vibration which had changed just the day before.  How could the universe react that fast?

Probably because that is how it is....

So I wish I could give you a formula.  I am still thinking it through, feeling it through to better understand it.  All I can say right now is I feel like a free man, and its a great feeling.  To feel my heart vibrating with such joy within it, absent this hurt that I could feel since the dawn of my kundalini awakening, is something worth its weight in gold.  

What I realized I was doing was healing shame.  And I thought how odd that I would write about it just days before....without any thought that this might be on its way.  The reason for my posting the piece was having seen a search term that included healing shame the day before which got me thinking maybe it would be good to start writing on that.  We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes.....

Sunday, April 17, 2011


This movie is about a man in search for something more it seems.
I have not yet watched it but the issue of nonduality crops up
and it has won some the concept of nonduality creeps into our collective
awareness more and more....

The link below will take you to the site that has a trailer for the movie.

Calling It Quits

If you get to see the movie before I do, let me know what you thought!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Path

The road I have walked
through it
I looked for love
not to find it
it was not a love I could find
in another.

That was the hitch in my soul.
So now
after thousands of lifetimes
of walking this road
looking for Her
I must see her within me
for before I can honor her outwardly
I must honor her inwardly.

I must stop looking
and searching

I must go
and decide
to give up all the hurt and pain
that has swirled around never finding Her
to caress my woundedness
to speak to me in soft words
telling me I have found my home...

Yet I have not.

I must find Her
and the rest remains karmicaly bounded
ready to be taken off like a shoe
but beckoning
vibrant with the force that it seeks
so that it may be undone
so I am free
and easy within myself.

We yearn for that which is unresolved
and in reaching a place where we can forgive it
do we heal.
The energy of the universe fills us clearer
more vibrant.


This love
she says
as she cradles my head
is for you
each of you
Teachers in your past have sought
to bring the logos to you
even though through it all
the logos is actually inside of you my beloved child.
That logos is the love.
You are this love
and this love is the universe.
This makes queens and kings of each of you.
The poorest man struggling to walk the streets
or the richest woman living in a castle on a hill
all belong equally to this divine royalty.
You are this love, my love."

What it all means
she whispers
is coming to a place where you can love yourself
until you do that
your world will have dark clouds
and troubled times.
The world is as you see it
and if you have something unresolved within
it clouds your vision
so that the light becomes like a dark smudge on the glass.
All through time its been like this
the world is so hungry for this love
yet many have never felt it in this world
but know it like some forgotten memory....

You can teach a thousand lectures
full of great ideas
but none other will help
as love.
Love is so expansive that there seems to be different faces of it in our world
and yet all of them belong to a larger unfolding love that will remove our need
and begin to supplant with abundance
and abundance of love.
We have divided this love into different loves ourselves.
romantic love or eros,
the cosmic pulse of the erotic and sensual,
the love of a child
tender and expansive
and protective.
We love others for what they supply us.
We love money
and we love basketball,
and birds
and trees.
We love all kinds of things and all of this
is bound up within a much larger realm of experience
which is a love that literally fuels the universe.

Beyond all of this
or perhaps within All
is a deeper pulse
which goes beyond all explanation
and contains all.
It is this love
and what is does for us here.
It alone is the fire which can burn and refine us into beings
that are children of the new age
new world
beyond karmic entanglement
ready for a new adventure in being
where love rules.
This is our collective dream
and many are conflicted about it
so we see this played out on the world stage
and yet the revolution works itself out inwardly
as wave after wave effects more and more
who are feeling the pull of this vast ocean of experience
the nirvana of the sages and gurus
the expanding present
the power of now
and all of the isms that we seek to create to describe or explain it.

Its love.
When you are able to feel your heart open
like the flower that it is
you will feel an indescribable pulse moving through you.
You will be forever changed
and yet what brought you to that place
was the result of being forever changed.
This is the stair stepping we make up through the ranges of our being.
Each step is a revelation
each step important.
Some bear messages from our past to our present and into our future;
remember what you are they say
you are love.

As we move through all of this
love unfolds
or we unfold to love
as our ability to perceive it changes
and then as we open to its expansive vibration
pulses of it get through....
and a new world lays before us
page by page
we go through this
as we move from lower to higher.

Goddess holds out her hand
to all of us
she beckons us near
time for us to embrace that part of us
which we have so long denied.
Her union in each of us
will connect the dots
and reveal to you
the truth of you
which is
you are love
and by vibrating at its frequency
you will feel the boundlesness of creation
the entirety of the universe passing through your heart
without a need to clutch or hold
for all wedded to all
is what we are.

This is how we heal this world.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Your love is the light by which I see.
Through your grace I am made able.
In your presence
I remember
beyond this place
into the boundless sea of being.

Let me be that which I must be for thee.
Let thee be for me what is mine to know.
I have loved you always.
You are my path.
Upon my lips
a mantra
a prayer
devotion to you
goddess in me
goddess in you
god in me god in you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Where We Get It Wrong

Albert Bierstadt  
The Shore of The Turquoise Sea

What we have built
in this and past ages
has been  on understandings
and perspective
on how far we have come.

We have come a long way
we have further to go.
Nonduality speaks of this body and mind and emotion and world as not real
and yet, all that is
It is not an illusion
even though a thousand wise sages
have said
it is so.
It was so because they could not concieve it in its highest potential
and in their day
the foundation
of this present Age
was just that;
a foundation
and we have built more
and understood more
and now it is time
not to get stuck in what we
could only conceive of
in a seperation soaked world
where men ruled
and were dismissive
and abusive to half of the population.
This world is important
even if it has escaped our notice
and the larger challenge
that their august body of knowing
could not conjure
which was a still deeper challenge
to our knowing
and growing
and being which is that
the two shall become one
as the particle
and wave
contemplate the other
as the other
and as One.

This world is a suit
for the divine to wear.
It is here for us to learn and know.
That makes it important.
And if you think it is illusion
you will miss an important point,
you will continue to keep
our heaven
and earth
in separation.

We are here to wed these two together
like lover to lover
like spirit to flesh.
Surely they seem different
but they are all part of the same cloth.
They only seem different
but consciousness created them all
and not for no reason
or for jest.
This is how consciousness
has operated
through countless creations
and manifestations
of itself.
We say dreams are not real
because they cannot be touched
and yet
we know
they have a deeper reality
and we pay attention to them.
In much the same way
our world here
is such a dream.
It might seem to have a beginning and an end
but outside of time
time becomes irrelevant
and our world
is a solid pulsing
within an expanding present
always here
incapable of being undone
just as that bell from mass could not be unrung.

This is my challenge to you;
forget what has been given before.
Forget the authorities
and begin to plumb this world on your own.
Consider the heresy that you will know the truth
if you will but ask honestly
without agenda
and be child like
and free.
Take off your breathing aparatus
your fins
and your mask
and jump into this vast sea of consciousness with me
and embrace it
and be embraced by it.
Let its water soak so deep into you
that you fear losing yourself
until you realize in losing yourself
you find yourself
and drawing the ocean into you
like a lover
you remind your earthbound being
that this is heaven on earth
and everything is real.
Even your hurt feelings
and sense of suffering
which the monks and sages have all called illusion
which are part of this world
which you will heal and get over someday
are here
and have an identity
wound up within an invisible electromagnetic winding in the multiversal chorus
and thus are real
and can never be wished away
but must all be healed.Until we do this
my brother, sister, friend,
we will remain the walking wounded
and we will rely on an authority
to tell us what is real.

If you must follow the authorities of ages past
then this is what you still must do.
Until then
I bid you safe travels
and joyful awakening
when that time comes.
And when you are ready
I will be singing your name
what took you so long
as we swim outside of time
and see
from another realm
how precious
and important
a suit of clothes this world is
to the divine in all of us
even if it means taking it off
so we can swim naked before All.