
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Body Wisdom

This world emerged from dream I think. It emerged just as dreams do, coming into focus until it resolves into forms which follow a certain design or inner logic which I think has little to do with what WE think of as logic.... Consciousness divided down to its smallest part turned itself inside out and made itself anew; it was nothing short of a master stroke, a genius, a creation that involved creating qualities which were based on the template of the soul but in physical form. While the physical had not existed before in totality this was outside of time so the answer lay simply before those who sought to cocreate and join in this marvelous drama or story.....
the playbook was provided but there were no words, only boundless potential, perhaps scores of blueprints but uncertainty about how it might all play out. Every actor and actress made their part spring to life in a convincing way. Some got lost in the part for a time, we all ultimately exit the stage.

But out of this has come our bodies and the rich cluster of behaviors which psychologists and scientists have sought to take apart as if they could take apart a butterfly and know why it lives when that approach would only ever provide a HOW and nothing more. So much has gotten away from us, or we from it....that was made to operate naturally and perfectly. We actually need touch or we will die as infants. Our bodies need this as do our minds and hearts and souls. We NEED it, and the body is the first to recieve it and transmit a fascimile of it through neural pathways as it moves through our whole body, sometimes altering our chemistry in the process. Our bodies were made to register the things that move through it, even a subtle breeze of spirit with no enzymes or hormone or pheremones or other things carried on the wind.

As my native self 140 years ago I roamed the land freely and lived a life that was amazing in scope compared to now. This freedom was the last true taste of it for a while in the way that it was then. I was considered a savage by most civilized measures. We did not have the same tools or weapons, did not show refinement as others would define it. We were simple and lived closer to the earth and sky. This in turn related us to our deeper nature I think. There was no shame in our physicality,sexuality, or our passions. They burned in us like council fires, prairie fires, sacred fires. We were each individually sovereign. If we looked fierce it was because our hearts and souls were free. Today it seems freedom cannot be allowed to move freely through the world, as if we are afraid of letting that part of us move openly and grandly, as if we do not trust something about it. We cannot be trusted with such freedom. Maybe we just don't yet know how to handle it in a good way.

I think our bodies yearn to move like rivers move, to sense and experience the freedom of grass underfoot and the wind blowing over us. Certainly it can feel this and know this at intimate levels.... Our bodies yearn to be wild and free again....running like gazelle or bending like sedge grass, never once having to worry about the constricting notions we have grown up with, that have become like bottlenecks or tight spots in our world and cultures. Isn't there a middle path one built on reverance but that is honest and listens to what our insides are saying? Somewhere there took root this idea that life here was corrupted, that the body itself was imperfect, dirty, or bad. How could that be? And for what purpose would it be corrupted? What purpose would it serve? We invented duality and took on its methods and means. Inside of us we had the whole ready to be healed and brought forward. This wholeness would allow for us to find that place inside which would in turn find the beloved....inside of us are the keys to our own liberation. By doing this the right way we bring to ourselves and expanding sense of self which we embark on.........and its not found through methods....although you might find yourself creating a method that gets you there....but its not what someone has lain before you and that endless experts all agree is THE way of going. Why, its IN us, so native to our being that it blows like the wind blows, caressing us like the air caresses us....its always there and we simply have to make that turn inside that will awaken us to it.....enough to realize it was there all along. It was just that WE had been preoccupied with all manner of restrictive thoughts. Listen to the wisdom of the body, let its secrets come tumbling out, listen to your impulses, and always seek the best in yourself and always choose the good....for if we begin following someone's method then its possible that we get caught up in the things they needed in order to get to a place....and those things may not serve us. Its so simple it only seems complicated and yet how do you describe it or locate it with words? I think its about trust; trust that in you is the answer and that if you simply begin to say you want to find the answer that indeed you will. In your own time you will find the answer. Does it mean yo find it tomorrow? Perhaps. Perhaps it takes longer, maybe something in your knows that there is something there but it has a journey to make....and you can't put the cart before the horse? We might not know what it is exactly we will find but it will always be ours.

Being settled in our own sensual natures is the start I think.....

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