
Sunday, January 17, 2010


"Time to help the father who is now the son by the son who is now the father..." From three generations there is a pulling forward and back, a juggling of energetics, a surrogating of the energetics, drawing out and drawing in; taking what was too much to handle and attempting to understand it. At this level emotion becomes energetics and so a pain in the heart center is emotional pain. Being able to experience it in all of its subtlety explains a lot about what the son has had to go through, where his pain comes from and how taking it on lifts off the burden long enough for the personality and soul both to begin work. It is the cycle of pain and burden mixed with the lifting of the burden that makes it hard. The son complains of heart pain and I am reminded of how the pain body began in the heart center; it was a crushing feeling, a hurting feeling as layrs are stripped away. Tonight, though, the pain comes back: "this is what he experiences now inside of himself."


"Now is where you must learn to use your grace in taking this and helping healing to take place."

I very much want to feel you but something in me makes me is time for this work to be wait....yes....yes yes yes....I you come, your hand outstretched and your heart unfolding in the are so you know how beautiful I find you? Do you know how much I need you? Here....your essence is sleep certainly.....I feed on this love which is is like a necessary nectar....and here you are in your opulant yet quiet way. I need to penetrate through this slight this the melancholy? There is something sad there....and it is about the feminine. So so so needed....she is felt and known for what she is but there is something in the way.....something in the male that must be removed....healed....forgiven....and karma is tied up in this...but your presence comes in and says "don't worry; anything is possible when our divinity lets us see the folly of our actions; let the legions of light do their work!"

The father helps the son who is now the father helping the son.....and a voice says that the impulse is so strong at the soul level that it will unfold as it should...just like he says as has my healing taken place. If we just show up and let its work happen, it will happen....and we shall be like witnesses to something that is ready to take place.

"Honor the healing time."

When the energy field begins to trigger the pain body instead of the bliss body and there is a tightening in the body as well as the energy field, the answer has always been surrender. I often have the impulse that I can deal with it or somehow process it myself. The truth is I cannot. I can't. Some of these things are too large for me to deal with them in a grace-filled manner. Instead I let go and allow the larger self to deal with these things. I let go so that the infinite self can step forward. When this happens the issues are dealt with perfectly. The pain is the result of the ego thinking it can deal with the issue at hand yet it cannot. What results is experiencing the energy through a lense that distorts the energy and creates pain.

We are made so that even the most primitave parts of ourselves were developed, created, and is divinely inspired. The so-called "lower" aspects are in truth part of an expanding state of being. The so-called primative brain is designed to be harnessed in much the same way as one harnesses an oxen or fraft horse; the power is raw but its used for a divine purpose through the gateway of the heart which helps to balance the energies and eliminate any troubling energies.

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