
Thursday, January 14, 2010


I so love how you feel in me.I love how, if I am quiet and let go the inner chatter, you grow in me. That I even feel this feels like a great gift. I think how, when we leave all the things that we thought gave us comfort like houses and cars and computers and books and clothes and air and a job and.....that when we leave all of this for the boundless realm of our greater being and the great sky of heaven, that all we have is what we came in with yet be take with us all of those moments which were made ours by our actions in the moment. All of them, like leaves of golden sunlight, we carry inside of us. So if I leave feeling empty then I am that though something was left undone, or left wanting....

I don't want to want. I want to need and be brought to a new place through that intense fiery need. I don't want to leave this place empty but full...without regret but brimming with promise and hope and joy. I feel this because I feel your presence all through me and I like it so much I will not be too proud to say just how much I need it....I need it so much I want to make This my life's work. How that happens, I don't know just yet but I feel like its already beginning to take form through my intention. Its true that I have never wanted something so much.

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