
Monday, December 28, 2009


I would that you would take me.
I have spoken and you have heeded
in ways you have even spoken
I don't know the right way
I only know the way to you
Only you know the way upwards
and to the place of ultimate bliss
and desire

I have not known such pearls of
passion peeling off from my godself
dropping down into me
lighting me up
carrying me into levels where I have not been.
She has reminded me over and over what I am capable of.
Its not enough that I surrender
it is not enough that I give these hands to you
in service of her greatness
in what I must become so aligned to
that I must be in constant service to
what I came here to carry over the threshold
from one age to another
as I see my soul married to something
I have always known.

I dont always understand
the mind is bewildered
I want the heart to aborb it all
and hungrily ask for more
search for more
and wind up at her stoop
eyes like searchlights
into all that she is
knowing it could frighten her
yet I know of no other way.....
how can I show you I mean you no harm?
How can I show you just how loving this heart
can be
how gentle this hand will be?

How can I whisper your name and have you feel it move all through you?

If you draw near
in sudden expectation
I promise I would never take advantage
but would give joy
by smiling and treating you like a queen.
When I have wanted to be near you
I have kept myself at a distance.
I did not feel like I was ready
or refined
or perfect.

Now I know that within my surrender
and in my heart
are all the things that I need
and that you ache for.
Something in you must be removed
I yearn to remove it
but would never do so not until it is time.
But in a sense my hand has been upon the edges of its thin veiled fabric
for its not a thing exactly
but a feeling
expressed symbolically
thus is not tied to time and space
but is mine to remove
has been removed already
as your soul was ready from the begining
we simply have to align our smaller selves to the larger
and let fall the layers which serve to give us pain.
Will my yearning hurt you?
Will my yearning pressure you?
Will my yearning awaken you?
Will my yearning heal you?
Will my yearning open you to
your fertile nature even more?

I follow and talk to that which speaks to me
carries me
beseaches me to serve its rich possibility.
Take my hands
for my hands will reach into you.
Look in my eyes
for my eyes will penetrate deeply
touching that source point
quietly, gently, lovingly....
but never ever forced-something in me knows what you need
but is always ready to step back as I ask you
let me feel your breath
for its all that I need
your exhale
my inhale.

I will remind you of all that you are;
this alone is a great gift.
Kisses the palm of her hand deeply....

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