
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Time Traveller?

This is a story that I have always thought was intriguing.  The facts of the story make for some interesting conjecture!  This story broke in 2003....


NEW YORK -- Federal investigators have arrested an enigmatic Wall Street wiz on insider-trading charges -- and incredibly, he claims to be a time-traveler from the year 2256!

Sources at the Security and Exchange Commission confirm that 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin offered the bizarre explanation for his uncanny success in the stock market after being led off in handcuffs on January 28.

"We don't believe this guy's story -- he's either a lunatic or a pathological liar," says an SEC insider.

"But the fact is, with an initial investment of only $800, in two weeks' time he had a portfolio valued at over $350 million. Every trade he made capitalized on unexpected business developments, which simply can't be pure luck.

"The only way he could pull it off is with illegal inside information. He's going to sit in a jail cell on Rikers Island until he agrees to give up his sources."

The past year of nose-diving stock prices has left most investors crying in their beer. So when Carlssin made a flurry of 126 high-risk trades and came out the winner every time, it raised the eyebrows of Wall Street watchdogs.

"If a company's stock rose due to a merger or technological breakthrough that was supposed to be secret, Mr. Carlssin somehow knew about it in advance," says the SEC source close to the hush-hush, ongoing investigation.

When investigators hauled Carlssin in for questioning, they got more than they bargained for: A mind-boggling four-hour confession.

Carlssin declared that he had traveled back in time from over 200 years in the future, when it is common knowledge that our era experienced one of the worst stock plunges in history. Yet anyone armed with knowledge of the handful of stocks destined to go through the roof could make a fortune.

"It was just too tempting to resist," Carlssin allegedly said in his videotaped confession. "I had planned to make it look natural, you know, lose a little here and there so it doesn't look too perfect. But I just got caught in the moment."

In a bid for leniency, Carlssin has reportedly offered to divulge "historical facts" such as the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and a cure for AIDS.

All he wants is to be allowed to return to the future in his "time craft."

However, he refuses to reveal the location of the machine or discuss how it works, supposedly out of fear the technology could "fall into the wrong hands."

Officials are quite confident the "time-traveler's" claims are bogus. Yet the SEC source admits, "No one can find any record of any Andrew Carlssin existing anywhere before December 2002."

Weekly World News will continue to follow this story as it unfolds. Keep watching for further developments.


The update on this story is that Carlssin did not show up for his day in court when he posted bail.  The enigmatic mystery man who made hundreds of millions all from less than a thousand of seed money has disappeared into thin air and has yet to be found...

Ancient Enigmas

I admit it.  I am intrigued by very old artifacts whose existence strikes us as impossible. I am less interested in what Van Daniken put forward as I am in the really really old stuff....objects that are impossibly old.  I am interested in this because as a child I can remember learning just how old the earth is and thinking, that is a long long time for things to happen here. What if there were other epochs in our earth where entire races cam and went without so much as a notice in the fossil record simply because they were just so incredibly old?  I have never been one to need evidence for an idea in order to substantiate the idea.  After all, Einstein's concept related to relativity was all phenomenon that we as humans could not see or witness in the usual way.  This in no way negates the potential validity of such an idea.  Instead of going into science, I wound up in art, where free thinking was always encouraged.....

There are a very significant body of objects now that are so incredibly anomalous that most academics and scientists tend to simply dismiss them as unimportant.  Personally, I think they are very important since they could point to eras in our history when other intelligent life developed and thrived.  

Al of this brings up all kinds of tantalizing questions.  There is this notion that time travel is not possible.  What if time travel is possible, but it has been carried out in a careful way, with the understanding or care to not become too involved in past events in order to keep from changing the future. This is the big buggaboo in time travel;  you don't want to go back to marry your grandmother....that might well be disastrous, right?  But what if some of the objects we have been finding are the result of time travel?  Or what if this planet has been host to countless generations of beings so old, their fossil record has been difficult to find or dig up.  What if humanoid beings during the time of dinosaurs lived in underground complexes....or cam from other worlds and were only here for relatively small amounts of time, not enough to deposit huge amounts of material that would reveal their existence except for a few small and very strange objects (some of which you will actually get to see in this blog).  We can raise all kinds of questions, but in the final analysis, the sheer existence of these artifacts are incredible to me.

Okay, so here are some of the goods to wet your appetite....

A very old nail. In a 1851 edition of the The Illinois Springfield Republican, it was reported that  Hiram de Witt found a  chunk of auriferous quartz while on a trip to California. When it accidentally slipped from his hands, it split open, and out fell a cut-iron nail. The quartz was about 1 million years old.

Gold Chain in coal. In 1891, Mrs. S. W. Culp, of Morrisonville, Ill. was fragmenting coal into smaller pieces for her kitchen stove when she noticed a chain stuck in the coal. The chain measured about 10 inches long and was later found to be made of eight-carat gold, and described as being "of antique and quaint workmanship." According to the Morrisonville Times of June 11, investigators concluded that the chain had not simply been accidentally dropped in with the coal, since some of the coal still clung to the chain, while the part that had separated from it still bore the impression of where the chain had been encased.

Gold thread in stone. The Times of London reported in 1844 that workmen quarrying stone near the River Tweed in Scotland found a piece of gold thread embedded in the rock eight feet below ground level.

Ancient modern tools. While quarrying limestone in 1786, workers came to a bed of sand about 50 feet below ground level. In the layer of sand they found the stumps of stone pillars and fragments of half-worked rock. Digging further, they found coins, the petrified wooden handles of hammers, and pieces of other petrified wooden tools. The sand in which the discovery was made was beneath a layer of limestone dated at 300 million years old

Technology of the supersmall. In 1991-1993, gold prospectors on the Narada river on the eastern side of the Ural mountains in Russia found unusual, mostly spiral-shaped objects, the smallest measuring about 1/10,000th of an inch! The objects are composed of copper and the rare metals tungsten and molybdenum. Tests showed the objects to be between 20,000 and 318,000 years old.

Ancient screw. In 1865, a two-inch metal screw was discovered in a piece of feldspar unearthed from the Abbey Mine in Treasure City, Nev. The screw had long ago oxidized, but its form - particularly the shape of its threads - could be clearly seen in the feldspar. The stone was calculated to be 21 million years in age.

Mysterious vase.Electronic device in a geode. In 1961, the owners of a gift shop in Olancha, Calif. found a fossil-encrusted geode in the Coso Mountains. When one of the owners cut the geode in half with a diamond saw, however, he found an object inside that was obviously artificial. The object had a metal core surrounded by layers of a ceramic-like material and a hexagonal wooden sleeve. When X-rayed, the object seemed to resemble a modern spark plug or some other electronic component. Yet it had been completely encased in a geode that was covered with fossils estimated to be 500,000 years old.

Ancient vase. In June, 1851, Scientific American reprinted a report from the Boston Transcript about how a metallic vase, found in two parts, was dynamited out of solid rock 15 feet below the surface in Dorchester, Mass. The bell-shaped vase (see photo), measuring 4-1/2 inches high and 6-1/2 inches at the base, was composed of a zinc and silver alloy. On the sides were figures of flowers in bouquet arrangements, inlaid with pure silver. The estimated age of the rock out of which it came: 100,000 years.

Now, for as odd as it might seem, is it possible that we have been visited by time travelers in our current era?   If so, its entirely possible that someone from the future could fit in perfectly with us without hardly raising an eyebrow. What if someone defied the law governing going back during human history in order to interact with it....what then?  

It turns out that there is such a story.  And it is admittedly a  rather wild one.  But that is going to be the topic of a future post....

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fire Buddha II

This too was a Buddha that I remixed with a hand holding a flame.  They felt like they worked together.  I like this because we don't usually think of Buddha as being connected to fire I don't think. He is a cool customer.  That must mean there is a rolling flame in his to be....

Fire Buddha

This is an image I reworked in photoshop in order to give this calm quiet Buddha the fire....

No End

Life Is Not An Illusion

Life is not an illusion.  It is a creation.  If you realize that you are free to create differently, your world can change.  When you view this world as illusion, the only resort is to denounce, throw off, and seek some other higher or more real world.  We can create differently.  This is what faces each of us, the reality of what we are, where we are, and what we can become.  Its a creation!  Take joy in that!  


Inside each atom there resides what SEEMS to be two energetic polarities.  These are expressed as particle and wave, as the light and dark, the cool and hot….they are the entirety of everything.  Inside your atoms, what is mostly empty space, are atoms which are moving at the speed of light.  They are caught up in a field of energy, which is the particle expression.  Within them is a wave.  Within all of this is sheer bliss.  Every single atom in your delicious body is simply bursting with this bliss.  Riding atop all of this swarm of nearly infinite activity is your awareness.  You think you are singular….and you are.  But inside of you is this wave and its spinning at the speed of light. Stationary.  And its helping to organize your body moment by moment.  DNA, weak and strong forces, quantum effects, all kinds of amazing things are happening inside the world that is you…a literal universe.  Underlying all of this is a passion, a bliss so complete you would turn red faced if I were to tell you about how deep all of this goes.  
So the whole universe is doing this.  Its a world of energy that is in bliss.  Its waiting for you.  Its not beating down your door.  Its not standing outside like a couple of eager visitors from the local church wanting to hand you bible tracts.  Its perfectly in tune with its own bliss and knows in perfect timing that you will get there and begin to facilitate the flow through the energy center that you are, this glorious orb, sun, of light. Or an ocean of wonder-filled movement.  Particle seeking wave, wave folding into particle…yin and yang continually embracing and being embraced by…..perfectly cooperative, not experiencing any strife of trouble.  So simple, they resolve into their most basic essence.  They become much more elemental.  And beautiful.  And in this perfect kind of love, they wait for you, for that day when it hits you and you wonder how you kept it out of your awareness so long.
And on that day, every particle of you will burst in a sea of bliss inside of you.  The universe will make love to you and you will be amazed.  And pleased.  And glad.  And this, you see, is the dangerous energy some call kundalini.  Its not the energy that is dangerous.  Its your own knots and beliefs that are, for when you surrender to its perfect bliss, is when the path becomes effortless.

The Dark Night

There is this phenomenon in awakening called the Dark Night Of The Soul.  Lots of talk about it, but I don’t know if people understand just why it comes on.  
Its ego that drives this. See, in awakening, there is this huge thing pushing into you….its now inevitable.  Its the universe.  Its your higher being coming to call and you chose this even if you don’t remember.  Its yours, and now this larger energy is filling you and in order for the pain and hurt and strain to go away, you have to submit.  You have to surrender.  You have to let go.  The night goes on for as long as you make it.  Ego, which identifies with all of the things that serve to limit and narrow the channels of the bliss that is about to fill you, creates an unbelievable level of strain and this translates into pain and hurt.  Its not physical, but many who go through this often go to doctors.  Its energetic and its just that strong.  But its identification with ego that causes the dark night.  Attached to ego is the identification with emotional attachments that are karmic in nature.  All of this weighs you down and is NOT the vibe of the universe filling you.  You have to let it all go in order to feel this energy flow through you unencumbered.  Until you do this, it will hurt.  And you will feel fear and worry.  Thats ego telling you that you are small and this thing is BIG.  Well, in truth, its just YOU and YOU are unbelivably big. And beautiful.  And when you realize its just a shift in consciousness that this energy is pushing for, you just let go.  This is just how ingrained ego is.  And as goes ego, so goes your karmic attachments.  And all these attachments are largely unexamined things that you have shoved down not just in your life but for lifetimes.  And kundalini is the wakeup call.  
Do yourself a favor; trust this.  It might feel like something is invading you, but its because you have so blocked it out that you didn’t realize it WAS you.  This can suggest just how revolutionary awakening can be.  It shows you just how you you have not been.  All along.  You singk into authentic self and as you limp off thinking about how you have ben spending your life with things that you thought were important, it dawns on you. 
This process also teaches you the physical alchemy you need to develop in order to mirror the bliss that is on its way.  You can do this by surrendering.  You DO NOT need to know.  It will show you.  Like the perfect lover, it will gently and lovingly show you THE way.  And you simply have to understand there really IS only one way:  ITS WAY.  Align align align.  FEEL.  When you do that, and just that, you will be led to this new place and out of the dark night.  COnsider that St Teresa of Avilla spent decades bed ridden.  She was an early christian mystic who most certainly had an awakening, as did St. John The Cross.  It isn’t that there isn’t anything to do….its that you have to realize just how deeply you must surrender and trust that this is all divine and that whatever shadow you see exists with the ego and its overidentification with problems and issues.  Its like surrendering to love, to a lover.  You might be scared shitless at first, but in the end you just have to let go and let love. And that is how it works.  Ego is never destroyed, though, its just moved to the back of the bus.  And there, it works very well.  Then, just on the other side of this struggle is a broad expanse.  I suspect the dark night comes when the ego suddenly realizes just how close it is to what it thinks is obliteration.  Its not, but its not so sure.  But if you can trust what I say, it can be easier.  In another post I will tell you some things that helped me cope with a dark night.  I didn’t even know WHAT it was I was going through (I later learned the term after the fact), but some things help ease it until you get the whole ego thing down. 
Happy Motoring!

Coping With The "Fallout"

Awakening.  Look, its an adjustment. It reorders you.  You spend your life a certain way and you wake up and realize you have been living this life that was….well….a cynic would say it was a lie.  I think its a little more innocent than that….but no less “devastating” when you find ego slipping away and everything you worked so hard for dissolving.  And then it starts to get better.  Wow.  Did that even make any sense?  Reborn.  Resurrected. 
I am an artist.  I am what I make.  I AM the product as much as what I produce.  People buy into my work, but they also buy into me.  That’s a kind of appreciation that sometimes leads to adulation.  Its not always bad necessarily.  Its only hard when the ego gets into the game and revs everything up.  THEN you begin to start to believe things that just aren’t there or that are real.  There are people who love what you do, and they buy into it.  Appreciation.  Innocent. I always reigned myself in.  I was self effacing.  In truth, I didn’t value myself….and thus in a weird way I didn’t value the work by extension….and YET I was able to sell the work.  It was my life. Make the art, sell the art.  Make it, sell more….and seek to make a living as an artist and thrive.  Somewhere deep down I knew I was pushing myself out into a limelight that I didn’t completely agree with because I was doing it for all the wrong reasons.  I was doing it for approval in a place where I was not approving of myself (self love).   But it wasn’t quite right.  And when kundalini came along, boy things got difficult.  So much stopped making any sense.  
Suddenly its as though things aren’t so important.  Spirit was the thing.  HOW I lived my life as sheer art was THE thing.  Being better, seeking, digging deeper, and KNOWING that I had so much untapped potential that I was barely using left me in a state of…..feeling like what is the use?  This wasn’t hugely egoistic, though.  I recognized the creative potential had been unleashed just as the bliss had been unleashed. They were connected at deep levels.  I floated.  I grappled with all I had created and built and found myself tearing it all down in a sense, conceptually, spiritually.  I had built a house on a foundation that no longer served me.  At first, this was very hard. As ego dropped away, though, I found a new way.  I began to use creativity in a way I had not before.  I had touched upon it at certain points in my work, but because of how long it takes to develop a body of work, that afternoon flash of inspiration often meant working to develop a new body of work that could take two to five years to develop, flesh out, market, improve upon, and all the rest.  I was now waking up with not a flash but a continual abiding flame.  I used the creative as a way of dissolving blocks.  I began to channel the energies of my awakening to create in a new way, and it was all very healing.  New work began to emerge, and there was an explosion of creativity.  I had more ideas than I knew what to do with.  I could barely keep up.  Then I reached a point where I asked what’s the use?  How can I keep up with this?  I was having trouble being organized. I was encountering the empty headed state that so often happens, and is so vital in this reordering of the self and of finding authentic peace. I was still trying to work my way through all of this. I wound up feeling like I needed someone who was very practical who could supply this very no-nonsense approach so I could be free to just dream….and do what I do best, which is to birth these new ideas, forms.  I had been wearing about five different hats prior to this.  I was the maker, the studio manager, the publicist, the salesperson, the accountant.  I packed the work and made sure it got to its destination.  I taught classes.  I gave tours. I did outreach.  Good lord, how could I keep up with all of this?  I found I really like the solitary act of creating.  I am good at it.  When I can remain in that zone, all is flow. I realized I had used art as my practice….I always said I never bought into systems, but I had used the utter freedom of the creative to create this space for me to be free from ANY notion or rule about how its supposed to be done. I jealously guarded this, and my studio became like a temple where I left all worries at the door.  So in a sense, yes, this art was my inner work in a sense, combined with very real physical work and a different kind of meditative practice (I am realizing this as I type this out….) This creative work also helped to create a sense of unity within myself, one which was not dependent upon a dogma or belief system.  It helped with my awakening….and yet, I felt lost in a sea of stuff and my mind which had been idled somewhat was getting used to being more of an observer to everything as I created in a whole new way. 
I continue to grapple with this.  Its not easy.  Its not easy to sell the work or myself, but for very different reasons than before.  I esteem the work in a way I hadn’t before.  I esteem it in a more objective way.  I see its value, I see how others of a given taste are attracted and how this is all related.  And yet, somehow, it remains a bit of a challenge when what Id like to do is look out the window and hold onto this bliss and think how I can be of service to my fellow humans and to the earth in this wonderful time so full of promise, teetering on the edge of so much.  
I think that by learning how to adjust and to move forward in a new way without too much inner arguments and chaos is very positive.  Being brave in taking new steps, making new work, and not being afraid to abandon those things that sold well but that no longer serve the highest, all are part of an evolving….”formula” that is less written in stone as it is the result of constant adjustments and flexibilities that lead to a more fluid approach to a changing landscape.  
If you are going through similar kinds of things, all I can say is that the old work may no longer work.  You might be like me and feel like you just want to go live on an emerald island with fish and waves and sun and art and a simpler kind of life. I think with all that I am aware of I am wasting my gift of being an energy worker, a therapist in body work.  Its a road that remains not taken…..and perhaps its because I know that most modalities are based on someone’s take and I have little patience for systems and methods even though I know I would merely adapt any system to my own use.   I seem to crave simplicity now.  It all seems so complicated when I look  back sometimes.  I like simple.  Direct.  Authentic.  Alive.  Sometimes I feel like I am still being rewired and am constantly in a state of flux.  Whatever it is I am becoming, I like it. 24/7 bliss was hard at first….the ego could not believe such a thing was even possible….but it is.  I feel like some newer creature so full of passion and love for life, so much rich and brilliant potential as the cocoon of the past life drops away and I remind myself to not let ego make me feel sad for how much utter change has taken place.  Look forward.  Always forward.  After all, there aint no going back to Kansas.  And as I sit and feel into the enormity that lives inside of me I wonder how to make of it a life that reflects this.  Somewhere I live simply yet also live large….
I know its been a bit of a ramble, but knowing how to let go of something you have spent so much effort in developing (running a business has been an extraordinary effort….I have a friend who is a contractor and he has to make a million dollars a year before he makes his first dollar….which tells you the kind of overhead he has in his business…its almost unbelievable how much you have to do just to keep the lights on sometimes….).  Anyway.  Perhaps it will be of some help….

Beyond Ego

Looking back some, the process of awakening has been a blessing.  There were some very difficult periods, times when I thought I was going mad, but I stuck with it, had to….there was no going back to Kansas.  So much of my own coming to a greater place of peace was learning how to find a new arrangement of self.  Ego slipped to the back of the bus, stopped driving and was happier in its lesser role within the larger me.  Kundalini itself has not been what has been described as some as being dangerous.  Ro my own experience, kundalini is our evolutionary spiral, a kind of destiny in a way….since its encoded into our very cells and waits for the time that it can bloom from within.  
Every struggle I have ever had always resolved back to ego, and K. was only involved in a coincidental way (it was the bearer of truth until I learned to align to its truth—-the pain and trouble I felt was a lack of alignment to IT—which is merely the higher frequency asserting itself).  This success, if I am to call it that, has been possible as a result of an unconditional act of surrender, of finding my place in my larger being, which is that I am really quite small but like a cell in a still larger body.  When I can stop pretending I know who and what I am, I am suddenly free to BE it. No effort required. No thought, no method.  I used to love listening to that song by Van Morrison entitled In The Garden.  In it, he reaches a state of samadhi along with a friend or lover.  They were sitting out in a garden without a guru or teacher “just you and me and nature…”  In the process of letting go, all old hurts rose also.  I bid them farewell, kissed them and wrapped them up and freed them to the universe.  Born again, like small children with a new future.  Their freedom was my freedom, and the cords that were cut went back to my first year of life and as each was loosened I could feel, energetically, how my past was loosened from them and I suspected that all probably pasts, alternate pasts of my own paths not taken were themselves transformed by this quite sudden healing and loosening of those karmic ties.  Increasingly, freedom became something that resolved into a vibrant and rich delicacy that was finer than any morsel you could imagine.  I wanted this for everyone, but I also knew the path isn’t easy…..but is getting easier….and different….as we each in our turn awaken.  
During a hard period in my process, I had a guide enter my field of awareness, someone whom I would call my “zen guy” who appeared and sat looking at me before he explained that the process I thought I was engaged in wasn’t such a difficult one.  I was just making it difficult as a result of my lack of awareness (there is that word again).  He explained that there was this vibrant template that was continually changing, evolving, that was the result of thousands and thousands of years worth of seeking and earnest prayer and meditation.   “For you, the problem is so simple it does not appear as a problem at all; you need only take one small step into this blueprint in order to know it.  The new human is you, waiting for you to animate it….”  There wasn’t anything for me to do except accept it.  It was just that simple.  I had made all of this self improvement to be like ploughing a field or splitting wood; it was hard arduous work.  I was ploughing a field, blind, not realizing it had already been prepared for me.  It wasn’t my job to do that….but ego had taken it upon itself in its own sense of needing to control and be in on the deal, to make it feel as though it was doing what was important to do.  When I let go, all of that perception began to change as I learned that some things are simply beyond my pay grade.  And that is okay.  It is as it should be.  My zen guy explained it was much simpler than I had even thought.  With the light of awareness, I was able to step out of my old conceptions and into something new and different.  What if it really IS simpler than we had thought?  All of this changed when I could simply change how I felt, how I reacted, how I let go the need to be so engaged in the way I had been in the past.  I was beginning to get the memo….
All trouble I have had has been the result of ego, a plant whose roots are deep within the self. Through it I have seen shadow when I could have also seen light.  It has been utterly invested in all the harm and hurt done to it and it has been a driving force in developing emotional attachments to hurt and trauma which we call negative karma.  As long as these patterns remain embedded in us, we are prisoners to what this energy attracts as well as how it makes us feel and which Kundalini can highlight in the most perfect of ways (which it does by its simply setting up the perfect divine vibration until all the other dissonant parts are dropped so that the whole self can ring like it rings, vibrates like IT vibrates….which is what I call Divine Alignment….and its then that authentic peace is known)  
Ego can be transplanted, thankfully, and this seems to work wonders. Fear, anxiety, pain….all of this is not the result of kundalini, but the resistance to it, to a very natural flow of energy coming in. It is a shift in awareness that goes from the smallest cell to the largest form within.  No part of you is spared, and the only way is through unconditional surrender.  Keeping it simple within has allowed me to slip through many doorways that would have been shut.  And through each one, love has emerged.  This is a complex love full of sensuality, peace, passion, and a desire that would make most run red-faced from the room.  And yet, we are this.  Sometimes overpowering and difficult to balance, we grow used to 24/7 bliss, and learn to anchor this on the planet.  For you, for us, for all of it, because all of these awakenings are setting up a resonant frequency.  More will awaken in their own time.  And when that happens, there will be so many of us we will have festivals and bands that are getting the vibe…and we wont feel like such strange off-planet creatures but a wonderful emergent group leading the way in our own simple fashion.  
One of the simplest ways of getting quiet and feeling into that part where there seems to be nothing is to breath.  Breath, some say, is prana, but prana is prana, regardless of breath.  What breath does, in all truth, is it quiets your mind.  It helps you to settle.  And if you breath gently and fully, you will reach a place where thought slows and even stops.  If you breath through each nostril with a finger holding each nostril for four breaths per nostril, you will very likely see what I mean just how calming this can be.  I had a student who was anxious and I had her do this and she asked me what I wad doing to her; she said it felt like opium.  When we return to this centered place, we can feel those currents of energy in us that were a moment before crowded out through endless thought, worry, and uncertainty. All of this is quite simple, but we make of it a complexity that it need not be.  We are gloriously beautiful beings, shimmering and pulsing with the universe.  We are both individual and universal, and this is the wonderful thing.  While I do not agree that this world is an illusion, I have always held that this world is a CREATION and what we are making is a reflection of where we are karmically.  We are on the forward edge of something remarkable. 
Rumi, the great illuminated poet, once said there is a field…..I will meet you there.

Toroids and the End....uh....Beginning of the World?

Within your body exists a field of energy which is made up of smaller fields all joined into a cooperative whole.  Your body produces this electromagnetic field and it is expressed as the aura.  It is also seen as a toroid, which is getting a lot of interest lately because this type of form also exists around non-living forms.  This is an electromagnetic field, and it is this type of field that is generated by the earth with a liquid iron flux core.  With the movement of iron rich blood in your body, you create a weaker but just as present field.  It is this field that serves as a kind of flux field for carrying information throughout your body.  Your brain and nervous system operate using these weak electrical fields, and your cells also have this.  This becomes a template or carrier for still subtler energy which has within it your thoughts and your connection both biologically and etherically to the rest of the universe. We have evolved on earth to be attuned to the earth’s own magnetic field.  It is not surprise to learn that the earth’s field is changing during this time.  The field generated by the core helps shield the earth from solar plasma radiation (solar wind).  There is also another field that is not connected to the core of the earth that is appears to be connected to the atmosphere, and is a quasi-standing wave of electrical potential that itself has been changing a good deal over the last few decades.  The frequency for this field has been called the Schumann Resonance.  
Like all fields such as this, they are effected by other stronger fields.  Your own body will react to strong electromagnetic fields coming from power lines and other powerful appliances.  There is some evidence that shows a correlation to the exposure to these strong fields and a disruption in the biological health of an organism.  The earth appears to be effected by the sun, for example.  Its all dynamic, interrelated, and this carrier for life effects us all.  
There is a very interesting bit of information that comes from the ancient prophecies of the Hopi who have a lot to say about the transitions from one world to another, something their prophecies suggest is happening right now.  In these prophecies it is explained that the two snake brothers will cease moving around the earth.  It is explained that the snake brothers are responsible for the auroras around the earth, and that the motion of these two “snakes” will come to a stop before the entrance to the fifth world.  While it is described as being an event that will cause the earth to stop its rotation for a time, I have to wonder if this is not related to the magnetic field beginning to shift as some scientists seem to feel that when we go through a flip of the magnetic poles, there may well be a weakening of the field and then a short period of reorientation.  The story of the snake brothers sounds very much like an intuitive understanding of the electromagnetic field surrounding earth.  These two brothers are described as being like two poles of a larger system, and so this could very well dove-tail into the concept of their being a magnetic orientation that could change in the future. A polar flip would not be enough to catalyze an actually physical flip, but this event could have some widespread effects on a number of things, and we don’t really know what it would do to life energetically, if anything. Most people sense that such an event as this could mesh with a sense that the earth is indeed changing, and as the earth changes, so do we. Its all delicately intertwined in ways we may not fully realize at this time. 
Before I get too far afield on this, let me explain that a polar shift does not necessarily have to be a physical shift of the poles, but a magnetic one.  Currently, due to some fluctuations in this field, there are many people who are now monitoring their own local magnetic fields where they live.  Near an airport in Florida, for example, all planes have had to have their compasses adjusted by six degrees in order to find the airport.  Locally at least, there is a fairly significant change in the orientation of the magnetic field going on down there. 
For those who would like to know more about the Schumann Resonance, there is a lot of information out there.  Since I feel that there was no grand design in the Maya ceasing to count time with their cyclical calendar round, I tend to feel that their ceasing to have a calendar was mostly coincidental.  I say this because the Maya saw all time as cyclical.  Events happened over and over, and so they had similar predictions for given cycles of time over a very very long time frame.  Its just that they ceased projecting predictions (which were cyclical and thus can be found further back in their own predictive record in still older cycles or periods of time—-which is in a way very similar to how the Chinese calendar repeats with the same animals coming into play….year of the cat, year of the dragon…etc.).  The Maya projected many hundreds of years into their future and before they got to that point, our 2012, they had largely disappeared as an active culture. They simply had stopped their cyclical predictions, but it doesn’t mean the end of the world, just the end of a cycle. My feeling has been that while their understanding of the cycles were probably on the mark, if big change is going to come, its probably going to happen as we shift from one cycle to another.  And there is the Hopi who also have this understanding of these long-cycle events, too, and have kept a good record that has been passed down for countless generations.  I just don’t think this is the end of the world in any shape for form, but IS a shift in awareness that also corresponds to our living in a dynamic and interconnected universe.  Quite naturally, then, the amount of radiation that we could be getting from the center of the galaxy could very easily have an effect on life here.  Moving above the dust cloud as we do in our own solar system that actually wobbles like a top, in a similar way the earth does in its precession, is one of these long cycle events that the Maya probably were able to predict.  This may also explain why the polar ice caps have melted on Mars despite its having such a thin atmosphere and no global warming (the sun is not getting hotter and Mars is not changing its orbit so….) and it may also have some effect on our own earth with some changes in our own overall temperatures.  For as heavy as the debate has been about global warming, very few observe the phenomenon surrounding this one glaring fact about our universe quite possibly heating up a small bit as we move into what is being called “galactic day.”  
So here is the thing; your body has this field, and its an elongated toroid, or is very much like one.  Regardless of where you are in your awareness, this field is persistent since all life must have bestowed upon it certain basic requirements for its proper function, and when you become more aware of your own larger being and bliss, this field fills with the information and codingof this bliss.  Your toroid does not necessarily change, though. Baseline, your energy is much the same.  The quality of what flows through that field, though, is what IS changing.  Being part of our dynamic universe, we are going through some pretty significant changes, and so I am of the mind that it all has its effect.  The difference is whether we see it from a worrisome stand point with dire predictions of destruction, or as a very positive event.  If the magnetic poles do shift, it will have a significant effect upon all electronic devices, which are all based on the spin of electrons and their polarity as they flow through computers.  Since computers use magnetic media for the most part, their ability to read memory could disappear in a twinkling.  And yes, this could be disruptive, but only insofar as we rely upon the technology.  You will continue to live.  Will you feel different?  Will it mark some change in your electromagnetic field?  Will your own field flip right along with the earth’s?  This, I don’t know, but what I suspect is that if it does happen, it will have every chance of being as positive an event in the long run as we have tended to dream of it as negative.  Me, I am a glass half full kind of person because I believe in the power of positive thinking and perception.  So many things in the past could have been seen in a negative light in my life that all turned out perfect, so given the alternative, I keep to what I know is a positive way forward.  It seems to be working swimmingly, and as my own toroid begins to channel every greater flows of positive energy, I see it has an effect on the whole.  Butterfly wings.  
And if you have gotten THIS far, here is a link concerning the Schumann Resonance.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Synchronicity amidst awakening, ascension, or nonduality experience, is the leading edge of something so huge that it literally has the power to transform the planet if it were understood how it could be harnessed, and how it is not merely part of the “accidental universe” or just the cosmos sending you something.  Its not a message.  It is a fundamentally different way to be in the universe.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tapping The Feminine

It might sound funny coming from  a guy, but tapping your inner feminine is something that is about as broad as the ocean is broad.  There is no limit to the source of her power, her great mystical power.  We actually all know her, for she resides in all life.  She makes up your cells, the atoms, all of life. 

We think about what it is to be feminine, and everything she is is true even in our world.  She was expressed as the world because her essence is evidenced within it.  She is a nurturer, a life giving force that, through grace, bestows life upon all.  Her bestowal is complete, perfect.  In ancient stories and myths, those who aligned with her powers found they had the ability to harness the forces of nature.  Through her bestowal, she is a font of compassion, a gentle flow of bliss and wonder.  She is the perfect cradle for life, for its out of her essence that life flows.  Without her, the world just would not be. She is reflected in every ocean wave, and all of nature.  Under every banner, every conception, the feminine resolves back into a still broader being that moves through the entirety of the universe. 

If she seems unable to be decisive, its only because so much potential lives within her.  It is not her nature to differentiate.....since the All can flow from her, and to differentiate would mean saying no to some part of life.  She is all wonder, all possibility. 

Honoring such a potent source of life is becoming our awareness, our responsibility.  Honoring it within ourselves, in others, and in the world around us is the surest way to tease her presence forth after a frozen winter that has defied the blooming of her tenderest buds.  There is this thaw, now, and it gathers like a great Summer wind that is filling hearts.  Opening minds.  Healing Souls.

The Great Secret

If you would know the great secret you would know the one who has begotten you before your life in a world where all die.  It was through the father and mother of the great light that you were begotten. To know your lineage is to know their union.  To know your union, you must know your lineage.  In their union, is the life.  It is only through them that you will taste the true resurrection that was spoken about which had nothing to do with the casting off of a body or of dying and coming back to life.  People live in this life as though they are dead. Once they taste the resurrection, they will know the deeper life, the true life. Restoring this to earth has ben the mission of many boddhi’s including a man known amongst the Tibetans as Issa who had been crucified and who was said to have lived out his days with them with a woman named Mary.  There is a grave stone that has the foot prints of a man sculpted into it that shows the scars of crucifixion. This was how the word was expressed by one teacher whose teachings were not fully understood.  Much was hidden early on, but what was hidden has also been revealed.  If you can but have the eyes to see, you can understand that there was a teaching much like the Hindu that was based on the two irrefutable poles of conscious energy; masculine and feminine in union.  This is their perfect state, they were never meant to be separate.

The resurrection was not well understood.  It was aped by followers who did not fully know what was meant.  To truly know what this was all about, you had to experience it.  Jesus brought the Darshan, what he called a fire whcih he was casting upon the earth.  You will not read these words in the texts as handed down because many were ordered destroyed after Constantine met with the men (no women) who would choose the books that would constitute the first bible.  However, seeing the writing on the wall, books were spirited out of the region and were buried in the desert of Nag Hammadi.  These would emerge in perfect timing for our very best translators to examine and bring forth for us.  IN them the triad was the mother/father/son.  Consciousness was in truth ordered in the way a family was ordered.  The masculine pole and feminine pole would beget new life.  We were and are born from this lineage of masculine and feminine and bear them in the coding of our souls. When you awaken, what they termed “resurrection” it was as though you had been dead previously. Your body came alive in ways you would not believe.  The truth of the feminine could not be entirely hidden, but many forgot just who the Holy Ghost was supposed to be. Most assumed it was an other aspect of an all-male deity.  The early church fathers had bastardized the teachings….not just the teachings, but the irrefutable truth……for when you awaken, you cannot ignore the presence of both shakti and shiva in you….which is the father and mother or father and holy ghost.

In the gospel of Philip, a very important document for revealing the truth of the feminine and masculine as making up the deity….as well as the higher self, he points out the obvious saying that those who say Mary begot with the Holy Ghost are in error, for when does a woman beget with a woman?  He was pointing out an issue that was already something of a mystery to people….or it was already the subject of people seeking to lessen the presence of the female in the truth.

Go as far afield as you wish in any faith.  When you awaken, the truth fills every cell in your body as the presence of THEIR ecstatic union fills you.  You feel bliss because they are now in union within.  These are your cosmic parents and through them, you may learn all secrets of the universe.  You must learn how to listen at the portals of reverie and imagination….for it is here in these unlikely places that the universe will rush in to you. If you look at the world and see how it poo poos the imagination as nothing real is the degree to which the world has forgotten how to access the mysteries.  These are those who ape and mimic but do not feel the indwelling spirit. But even they have it within themselves to feel this, to embody it… soon as they dispense with their twisted dogma that demonizes bliss.
Every awakening will prove this right. Every awakening serves to face the awakened with the irrefutable truth of what is moving within them.  For some, it is a struggle to throw off the shackles of old limiting beliefs or “patterns” or karmas.  The true light of this will keep pressing by its sheer presence.  It is the one true tuning fork; all else that is dissonant must fall away or suffering will continue.  Those who fear letting go of the small self shall not ascend into the larger self.  This is a rearranging of the earthly self to the celestial one.  If you can but trust what this seeks to do, the going becomes light and bliss filled in ever deeper ways.  Some would seek teachers, but as long as the old ways move within, the vibration will only attract those teachers with the same limits and frailties.  This energy is not some simple walk in the park.  It has the ability to move across space/time.  It can reveal to you your frailties if you but listen and become humble before it….that is, willing to entertain that your cherished notions which now cause pain are not serving you and a better way is before you.
You are born of a dual being of both masculine and feminine.  All life reflects this begetting that has its source in Source, the All.  This is an ancient teaching that many have sought to hide and change to their own egoistic whims. It does not change its truth and reality.  It waits for you, for the day when you cast off the shackles of your old life. Like two wires loosened in your being, connecting them will bring the current of the ALL into you immediately.  It will come like a freight train….or a great wind….or a surge up the spine.  It will be so strong it can take you out of your body.  Ecstasy will be a daily experience.  You will learn to open more and more to this or become blocked with pain and anxiety for it is agains the natural law to resist the infinite when it awakens within you.  And as you awaken, you strengthen the field within all people. It grows, it builds, it is like a begetting that comes into itself. You learn what Thales, teacher of Pythagoras knew; all things are full of gods.  Within the petal of your awareness, there is a still larger awareness of your whole self….the divine flower.  Every particle in nature and in ALL is built in this way.  It has its higher form, its “god” as Thales once proclaimed so correctly.  Sadly, there are those who do not understand what this means, and would seek to show that it is an arrogation to think this way.  But it is not arrogance.  It is truth.

The masculine will reflect into the feminine and through that reflection will come the divine engine for growth and becoming.  You will be attracted to those awakened who have the same frailties as you until you heal those frailties and ascend ever higher into a new life.  It is true that there are countless versions of this world….all existing in potentiality.  When you live a life that is dark, you will not see the light in the higher dimensions that are within the many spheres of the earth.  This is the meaning of the entrance into a new world.  That world is not something that will come to all people unless it comes within them first.  Only then will they see with deeper dimension what had been there all along. The world will not flash and suddenly reveal a new world.  Tht world lies curled within the world you know, waiting for you to awaken to still higher levels of it both within you and within the world. For as you do this, you actually awaken the world itself. Earth herself evolves along with you in a co-creative way.  The world will truly change in a twinkling….and it will be entirely seamless in quality.  The world will seem different.  The people in it will reflect this more healed state that is in you.  What is healed in you is atually healed in THEM.  I did not get this at first.  How could this be?  How could my will change their condition?  This did not seem correct….but it IS correct….for they remain the same in their old potential in a different layer, a different world.  We literally ascend into new earths….and we meet those in the world in their ascended forms.  You see, this is infinite.  Yo put yourself into a world where those people you knew who were not ascended ARE ascended.  You do not awaken to a world that is empty of all those who did not ascend AS you ascended.  No.  You awaken to the world where both you and them are already that.  And if you think that the world is bounded by limit, then you do not know the incredible miracle that is reality.

You do not leave this world for another like some rapture where only a select few go.  This is not some exclusive club. You literally shift your awareness on this plane to a new dimension.  In that dimension everyone is there.  EVERYONE.  So as you awaken, as you heal, the world does change, but this change is not noticed by most.  But its irrefutable truth shines for those with eyes to see.  What you gain in leting go is not a loss but a gain that is so huge, so immeasurable, it will leave you wondering why you didn’t do it sooner.

And this all sounds crazy because the world is just this crazy, so lost, driven so far.  And yet, there are those who are ready.  The great thing is, you don’t have to do much to observe this in motion.  Just heal.  Just surrender.  Just let go.  As you let go of all the things that did not serve you, a new world will resolve around you without a single jitter or overlap of the old with the new.  Its as though one layer becomes transparent in that moment of bliss and you are where you were before, but the world has gotten brighter, less troublesome, more healed.  You will see evidence for this immediately.  A neighbor who had been troublesome ceases being so.  A coworker that had had been abrasive suddenly is no longer that.    You have shifted your location within the many earths.  Its this simple.
This is possible through healing.  Knowing where you came from, who you are deep down, will help in revealing the truth, a much deeper more ecstatic truth.  As you grow comfortable in this new arrangement, the need to DO anything diminishes and what you call synchronicity is seen for what it truly is.  Some say synchronicity is divine guidance from the universe.  In a sense this is correct, but it is the universe within YOU that is doing the guiding. The synchronicity is hinting at your true potential.  If you learn to utilize it free from limiting belief, you can bid mountains to come to you.

When you awaken to this truth, you will need no teacher to tell you what is true.  The truth will live inside of you in the most perfect of ways.

Universality of Awakening

I came across an article stating how there was an evil kundalini spirit infiltrating the church…..I had a moment of eyeroll and read a little.  One person, who was experiencing an awakening had a blissful experience until… got SEXUAL.  Then she knew it was of the devil.  yesirree.

My sense has been all along that there awakening is not predicated on a given philosophy or religion.  the switch in us is univeral.  Its HUMAN.  We are all born of one Source or Creator.  To suggest its some dude up in the clouds is really sily once you touch the infinite.  So lets take a look at just how different an awakening is from one culture to the next, or religious background.  For a creator, having this available to all people regardless of religion would make sense. If we are so arrogant to consider that none of our religions aren't somehow off the mark, then maybe we need to rethink things just a little.  Just looking at the events that led to the Nicene Council being called and the events in its wake are enough to raise real concern about whose truth is being told....(this takes a little research and might be the subject of another article although these investigations are generally viewed as merely a way to criticize the religion somehow....never mind that those bringing up the issues weren't themselves responsible for them...aruge if you wish about opinions, but when people argue with facts, this gets very troublesome).

Turns out that all awakenings tend to result in an initial very positive experience.  Not always, but often. Then, after some time, it can get hard.  In fact, so hard that the individual goes through what we all term a dark night of the soul.  Again, this is pretty universal.  You will see discussions about this in Hindu texts as well as Christian ones.  Both Saint Teresa of Avilla as well as St John The Cross both went through terrible trials that actually deibilitated Teresa in her younger years.  I think about this and my own experience.  There were days, weeks even, when I could barely rouse myself enough to get out of bed.  I felt flattened by this. In truth, I was struggling against the divine…..and to some in the church, this could easily be seized upon as evidence that its some evil spirit.  Not so. This belies a lack of knowing about just what happens in an awakening. IN this process its as though you suddenly have a tuning fork going of all through your body and this tuning fork is perfect pitch.  It is the divine pitch.  No other. It SEEMS like the energy is hard, but once you get through it, you realize it was merely your own dross, the junk that you grew up with that was causing the problem, those dark nights of the soul.  In truth, the ego was just hanging on for dear life.  Another universal trait in overcoming this trial is surrender.  You just let go of your need to control.  You give it up to the Creator.  When people do this in a supreme way, in totality, all struggle ceases.  This is true for Hindu as well as a latter day experincer regardless of culture or religious affiliation.

The scared ones seize upon the weird jerky movements as evidence that someone is being posessed by an evil “kundalini spirit.”  However, if people are honest with themselves, they will realize that in their own traditions, the movement of the Holy Ghost causes this very same behavior, right down to the jerky movements.  When you view people in the Christian Church under the posession of the Holy Ghost, they will tremble and jerk.  No one dares say that they are posessed of an evil spirit do they? On the contrary, this is seen as evidence of the movement of the divine in them.The Shakers were so called, along with the Quakers because they BOTH found when they reached ecstatic states, they would have these jerking movements which in the Hindu tradition are called “kriyas.”  What I find so amazing is that in one video the church followers slow down one woman’s kriya movement in order to make it appear sinister somehow.  I have to say, they did a good job of it….and yet, if their own people were doing this, there is ample evidence that this is the Holy Ghost.  The truth is, on a neurological level, shaking actually seems to do something to us that helps to eleviate stress from the strong current of energy moving.  The movements are sometimes impossible to keep a lid on.

Another element present in awakenings is speaking in tongues.  This is termed glossolia and is not limited to the Christian Church.  It happens to people who are of no particular faith at all.  In the Christian Church, its seen as evidence of the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost, even though its roots have been forgotten, was widely considered to be the feminine aspect of God.  Some Christians want to refute this, pointing to no evidence whatsoever for this being true. There is in truth, quite a bit of factual basis that this is true.  In the Acts Andrew describes a vision of Christ where he sees a triadic being and this being speaks to him in Jesus’s voice so he knows who it is. Jesus states that he is one with the father, the mother, and son.  In most other works its shortened to just say “I am one with the father.”  However, I think there is a very good reason for why this was shortened and its simple’ paternalism or chauevnism that was so strong even amongst the disciples that some disciples chose to cut the feminine out of their retelling of facts from the get-go.  In those documents which were buried in Nag Hammadi and which are now understood to be even older than the documents used for the King James’s version, Jesus speaks clearly in mutiple gospels about the deity as being BOTH masculine and feminine.  The difference is that most people never got to read these documents so it only SEEMS strange.  In an awakening, this is hardly strange, but is APPARENT. In the Hindu tradition, for example, the rise of kundalini is all about the unification of the masculine and feminine into a unity.  In the Gospel of Philip he explains that Jesus came to heal this separation between the masculine and feminine that is within, which is what he calls the restoration. Jesus calls the feminine both the Mother of the Universe as well as Sophia and indicates she is also called Pistis.  The Ebionites, the earliest of converted Christians have a prayer to the Father/Mother God who are the parents of the Christ (son).  Philip explains that we all seek to become Christs.  Over and over in these hidden documents its made quite clear that this is not a male only club, but that the triad is more a family unit way of understanding our lineage to the divine. There are also a few documents which did not get destroyed that also show Jesus directly alluding to the Holy Ghost as being feminine.

Now hang on a minute.  The Hindus talk of this as being a serpent.  What about that?  Look, the things you have to realize is that all of this is entirely without form, so what is being described is a best effort at trying to describe this experience.  When I felt my awakening there was a very sensual feeling to the energy….and it had a kind of feeling at least in the beginning that felt almost like something moving like a snake does, but clearly I did not have a snake inside of me.  Even more than this, I felt no snake going up my spine.  This is just an image created by the Hindus who happen not to have the same association with snakes that the Christians do. Clearly, in both Christian and Hindu texts, there is no snake.  Its an IMAGE to seek to give word to something that is formless; it is a spiritual power, not a literal form.  Further, the tale of the garden seeks to explain something that most liekly never even happened as told….it does however express how we came to be dual beings…separated from the garden within.

So if my awakening of kundalini is so evil, why did I encounter an angel who did to me precisely what he did to Saint Teresa?  At the time I never even KNEW about Teresa’s story  All I knew was the sculpture by Bernini, and only then did I know that there was a small angel standing over her looking like a mischievous kid.  When I read Teresa’s account I wondered how on earth her account could have been so exact.  I suspect that what each being did was to effect a change in each of us that was through something that we will learn is a science of the soul….and as such it will work for Christians, Hindus, Native Americans, and other pagans….regardless of belief. Why?  Because this is because we are ALL connected to the same Creator.  Many names, same name.  Different stories, the same story.
People who have awakenings often go into healing work of all kinds.  How different is this from  a Hindu who is awakened who writes or teaches, helping others to come to love and to the Source of all life.  And how different is this from someone in the church who is awakened wanting to minister to others about the goodness that resurrection has to offer?  It get to be a little silly….and like how some people prefer Evion water over Deer Park. Why?  Its all water.  Its just packaged and marketed differently. I suspect that its less the contents as how its been SOLD.  Its all just water, really.  One does not have some kind of poison in it. That’s like saying you just can’t trust the universe or god to come to your aid when you need it.  I have had God come to my aid, thank you very much, and its between him and I to be quite honest.  I also have the Holy Ghost coming to my aid daily, too, and that too is between me and She.

When we let fear enter in, we also cut ourselves off from healing.  This is what an awakening offers.  I am kind of sorry that the lady who felt it get SEXUAL got all freaked out that it was of the DEVIL….because now, she will now likely remain stuck right where she is and not move forward through the briar patch that is her soul.  Its unfortunate because it doesn’t need to be so difficult.  Getting the ego to stand aside is very universal too….be you from ANY belief….and yet in each instance, it will absolutely bring relief (not because its the energy in you making it hard but because its just not natural for you to try and drive this experience with your smaller self….just doesn’t work!)
When we want to label something evil, we actually close of all possibility of seeing that this evil is actually something else entirely.  This is not to say evil does not exist, but the path to the divine is something that we each come to without any intermediary and it seems those in the church are pretty afraid that they are going to become possessed….and yet, possession by the Holy Ghost is esteemed by them. Its esteemed by me most certainly because I feel the presence of this Holy Ghost every single day. She is the very force that humanizes me, makes me more whole.  But I also know she is the same thing as Shakti.  Many names, one name.

And lastly.  A ” kundalini spirit” is a misnomer.  Its not a “spirit.”  Kundalini is life force energy.  As such, the divine created all of it….and is inside of it as a supportive force.  You can actually FEEL the divine in the moment in this way.  Kundalini, like life force, is a term, not some religious label.  Kundalini is NOT some spirit. It is the Source.  Life force leads you to the divine.  Life IS Creator.  Now stop being silly. Trust in your Creator.  Its here to bestow gifts upon ALL of us, not some select few who will go running out of church like their hair is on fire the moment someone starts moving the Holy Ghost.  We will heal and we might move with the spirit, and we might also speak in tongues (I knew someone who had kundalini doing this and I thought how similar this was to speaking in tongues this was….). We will all do this because we are all after all, human, and the love of the One shines on all of us regardless of race, sex or creed.  If you want to drink Deer Park over some other brand, please feel free. In the end, its all the water of life.

She Is Everywhere

The truth has never been lain so far beyond us that we ourselves could not see it, but have instead been reminded of it daily in the moment.  Lied curled within the present lies all the sparkling truth, like a bud waiting to bloom, and in its awareness, it blooms in you.  As it blooms in you, it is like a tree that is given life in this world and spreads its pollen and seed as the fruit of its greater being ripens and is known by others….a reminder working at the edges of your own awareness that there is something marvelous growing in our midst….and as the bloom grows within others, we each see a new species growing within built upon our conceptions of what went before, forver altering what it was that we once thought we knew.

What we think that lay within people is but a mirror of something larger.  The very code of life is duty bound to align itself to those forces from which it has emerged.  Our own bodies and all of nature reflects these larger forms.  Thales, the Presocratic who was teacher to Pythagoras once said “All things are full of gods.”  Within each form that you see, down to the smallest, lies a connection to still higher forms. Each facet of our being resolves into still broader forms, like a diamond. With the veil in place amongst most, it is difficult to view this larger form, and yet, its presence has been lain in front of us, even if we do not recognize it for what it is.  Our own consciousness has not just the ability but the nature to know this larger form as a direct result of our heritage as beings resting within these larger forms.  You are each like a bud that awaits opening still further, whose only sparest of petals is in evidence to our conscious awareness.  As we ourselves open, so too does our awareness open.  We do not see it with our senses, we feel it as a resounding truth that was never seperate from what we are or who we have been. When you begin to feel these seemingly deeper forms, or gods as Thales expressed, you will see its reality reflected all around you in nature from sentient to non sentient.  It is a voice which cries out through all of what we know and even what we do not.

The feminine has had to labor for a very long time under an attitude of denial and repression. I know; what a news flash, right?  All women, all life, has been subjected to this attitude which has been put in place and perpetuated by men.  At a deeper level, we all have struggled with power and truth….the correct use of power within men and the correct use of power within women.  If it had, there would be a fuller fairness and awareness of what each represents in its broader scope.  We struggle against what appears at the surface while the truth resides perfectly within.  This truth is less an annunciation of some principle but is a self evident quality that directs in its higher forms what is divine.  By feeling deeper into ourselves we may find the direction.

The truth is that in reaching these higher state, the presence of the feminine resounds with absolute certainty.  It is as plain as the sun.  For those who seek to ignore the sun, it could be said that there exists a need to somehow lie to ones self about what is plain. 

Our ancient history bears the knowledge of the importance of the feminine.  In aboriginal cultures across the world this evidence still shines.  Mother Earth and Father Sky reside in a harmonious synergy.  Shakti and Shiva were known as the two forces which underlie all matter and consciousness, and even though in that tradition it was Shakti who was often viewed as the unrefined energy, itself reflecting less on its truer nature and reality and more upon the biases of those within the tradition, they could not escape the inevitability of Her reality.  In other eastern traditions these forces were seen in the yin and yang, forces which were in all things, that had within them the seed of each other as that symbol suggests.  In early Christianity, the issue becomes clouded.  In the beginning, it would seem that there was only a son and his father.  Documents were favored that expressed this notion, while many other documents, which were destroyed in the wake of the forming of the religion some 320 years after the death of its teacher, were pronounced as heretical and distanced by the power structure which instituted what they felt was the truth.  And yet, there has existed those difficult things, facts that the Mother was part of this triadic arrangement of divine consciousness.  Instead of a mens only club, it was a family. 

In 1945 many more documents would emerge which supported this knowing. Philip in his gospel explained that even the story of the virgin birth was based upon a misunderstanding of some fundamental truths, which is that the Holy Ghost was the feminine expression of the divine, and thus Mary could not have begotten with a feminine force.  Even then, in his time, people were either willfully or with ignorance, seeking to make the Holy Ghost into a masculine form when this had never been the case. He goes on to explain that Jesus came as a teacher to heal the separation between these two forces so that the kingdom and the resurrection of the flesh (awakening) might be known to all.   In the Sophia of Jesus Christ, which was a discourse about how things are between Jesus and his followers, Jesus repeatedly explains that our very being came about as a result of a reflecting between the father and the mother of the universe.  She was called by many names including the Holy Ghost, Sophia, and also Pistis. In numerous other documents within this trove the presence and reality of the feminine was repeated over and over.  We owe our lineage to a blending of spirit much like the blending of dna in the creation of new life.  Within each of us, Jesus explains, in the Gospel of Thomas, there resides seemingly separate elements, which when brought together, results in a unification and revivication of the self.  These seemingly separate parts are the masculine and feminine.  When we make each a part of the other, we draw them together within ourselves and we begin to feel the kingdom begin to unfold within us, much as a mustard seed sprouts and grows, containing within it those elements from its beginning that spreads into the larger world that resides in all things.  The kingdom, he said, was in us and was in all things.  One thing that an awakening does is bring awareness of how all things are connected in this way as there is a renewed drive towards the union of these seemingly separate elements within us….and what is within us is also existing in all things.  As such, those who awaken can feel the presence of this union in all of nature, in the entire universe.  It is simple first step, the sprouting of a seed within, the unfolding of a bud from a few smaller petals to many petals and reveals a much larger world within and without. I suggest reading the Nag Hammadi library for more on this.  There are numerous books which go on rants difficult to understand, but its the understanding that the essence of the masculine and feminine as explicit that is most interesting and consistent with the act of creation.

Some would say that the early Church fathers knew what was best for us and knew that these books feel outside of normal doctrine.  Yet, most of these books actually predate the accepted gospels now in the bible.  For as much as some have tried to suppress her reality, she keeps popping up.  She keeps popping up because she cannot nor will not be silenced.  It is in this age that she is blooming ever more powerfully and is realizing that power is merely something that exists, and she need only step into her truth in order to grasp it.  Her power is different from that of the masculine and relies upon his cooperation and wisdom to see how important her own power is in this world.  When a man is able to feel her presence stir within him, he will know his own power increased.  In the same way, a woman’s own power is increased through knowing the masculine. They cannot exist apart in all truth, for they were never truly separate.  They exist as cooperative elements that need both if creation is to spring forward.  The flower waits for the pollen to infuse it with the spark she herself cannot produce on her own, but neither can a male bring forth this life without her presence either. It is not in his nature, and so must rely upon Her for this nurturing to occur within her.  Even prana moves in this way as a result of the infusion of one into the other.  When we become creative both sides of our brains are awakened and begin to work together cooperatively, not alone.  The right brain, which is more reflective of the feminine needs the left brain with all its structure and linearity and fact basis to give support to her broad flowing nature.  Hers is not to provide this structural support.  Her is to dream the impossible, and our masculine traits are there to provide the means for sparking this creative fire.  Then, as this happens deep within the brain, we come up with ideas or creations that are often beyond anything we could have done in our own separate hemispheres of thinking.  Somehow, we make that quantum leap that is the miracle of creation. This happens in spirit, consciousness as well as all of nature, for the two are of a piece. 

As you peel back the veil that exists within, you can see the infinite potential these forces serve to offer in every realm.  When we go beyond the self imposed limits and beliefs of the individual earthbound self, we are offered something of what the “god” that Thales was likely suggesting.  Like a divine parent, we can look to these higher forms and learn from them. How they are, in their perfect forms, we can model here and change our world. It is the same in our own creative stirrings; we reach out beyond ourselves to conceive anew.  Since all is connected, we do this individually, with each other, and as a race and world.  It is when we follow the higher form that we harmonize, we find the divine alignment that resides in our own higher consciousness, which is in truth part of a vast ocean of being in which everyone shares in even though they are not presently aware of it.

Kundalini is not a striving for union in all truth. the very force of kundalini is the universe, already in union, entering into your body.  This is your divine parent coming to call. It is what drives such incredible bliss within.  From the moment that it is felt, you feel the union.  It has to be, for without it, there IS no bliss.  The two must touch.  Then, the “rising” of the energy is the effect that this perfect union has upon your own awareness as expressed through your awareness, your chakra system and your body.  It will begin to work out the knots that are concentrated backwards thinking that is not harmonized IN ITS CREATION with the higher forms, “the gods.”  If you follow the energy and allow it to move freely, it will dissolve still more knots and issues.  During this time, those knots still serve to attract like energies to it, so for a time there will be a kind of competing element at work that can sometimes serve to confuse.  If the person merely surrenders to this force, it will in due time show the person what it needs to know and to be.  Surrender, it seems, is not a strong suit in human nature. So we keep at it, learning to trust that this presence and its effects will ultimately resolve to peace. 

She is alive.  She is coming into her own, and we each can encourage her entrance into the light of day.  Still, what we conceive of the divine feminine can be enlarged and known even more fully.  What the Goddess is still remains a bit of a mystery.  She is known locally, but as more people manage to conceive of her in her fuller form, her presence will grow in ways that will surprise all of us.  What begins as a small bud, which She is now shall bloom into something remarkable. How this is done wont be done through the usual ways.  We must be willing to enter into a mystery with her, to know that we may not be able to know what will come from this. It is when we think we know that we most often prejudice the facts before they emerge.  Being willing to know that you do not know is the surest way towards knowing…..which itself is less knowing as it is being.