She whispers in the night
"Come to me my beloved,
come and show me your Essence
moving all through me
your blood becoming my blood
your desire flowing into mine
as you learn the secrets of my thoughts
of my Being
of my deep Desiring."
He is moved across the miles
as a ship lying on calm waters
can feel the torment of another ocean
beneath him.
This Sea roils and burns with a fire
not overt
but not invisible.
His boat is perfectly still
yet deep within his hold
he can hear something distant calling
as he is drawn to her ocean,
her watery realms
her feminine nature
perfectly reflected
and expressed
and whose power
he can feel
as if he were a key
and she a lock.
Thousands, millions, billions, trillions
all emerge from her vast ocean
like foam
a froth
from his movement
as deftly his keyed being
melts into her locked being
and he knows his true nature
and she hers
by each knowing each
as each feels the press of their divine presence
upon the petals of their desiring hearts.
"Come to me
my ocean of salt yearns for your river of rain
for you fell to me from the sky
land of thunder and lightening
the masculine aspect of water
as flowing into me
as knowing all of me
all my secrets,
all that I am and shall become.
You will know all that I am
for I surrender unto you
this one simple secret
I have loved you always
and have yearned for you
and now
a continent apart
your rivers run deep into my being
as my ocean rises up to meet you
so that we may know the union of souls
once again.
Her whispered words
like prayers
pronouncements to the divine self
pull him in
as he pulls
and they push together
and turn
and roll
in the divine marriage of souls.
"No guru, no method, no teacher, just you and I in the garden...wet with rain."
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
This Is
You can read the words of others
and still not get it
ripening on your vine
your own awakening becomes
waiting for that breeze
of intention
to do its work.
It is not about transcending the self
but peering through the layers
and seeing more is there
and knowing more is there
feeling so surely
that one seeks to find a way to begin removing these clothes
We are petals on a larger flower of being
and this flower of being unfolds endlessly
there is no end to it.
Its less that the ego and self are unimportant
or subsumed into an ocean
but that it always was a part of this vast ocean
and just now you woke up a bit to see that this is so
and this changes you utterly.
No book or teacher or tradition can prepare you for such a thing.
It is a sudden wedding of your attention to the Truth
and from then on your are the intended to the Universe
and your boundless self which seems at first small
but spirals upward
and ressonant
dynamic and changing all others around it with its ripples
Make waves
spread them far and wide
for this ressonant frequency will be felt by others
as you make waves in the vast ocean
as others are awakened by your splashing
and laughter....
Your thought and ego all serve a purpose
but its just the surface.
We will ALL go beyond the surface at some point
just as that fruit will ripen and fall when it is time.
Your intention will fuel its ripening, suredly,
but mysteriously.
This is just the beginning, though,
and much work lies ahead
but its the best possible work
and useful to have a selfless helper who can remind you that you are indeed loved
when love seems to turn in the dark night of the soul.
When you have let go of the need of holding onto shadow
you will be more free to do more than glimpse
but channel the flow of the Cosmic Self
who is boundless.
There is no guru or master who can show you
but they can show you
and ultimately it is the inner master that awakens.
Great gifts abound if we can but say yes to it
and turn from our pain and loss and hurt
and worry over who did us wrong.
When we are free
we can glimpse it
then learn to live in It.
I hope that for all of us that we each find it soon...
its the greatest most confounding gift we can give ourselves.
and still not get it
ripening on your vine
your own awakening becomes
waiting for that breeze
of intention
to do its work.
It is not about transcending the self
but peering through the layers
and seeing more is there
and knowing more is there
feeling so surely
that one seeks to find a way to begin removing these clothes
We are petals on a larger flower of being
and this flower of being unfolds endlessly
there is no end to it.
Its less that the ego and self are unimportant
or subsumed into an ocean
but that it always was a part of this vast ocean
and just now you woke up a bit to see that this is so
and this changes you utterly.
No book or teacher or tradition can prepare you for such a thing.
It is a sudden wedding of your attention to the Truth
and from then on your are the intended to the Universe
and your boundless self which seems at first small
but spirals upward
and ressonant
dynamic and changing all others around it with its ripples
Make waves
spread them far and wide
for this ressonant frequency will be felt by others
as you make waves in the vast ocean
as others are awakened by your splashing
and laughter....
Your thought and ego all serve a purpose
but its just the surface.
We will ALL go beyond the surface at some point
just as that fruit will ripen and fall when it is time.
Your intention will fuel its ripening, suredly,
but mysteriously.
This is just the beginning, though,
and much work lies ahead
but its the best possible work
and useful to have a selfless helper who can remind you that you are indeed loved
when love seems to turn in the dark night of the soul.
When you have let go of the need of holding onto shadow
you will be more free to do more than glimpse
but channel the flow of the Cosmic Self
who is boundless.
There is no guru or master who can show you
but they can show you
and ultimately it is the inner master that awakens.
Great gifts abound if we can but say yes to it
and turn from our pain and loss and hurt
and worry over who did us wrong.
When we are free
we can glimpse it
then learn to live in It.
I hope that for all of us that we each find it soon...
its the greatest most confounding gift we can give ourselves.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
This New Sun, This New Moon
Today we wake to Solstice
borrowed by others
but singular in how it stands
an important event for how the universe is ordered with it as an ingredient;
like leavening,
earth was held for a gentle moment
between Moon and her Lover Sun
they cradled earth
all of earth
who in truth
is male and female
cast Sun light upon the body of Moon
because cradles of life contain both dynamics in profusion
but Sun and Moon play different roles cosmically
with coincidences so strange as to defy our imagining;
the sun is directly proportional in size as it is in distance to the moon
making Her seem the same size as Him to Us on earth.
This coincidence is so amazing it is beyond astronomical in coincidence.
This makes eclipses what they are; if the sun were closer there would be a brilliant ring
or if further, Moon would blot out her lover entirely
but she does not.
She is perfectly the right size for him.
His umbra discharges all around earth
as she shows a bit of his radiance to us here
on earth
but with the glow of earth added.
And likewise,
the earth allows a bit of His radiance to ooze through its atmosphere
so that Moon is bathed in an earth sunset of sorts
so she glows orange and red.
The color of prophesied for the End Times:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."
So rare, the last event like this, timed as it was was over 400 years ago.
This is a marking of time, a cosmic clock,
we do not need any other calendar, it was given in this simple way to us,
the cosmos marking our time here
as we feel ourselves slip and shift as the world slips and shifts into a new world.
From here we move forward into something new
with this New Sun, this New Moon.
Blessings be upon all who pass this way
considering for a moment what these larger cosmic events might mean
in their lives
as we move cyclically
round and round
as seemingly smaller events build upon still larger ones
some which we do not see save every 65,000 years
but some are longer still
as our world is like this
as we are like this
as creation reflects deep inside of us
and we into it.
So Merry Solstice!
The Triad rose and greeted each other
as they swung through the boundless realm of heaven
and finished,
moved off into new configurations
as we look eagerly to the return of the Sun and new moons to mark his passage
on Earth.
borrowed by others
but singular in how it stands
an important event for how the universe is ordered with it as an ingredient;
like leavening,
earth was held for a gentle moment
between Moon and her Lover Sun
they cradled earth
all of earth
who in truth
is male and female
cast Sun light upon the body of Moon
because cradles of life contain both dynamics in profusion
but Sun and Moon play different roles cosmically
with coincidences so strange as to defy our imagining;
the sun is directly proportional in size as it is in distance to the moon
making Her seem the same size as Him to Us on earth.
This coincidence is so amazing it is beyond astronomical in coincidence.
This makes eclipses what they are; if the sun were closer there would be a brilliant ring
or if further, Moon would blot out her lover entirely
but she does not.
She is perfectly the right size for him.
His umbra discharges all around earth
as she shows a bit of his radiance to us here
on earth
but with the glow of earth added.
And likewise,
the earth allows a bit of His radiance to ooze through its atmosphere
so that Moon is bathed in an earth sunset of sorts
so she glows orange and red.
The color of prophesied for the End Times:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."
So rare, the last event like this, timed as it was was over 400 years ago.
This is a marking of time, a cosmic clock,
we do not need any other calendar, it was given in this simple way to us,
the cosmos marking our time here
as we feel ourselves slip and shift as the world slips and shifts into a new world.
From here we move forward into something new
with this New Sun, this New Moon.
Blessings be upon all who pass this way
considering for a moment what these larger cosmic events might mean
in their lives
as we move cyclically
round and round
as seemingly smaller events build upon still larger ones
some which we do not see save every 65,000 years
but some are longer still
as our world is like this
as we are like this
as creation reflects deep inside of us
and we into it.
So Merry Solstice!
The Triad rose and greeted each other
as they swung through the boundless realm of heaven
and finished,
moved off into new configurations
as we look eagerly to the return of the Sun and new moons to mark his passage
on Earth.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Duality To Unity
It is time
The End of the world is coming near.
It is.
But remember what we said in the beginning
that there is no real end.
Here in this world
the world pulses with a life
which is cyclical in nature.
Atoms pulse
So it is no surprise
that there is an end to the ages on earth
and that these ages correspond to the ages of lives
reincarnational cycles
longer scaled cycles
tied to earth, moon, planets
and the galaxy.
Our ancient astronomers knew and understood these so well
they mapped them
and they were passed down
just as our indigenous brothers and sisters
saw into it.
As tipis rocked gently in the night
as the endlessness swirled above
it was understood
a giant interconnectivity reigned
and our lives were tied to this.
This just now is the end of an age
a new world is seeking to be born
and this conception is not subject to any of our control
but to our acquiescence.
The End of the world is coming near.
It is.
But remember what we said in the beginning
that there is no real end.
Here in this world
the world pulses with a life
which is cyclical in nature.
Atoms pulse
their electrons moving in and out of our world.
Our bodies-
if you could see-
are a pulsing realm of light
with lives and deaths coming and going every nano second
Our bodies-
if you could see-
are a pulsing realm of light
with lives and deaths coming and going every nano second
at a cellular level
we ride this wave
and this wave is part of another wave of your local humanity
and flora and fauna
and those join together in still larger invisible constructions
of consciousness and biological knowing
as every single thing
knows itself
as part of a giant webwork
so amazing and fascinating
for the fact that not a single thing
or particle falls through its net
but is held
lovingly and assuredly
in the always of being
and themselves rise up through still larger constructions
of being
and all of this and more rises up
through to the biggest of the big.
Galaxies pulse in the same way
turning like tops through space
and time.
and all of this and more rises up
through to the biggest of the big.
Galaxies pulse in the same way
turning like tops through space
and time.
Even they, in their seeming mute natures
brim with a knowing and life
which we scarcely understand
or know
and yet
our sachems
have sensed into this truth
this Life
and brought back
like hauling water back to us
told of what they felt and saw at that deep wellspring......
So it is no surprise
that there is an end to the ages on earth
and that these ages correspond to the ages of lives
reincarnational cycles
longer scaled cycles
tied to earth, moon, planets
and the galaxy.
Our ancient astronomers knew and understood these so well
they mapped them
and they were passed down
just as our indigenous brothers and sisters
saw into it.
As tipis rocked gently in the night
as the endlessness swirled above
it was understood
a giant interconnectivity reigned
and our lives were tied to this.
This just now is the end of an age
a new world is seeking to be born
and this conception is not subject to any of our control
but to our acquiescence.
It is time to our true divinity
which has never been subject to what our priests or priestesses have said is divine
but what we each know is true beyond illusion
the very core of our being
which is utterly unspeakably beautiful
in all of its passionate yearning
which is the life pulse of the All
the leaning into this uncertain wind
willing to go where no road take them
willing to see beyond what has been prepared before
to break with tradition
only because it no longer makes sense to do so
or never did
as we move out of the old understandings
and into a new conception,
The truth is
moment by moment
the All unfolds
and recreates itself
beyond all imagining
and so centuries old traditions
serve only as a recording of a pathway
but not the way forward.
We can honor the past
by understanding it
realizing that the faces
of Quetzalcoatle
and a host of others
return in this age
to those who can hear them
and learn
that an unbroken thread can move through
and unite
different times
as we let go the notion
that heresy is created by our being willing to consider
that our divinity is within us
like a sovereign right
not subject to someone else's judgement.
You do not need someone to tell you how to go.
Question your traditions
but stay planted in what god-dess gave you
the divinity that is your core being.
Toss out your notions of what is good or bad;
our world is not divided out
the sheep from the goats
the left from the right
but resolves into a unity
and understanding this
we are more ready to grapple with our shadow selves
and bring them into the light of our greater becoming.
-If you have the choice always choose the good-
and forgive yourself and others for any shortcomings
for in the end
they were a means to an end
to learn that your divine nature is within you
always has been.
So this world without end
is ending
so another may begin
so that we may move from duality
to unity
to fold back what we have learned
taking it all with us
discarding nothing
but renewing ourselves
ready to feel the bliss
of our divine nature
beyond petty punishments
beyond limit
and into the Heart
to bring the divine feminine forward
in all of us
a resolving unity
in the midst of great mystery
as wind
and water
and earth
and the fifth element
winds upward into heaven.
As all things pass
and end
all things are renewed.
There is no end
save for beginnings.
I have no illusions.
I know that our storied past
has been one rough tumble
but damnit
its time.
Time to admit that this is not working was never meant to work.
It was meant to show us that ten thousand years
of paternalism could never
will never
deliver us
the gifted child of our greater becoming.
And yet, we were destined to go through this
and see this
and taste and touch
and know
and become.
But right now I am tired of the old authorities
whose words ring empty in the heart.
The heart begs to be filled
in a way it has not known before this.
It begs the goddess to come forward
a version of goddess that is entirely unbound
from the stamp of paternalism.
Her code is unwinding wildly within you
and me
and her and him and all the others
a damned scandelous revolution is turning
and is moving through a ressonant field.
She is seeking to find her entry
in each of us....
and for men she will show you her sacred bliss
she will renew your inner man
and will remind you that she was always part of your makeup
not something to be afraid of
but to celebrate and bring forward more than just a set of characeristics
but a living indwelling spirit of awareness
She is like a stream that will break open the stony places of your heart
She will cherish all that comes before her
she is the other side of you
or the center of that which emerges in this age.
It is time to let the Goddess come forward.
She is not an abstraction.
Nor theory.
She can be felt inwardly
like a tug on the line
feel into it and see what it brings
where it takes you
will carry you through the dark
through all of your uncertainty
and into the light of knowing.
Trust beyond your hurt
in order to see into this new way of being.
The dark goddesses of the past will subsume to Her
in this age.
It was fated to be this.
The age is ending
and the Great Wheel has come full turn
And so it is time for us to no longer wait
for the authorities to tell us
or religions to make it right for us to feel
we will feel regardless.
The divine is not something that must be approved
for we are each divinely sovereign.
Each of us
and each of us must seek and find that inward dwelling miracle
of our being.
If not in this life
then in others.
For me
the fire burns
and has been with me
and so
it is something I cannot let go of
for it is not something to loosen
like a suit and tie
or shoes at the end of the day.
You can tell by the way my hands look that
She and He seek to dwell within me
not as some androgyne
but as a man who knows Goddess as part of him.
No book published
no authority outside of me
outside of the All
can tell me what I need to know
or hear
or feel.
spreading out like wildness
its great mirror is enough to contain anything you dare imagine
anything you say becomes true
as long as it is true to you
which is why its important to know what you seek
as the gods you create will return the favor
and reinforce those beliefs that underline their contracts....
We move from the horrors of yesterday
understanding that control only breeds division.
When HE is integrated into HER some ancient magic happens
and you become more free.
The path to them is certain
but obscured.
Ask and you shall receive
seek and the door will be opened to you.
You need only believe this
for your belief has enough power to create Gods enshrined for thousands of years
even unto the end of this age.
It is also enough to recreate and recycle
as Hyena medicine laughs atop the heap
teeth gleaming
him/herself a dual singularity created through the lens of our native belief
but useful for recreating in this age.
Just ask.
It can be enough to move mountains.
I know that our storied past
has been one rough tumble
but damnit
its time.
Time to admit that this is not working was never meant to work.
It was meant to show us that ten thousand years
of paternalism could never
will never
deliver us
the gifted child of our greater becoming.
And yet, we were destined to go through this
and see this
and taste and touch
and know
and become.
But right now I am tired of the old authorities
whose words ring empty in the heart.
The heart begs to be filled
in a way it has not known before this.
It begs the goddess to come forward
a version of goddess that is entirely unbound
from the stamp of paternalism.
Her code is unwinding wildly within you
and me
and her and him and all the others
a damned scandelous revolution is turning
and is moving through a ressonant field.
She is seeking to find her entry
in each of us....
and for men she will show you her sacred bliss
she will renew your inner man
and will remind you that she was always part of your makeup
not something to be afraid of
but to celebrate and bring forward more than just a set of characeristics
but a living indwelling spirit of awareness
She is like a stream that will break open the stony places of your heart
She will cherish all that comes before her
she is the other side of you
or the center of that which emerges in this age.
It is time to let the Goddess come forward.
She is not an abstraction.
Nor theory.
She can be felt inwardly
like a tug on the line
feel into it and see what it brings
where it takes you
will carry you through the dark
through all of your uncertainty
and into the light of knowing.
Trust beyond your hurt
in order to see into this new way of being.
The dark goddesses of the past will subsume to Her
in this age.
It was fated to be this.
The age is ending
and the Great Wheel has come full turn
And so it is time for us to no longer wait
for the authorities to tell us
or religions to make it right for us to feel
we will feel regardless.
The divine is not something that must be approved
for we are each divinely sovereign.
Each of us
and each of us must seek and find that inward dwelling miracle
of our being.
If not in this life
then in others.
For me
the fire burns
and has been with me
and so
it is something I cannot let go of
for it is not something to loosen
like a suit and tie
or shoes at the end of the day.
You can tell by the way my hands look that
She and He seek to dwell within me
not as some androgyne
but as a man who knows Goddess as part of him.
No book published
no authority outside of me
outside of the All
can tell me what I need to know
or hear
or feel.
spreading out like wildness
its great mirror is enough to contain anything you dare imagine
anything you say becomes true
as long as it is true to you
which is why its important to know what you seek
as the gods you create will return the favor
and reinforce those beliefs that underline their contracts....
We move from the horrors of yesterday
understanding that control only breeds division.
When HE is integrated into HER some ancient magic happens
and you become more free.
The path to them is certain
but obscured.
Ask and you shall receive
seek and the door will be opened to you.
You need only believe this
for your belief has enough power to create Gods enshrined for thousands of years
even unto the end of this age.
It is also enough to recreate and recycle
as Hyena medicine laughs atop the heap
teeth gleaming
him/herself a dual singularity created through the lens of our native belief
but useful for recreating in this age.
Just ask.
It can be enough to move mountains.
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Encoded within you, within your dna, and from the very bottom to the top of you are those messages from your greater being to your smaller being, expressed in languages which you may not have been used to deciphering, but are there. When I say this I mean your higher self to the most elementary particle making up your physical expression in space and time. Within you are the messages that we were all meant to hear, to understand and then perhaps learn to heed as we reach those places where we simply remove the debris of our being enough to catch the glimmers of the light that pours out from within us and which has been hidden far too long. This message is ancient, and it is like a key, one of many strewn all through nature, literally embedded in the physical matrix of our world. As we make our way through our own individual process of awakening and learning and growing, sometimes we lift these keys out of the sediment of our being or a dream comes in the night or our consciousness shifts enough to allow for some new awareness…..if we can but listen. Currently there are those of us who are waking up to this divine reality, the place where science and mysticism meet, where understanding our physicality is poised to reach new levels if we can but humble ourselves by considering that there is much much more for us to know and that our institutions ought never get in the way of us pushing into new territority cognatively and spiritually. Really, the path for me seems to be the one that includes all of the tools we have available. All of our institutions have something to contribute, but we must be able to discern where the coding goes wrong, and where we can have the eyes to see and the ears to hear when these truths, key-like rise up from the depths of our understanding.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Shame on you
you dry canals
you fearers of truth
you forbid the very essence of divinity
whilst in the same sentence condemned
and hid
the truth
of our greater being.
Some books
Long since the Master
had come and gone.
Who made you the expert on the divine cosmic
you whose waters were imaginary
entirely fabricated
and guessed?
fearsome of the wholesome truth of your being
you stripped a promising tradition
of its true power
and sent the Master's words into oblivion.
You hid half the divine under a bushel
she is just now emerging
for it is time.
Your high morality
showed at least
that belief
has its own power
which is why we must be careful of the gods we choose
for they will reinforce each other.
The imagination is just that powerful
all the more reason not to go astray.
Today the tide begins to turn.
Time to move with the tides.
Your centuries of hate and killing is enough.
Your power was entwined with hate
and your hands are bloodied,
hands that belong to each of us assuredly.
It is time to step aside
catch your breath
and consider there is another way.
Let the master in all of us step forward now
for it is time.
Time to learn that what was held heretical
is now suddenly sacred.
Back to what it once was.
you dry canals
you fearers of truth
you forbid the very essence of divinity
whilst in the same sentence condemned
and hid
the truth
of our greater being.
Some books
Long since the Master
had come and gone.
Who made you the expert on the divine cosmic
you whose waters were imaginary
entirely fabricated
and guessed?
fearsome of the wholesome truth of your being
you stripped a promising tradition
of its true power
and sent the Master's words into oblivion.
You hid half the divine under a bushel
she is just now emerging
for it is time.
Your high morality
showed at least
that belief
has its own power
which is why we must be careful of the gods we choose
for they will reinforce each other.
The imagination is just that powerful
all the more reason not to go astray.
Today the tide begins to turn.
Time to move with the tides.
Your centuries of hate and killing is enough.
Your power was entwined with hate
and your hands are bloodied,
hands that belong to each of us assuredly.
It is time to step aside
catch your breath
and consider there is another way.
Let the master in all of us step forward now
for it is time.
Time to learn that what was held heretical
is now suddenly sacred.
Back to what it once was.
Monday, November 29, 2010
What Cannot Be Spoken

As I align to HIM
I feel you
more present
The truth of this
shimmers in the moment
as I round corners
seeking it
every breath a reunion
as every pulse of its being
mirrors the multiverse
as awash we are
in locks and keys
each particle of our being
unleashing an infinite possibility
as the secret
the alchemy
is worked
and energy is released
and one more great lesson is experienced
in the moment
as the compass of certainty
turns us round the inevitability
of our becoming
and the certainty
becomes its own end
without an end.
I shall hold you
in this purposeful embrace
as secrets move
between us
as lips
but hearts wide open
speak of an unbelievable truth
felt as bliss
known as the love we have inside
love is all there is
after all
as end meets end
and the dawn of beginnings
like the sun
scattering stars
in the lost night of soul
In The Lost Night of Souls

Creatures of habit
curled up
night after night
never realizing
other ways are possible
and then one the possible ceases being
as we lock into postures
We get lost in slumber
as waking becomes a heresy,
unaware there is more.
There is an infinity of more.
We lock into movements that dictate
and suggest
the way forward
we cease questioning
but accept
"this is the way its always been"
and so with a nod, its so
as the peasant cries "tradition!"
and we go on without examination
or thought of how it could be different.
Leave it to the trees and deadwood
so as the winds of change blow
these sticks and stems of our being
release and let go
of that which never served us.
We discover the audacious truth
that there is something more awaiting us
we do not need to die
to experience heaven.
That state is ready for us
when we move the earth from us
and reveal the inner woman and man
like a vapor thin robe is removed
ready for the next chapter
as the Collective unfolds
within us.
Happy and content
I turn and roll in the lost night
of souls
as I find you
and take you into this great world of abandon
whose path cannot be found in this world
but whose course is certain,
Each one of us,
will bring the world awake
as water wears away the stone
as every drop can be felt
and deserts moved
continents ripped
with the gentle sway of time
and relentless pressure.
We shall dream this world awake
and in Waking
show the way to that Dreaming
once again.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Beyond your own parched lands
waters move and awaken you
bringing you to a bright moment
of possibility.
Your illusions will drop
as the weight is more than you care to bear.
You will see that everything you were invested in
never paid back with the returns you had hoped.
You will ask where you went wrong.
You will ask and wonder
but until you speak with the voice of the All
will the All return its answer
as it takes you as its lover
its beloved possible child
as it whispers its secrets
deep into you.
This journey is yours
as it is mine
and every other.
I would not rob you of it
by telling too much.
The path is love and forgiveness
not hate and punishment.
Never did these tools bear good fruit
even if we wished it fervently at the time.
I love you beyond your illusion.
I love you beyond the lies your little self tells you
that serve to keep you tangled in your web of self deception.
Even as you curse me
shall I love you
till the end of this and every age.
For as bad as things may seem
within me lies a river
boundless and deep
the love within me cannot nor will not be destroyed
or limited
or attenuated.
Only in illusion does it seem this way.
For now, I bid you farewell
as our waters turn a distinct color
from the other.
For now you go into this illusory world
built from within you
that hides the depth and strength
and breadth
of what I am
and cheats you of your larger truth.
I cannot walk your path
that world no longer exists for me
and I know its very real for you
but I cannot be a slave to such pain and anguish
and hopelesness.
The All never robbed itself more of itself than in places like these
but it parts of it must
before tasting the wellspring of its being
as sweet
and everlasting.
Beloved awakening
beloved wakefulness
become the ressurection
of the flesh
into a second life
a new life.
And when that day comes
my waters shall recognize yours, finally.
However long that takes
will be half as long as love will provide.
While you are exiled in that dark prison
I shall remain bound by the promise of the water of spirit
and I will sing to your spirit
while you sleep
as the one great Truth
leaks deep into you
its weight becomes too strong
when we weaken from its lack of truth
and strengthen in different ways.
You must be brave.
And I know you are
will be
to ask the big questions
to consider that beyond ego
and malice
that there is a world so brilliant
and wonderful
you will wonder why it took you so long
to get there as you lay your burden down.
Until then, I wish you strength for your days ahead
and my boundless love
which is me
and the universe.
waters move and awaken you
bringing you to a bright moment
of possibility.
Your illusions will drop
as the weight is more than you care to bear.
You will see that everything you were invested in
never paid back with the returns you had hoped.
You will ask where you went wrong.
You will ask and wonder
but until you speak with the voice of the All
will the All return its answer
as it takes you as its lover
its beloved possible child
as it whispers its secrets
deep into you.
This journey is yours
as it is mine
and every other.
I would not rob you of it
by telling too much.
The path is love and forgiveness
not hate and punishment.
Never did these tools bear good fruit
even if we wished it fervently at the time.
I love you beyond your illusion.
I love you beyond the lies your little self tells you
that serve to keep you tangled in your web of self deception.
Even as you curse me
shall I love you
till the end of this and every age.
For as bad as things may seem
within me lies a river
boundless and deep
the love within me cannot nor will not be destroyed
or limited
or attenuated.
Only in illusion does it seem this way.
For now, I bid you farewell
as our waters turn a distinct color
from the other.
For now you go into this illusory world
built from within you
that hides the depth and strength
and breadth
of what I am
and cheats you of your larger truth.
I cannot walk your path
that world no longer exists for me
and I know its very real for you
but I cannot be a slave to such pain and anguish
and hopelesness.
The All never robbed itself more of itself than in places like these
but it parts of it must
before tasting the wellspring of its being
as sweet
and everlasting.
Beloved awakening
beloved wakefulness
become the ressurection
of the flesh
into a second life
a new life.
And when that day comes
my waters shall recognize yours, finally.
However long that takes
will be half as long as love will provide.
While you are exiled in that dark prison
I shall remain bound by the promise of the water of spirit
and I will sing to your spirit
while you sleep
as the one great Truth
leaks deep into you
its weight becomes too strong
when we weaken from its lack of truth
and strengthen in different ways.
You must be brave.
And I know you are
will be
to ask the big questions
to consider that beyond ego
and malice
that there is a world so brilliant
and wonderful
you will wonder why it took you so long
to get there as you lay your burden down.
Until then, I wish you strength for your days ahead
and my boundless love
which is me
and the universe.
Monday, November 22, 2010
What Wakes Me
Nothing is wasted.
Everything is used.
Within what you might see
as chaos
is design
and elegance
and efficiency.
The way of the All
is to turn all that has been
into what will be
and even shadow
will stand shining
transformed into something remarkable
even if I do not know its path to such change.
Our lower selves
were not married to the higher
but this part is an engine
for vast energy
which when hitched to the triadic self
of reptile
and primate
as these parts merge and flow evenly together
as kundalini helps reveal the larger scope and purpose
you will see
all parts of the buffalo are used
every bone
hair and fiber
and as we move upwards
in our ascension
we will take those lowly portions
as part of a new self.
Nothing will be forgotten
nothing subsumed
but understood better
as we get our act together
utilizing a choreography of self
that is entirely healthy and straightforward
while also subtle
and passionate.
I used to think
the shadow gets recycled
and perhaps it does
but I suspect
it gets transformed
by connecting to its larger self
your ascended self
as it learns its larger purpose
after having been disconnected from it for so long.
that the shadow
was only shadow
because it never was incorporated
into the larger self
but allowed to roam free
Now, unified
it is part of a shimmer world of possibility
and its context changes...
The lower self takes on new meaning
and overt,
ready to be bridled to the tasks ahead.
Everything is divine ultimately
if given the chance
for ALL
was made by the All.
Everything is used.
Within what you might see
as chaos
is design
and elegance
and efficiency.
The way of the All
is to turn all that has been
into what will be
and even shadow
will stand shining
transformed into something remarkable
even if I do not know its path to such change.
Our lower selves
were not married to the higher
but this part is an engine
for vast energy
which when hitched to the triadic self
of reptile
and primate
as these parts merge and flow evenly together
as kundalini helps reveal the larger scope and purpose
you will see
all parts of the buffalo are used
every bone
hair and fiber
and as we move upwards
in our ascension
we will take those lowly portions
as part of a new self.
Nothing will be forgotten
nothing subsumed
but understood better
as we get our act together
utilizing a choreography of self
that is entirely healthy and straightforward
while also subtle
and passionate.
I used to think
the shadow gets recycled
and perhaps it does
but I suspect
it gets transformed
by connecting to its larger self
your ascended self
as it learns its larger purpose
after having been disconnected from it for so long.
that the shadow
was only shadow
because it never was incorporated
into the larger self
but allowed to roam free
Now, unified
it is part of a shimmer world of possibility
and its context changes...
The lower self takes on new meaning
and overt,
ready to be bridled to the tasks ahead.
Everything is divine ultimately
if given the chance
for ALL
was made by the All.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
What Will You Find?
What will you find
when all layers are removed
as the Essential self rises
and floods you with a feeling I can't even begin to describe.
What will you be?
You will be YOU.
You will be the YOU
you have been waiting for.
Why wait you ask?
It was a journey
and now its being spread
and said
that this waiting has been fulfilled
and the way forward is to let drop
what surrounds us.
No struggles
nor conflicts
simply letting go
and transforming your energetic self
and all that it attracts
and creates.
The method is simple; there is none
The guru is simple; there is none
the teacher is simple; its inside of you
all knowing can be tapped
not egoically
but simply
filled with love
and affection
for what lies in wait.
This process can be very hard
as the shadow self
and the lower self
seek to hold on to old habits
and remain in a position that no longer serves us.
It is then that the shadow side of our nature flares
and its chemical marker adrenaline
shoots up the torso to the heart
causing it to beat faster
as it follows the choreography of fear.
In the midst of great gripping fear
we must find peace
and let go.
By working through this
person by person
we make the pathway easier
as the 100th monkey
ushers in the millions
and our world undergoes a rapid evolutionary shift
as the word kundalini is upon everyone's lips.
Fad or not
trendy or no,
divine spirit
and guides our movement through evolution.
I am here to help make it easier
in my own humble way.
I cannot prescribe medicine
but the prescription I give is true
and good.
We must find our way through this wood
and as we do
bring humanity out of the darkness
and into the light
one at a time
lovingly and compassionately.
when all layers are removed
as the Essential self rises
and floods you with a feeling I can't even begin to describe.
What will you be?
You will be YOU.
You will be the YOU
you have been waiting for.
Why wait you ask?
It was a journey
and now its being spread
and said
that this waiting has been fulfilled
and the way forward is to let drop
what surrounds us.
No struggles
nor conflicts
simply letting go
and transforming your energetic self
and all that it attracts
and creates.
The method is simple; there is none
The guru is simple; there is none
the teacher is simple; its inside of you
all knowing can be tapped
not egoically
but simply
filled with love
and affection
for what lies in wait.
This process can be very hard
as the shadow self
and the lower self
seek to hold on to old habits
and remain in a position that no longer serves us.
It is then that the shadow side of our nature flares
and its chemical marker adrenaline
shoots up the torso to the heart
causing it to beat faster
as it follows the choreography of fear.
In the midst of great gripping fear
we must find peace
and let go.
By working through this
person by person
we make the pathway easier
as the 100th monkey
ushers in the millions
and our world undergoes a rapid evolutionary shift
as the word kundalini is upon everyone's lips.
Fad or not
trendy or no,
divine spirit
and guides our movement through evolution.
I am here to help make it easier
in my own humble way.
I cannot prescribe medicine
but the prescription I give is true
and good.
We must find our way through this wood
and as we do
bring humanity out of the darkness
and into the light
one at a time
lovingly and compassionately.
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Great Mirror
This experience touches the infinite
our larger selves far in what we would call the future
but which is in truth outside of time
and entirely unbounded.
Kundalini awakens the larger scales of our being
unlocking us
level by level.
There is no end to the levels
no end to where we can transport ourselves.
The soul silent and still
yet moving and creating boundlessly
projecting itself out into the world of "form"
builds itself
like a sweet essence wafting off us.
Feminine and Masculine spiral upwards
criss crossing, enfolding,
your orientation matters not
for the All reflects back perfectly
your desire
your hopes
and even fears.
The mirror is so wide as to envelope the world
there is nothing that does not fit
or cant be contained.
Every view
every dogma
perfectly reflected.
This mirror
which contains everything
can reflect anything
so that any truth you present
can be found shimmering on its surface.
No matter from where you come
it brings you in.
There is no love that it cannot contain.
Sometimes I wonder if the very act of projecting
creates this mirror
but whatever the case
it will allow you to create as you most need
bringing you the perfect thing for the place you are
the person you are
and the dreams you dream
until you change those dreams
or what you are inside
and even then
the mirror will bring you what you ask for
in perfect timing.
our larger selves far in what we would call the future
but which is in truth outside of time
and entirely unbounded.
Kundalini awakens the larger scales of our being
unlocking us
level by level.
There is no end to the levels
no end to where we can transport ourselves.
The soul silent and still
yet moving and creating boundlessly
projecting itself out into the world of "form"
builds itself
like a sweet essence wafting off us.
Feminine and Masculine spiral upwards
criss crossing, enfolding,
your orientation matters not
for the All reflects back perfectly
your desire
your hopes
and even fears.
The mirror is so wide as to envelope the world
there is nothing that does not fit
or cant be contained.
Every view
every dogma
perfectly reflected.
This mirror
which contains everything
can reflect anything
so that any truth you present
can be found shimmering on its surface.
No matter from where you come
it brings you in.
There is no love that it cannot contain.
Sometimes I wonder if the very act of projecting
creates this mirror
but whatever the case
it will allow you to create as you most need
bringing you the perfect thing for the place you are
the person you are
and the dreams you dream
until you change those dreams
or what you are inside
and even then
the mirror will bring you what you ask for
in perfect timing.
Friday, November 12, 2010
"Take this message to my brother
you will find him everywhere"
--Doobie Brothers "Takin' It To The Streets"
To find the Essential Self
stripping yourself bare
of what you think
is necessary.
All arguments cease
attachments drop
not because you do not care
not because suffering does not move you
or that you do not want to remain engaged
but that the way we engage here
is a false sense of engagement that clouds the Essential Self.
We engage falsely, not truly, not selflessly, which is the face of the All.
We fix a problem not because we wish to free someone
but because we were once not free--
because we never let go of that outcome
and that attachment occupies energy in our field
we continue to hold to this
as we live our attachment through others
making invisible contracts that are entirely binding
and that big ball of karma rolls
engaging others as it makes its way through the world.
You will see the light of souls flying free from this ball
dissapearing entirely from view
their frequency changing instantly
the moment they have let go
as this world is seen for what it is
the school house it has always been
the lever
against our attachment
for the infinite self
learning to come into union
at peace
and in love with itself
whose Great Secret
is that it is the All.
You are the All
seeking to know itself
your primal essential energy
moves up through you
from foot to crown
as masculine aspect unifies with the feminine
and the feminine with masculine all at once
both coaxing
as the two are made into a third
the Child
of our Greater Becoming
and the path to our king and queendom.
You are not limited
but boundless
but without the drive toward mind and ego
utilizing your brilliant mind
and powerful sense of self
but not a slave to its need---
healed of it
and awakened by your Essential Self.
You wont be a God or Goddess as long as you think
its a heresy
you will sit in the silence
of not knowing
until you wake up to knowing.
Its not this or that.
It is ALL of THAT.
And this is your heritage
what you are waking up to
and more.
So as the sparks fly off this giant ball
you realize that its possible
not probable
but entirely likely
that we all here will
at some point dissolve all of this silence
to hear the music
to feel the passion
and wake up to the fact that our universe
personal and collective
with passionate yearning
and it is THIS
more than anything else
that propels new worlds of possibility forward
as we
children of the first second third tenth, thousandth wave
go on to create as the undeniable wave
of the All moves through us
peering out through us
as we are removed from illusion
and into levels of union you can scarcely believe.
This is how worlds are healed
how the Creation finds itself
particle by particle
wave upon wave
like a lover finding its beloved
bursting out
building in dimension
and awareness...
Just let go
let it all go
and as you do
your love will not lessen
nor will you be subsumed in some larger self
but know yourself
as Enlarged
in dimensions that will take your breath away.
You will be turned into the cosmic lover
you always were
slumbering amidst that truth.
Your Essential Self was simply waiting for you to wake up to
as you came flying off that big ball
your life changed utterly
and forever.
you will find him everywhere"
--Doobie Brothers "Takin' It To The Streets"
To find the Essential Self
stripping yourself bare
of what you think
is necessary.
All arguments cease
attachments drop
not because you do not care
not because suffering does not move you
or that you do not want to remain engaged
but that the way we engage here
is a false sense of engagement that clouds the Essential Self.
We engage falsely, not truly, not selflessly, which is the face of the All.
We fix a problem not because we wish to free someone
but because we were once not free--
because we never let go of that outcome
and that attachment occupies energy in our field
we continue to hold to this
as we live our attachment through others
making invisible contracts that are entirely binding
and that big ball of karma rolls
engaging others as it makes its way through the world.
You will see the light of souls flying free from this ball
dissapearing entirely from view
their frequency changing instantly
the moment they have let go
as this world is seen for what it is
the school house it has always been
the lever
against our attachment
for the infinite self
learning to come into union
at peace
and in love with itself
whose Great Secret
is that it is the All.
You are the All
seeking to know itself
your primal essential energy
moves up through you
from foot to crown
as masculine aspect unifies with the feminine
and the feminine with masculine all at once
both coaxing
as the two are made into a third
the Child
of our Greater Becoming
and the path to our king and queendom.
You are not limited
but boundless
but without the drive toward mind and ego
utilizing your brilliant mind
and powerful sense of self
but not a slave to its need---
healed of it
and awakened by your Essential Self.
You wont be a God or Goddess as long as you think
its a heresy
you will sit in the silence
of not knowing
until you wake up to knowing.
Its not this or that.
It is ALL of THAT.
And this is your heritage
what you are waking up to
and more.
So as the sparks fly off this giant ball
you realize that its possible
not probable
but entirely likely
that we all here will
at some point dissolve all of this silence
to hear the music
to feel the passion
and wake up to the fact that our universe
personal and collective
with passionate yearning
and it is THIS
more than anything else
that propels new worlds of possibility forward
as we
children of the first second third tenth, thousandth wave
go on to create as the undeniable wave
of the All moves through us
peering out through us
as we are removed from illusion
and into levels of union you can scarcely believe.
This is how worlds are healed
how the Creation finds itself
particle by particle
wave upon wave
like a lover finding its beloved
bursting out
building in dimension
and awareness...
Just let go
let it all go
and as you do
your love will not lessen
nor will you be subsumed in some larger self
but know yourself
as Enlarged
in dimensions that will take your breath away.
You will be turned into the cosmic lover
you always were
slumbering amidst that truth.
Your Essential Self was simply waiting for you to wake up to
as you came flying off that big ball
your life changed utterly
and forever.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Secret Path
How do I tell the world
that we love through intention?
How do we love beyond this form?
What is the means by which we love?
Everything resolves into energy
everything is supported by it
through it
because of it.
There is not rule,
no method
nothing you need to know
except to be true
and real
and the miracle of it will emerge
because consciousness creates more of itself
and so simple it is to create a method that works
if you believe in it enough
just don't make religions based on the method
or forget
its all about intent.
So when I move my hand across you
even from thousands of miles away
all I do is think of your energy body
your physical body
the place where they intersect
and feel into that....
and as I do I can locate you
regardless of where you are
and feel deeply into your field
you smile and look at me
as eddies of bliss rise up around you
as you show me
you can barely stand it
but you manage a smile and say
its the essence that is me
the essence that is you
the essence that combines
to make our Triad
that is our individual beings joined
and no method is necessary
you say
just being true
and real.
The rest, we are designed to know,
and recognize.
So the method is magic
for we are that magic
the reason why we have been killed in the past
and are here now to forgive and forget
creating now
driving now
a spiritual renaissance
as we bring the sacred feminine forward
where she belongs
as her presence calms her Him
and awakens him to whole new levels
as he shows Her what his divine Essence can do
by simply being Present.
First you feel yourself
free your heart
and let the love flow
not a thought of love
but the very pulse of love
that has scared popes and the pious
for its power
which was in truth beyond all of them
but well within reach of each of us
for those content without the control
content to let it lead.
When it does lead
your hands will move
and you will watch
and feel into it
a willing participant
it will lead you
becoming part of you
but will lead you beyond it
if you are willing.
It is so simple to simply be...
that we love through intention?
How do we love beyond this form?
What is the means by which we love?
Everything resolves into energy
everything is supported by it
through it
because of it.
There is not rule,
no method
nothing you need to know
except to be true
and real
and the miracle of it will emerge
because consciousness creates more of itself
and so simple it is to create a method that works
if you believe in it enough
just don't make religions based on the method
or forget
its all about intent.
So when I move my hand across you
even from thousands of miles away
all I do is think of your energy body
your physical body
the place where they intersect
and feel into that....
and as I do I can locate you
regardless of where you are
and feel deeply into your field
you smile and look at me
as eddies of bliss rise up around you
as you show me
you can barely stand it
but you manage a smile and say
its the essence that is me
the essence that is you
the essence that combines
to make our Triad
that is our individual beings joined
and no method is necessary
you say
just being true
and real.
The rest, we are designed to know,
and recognize.
So the method is magic
for we are that magic
the reason why we have been killed in the past
and are here now to forgive and forget
creating now
driving now
a spiritual renaissance
as we bring the sacred feminine forward
where she belongs
as her presence calms her Him
and awakens him to whole new levels
as he shows Her what his divine Essence can do
by simply being Present.
First you feel yourself
free your heart
and let the love flow
not a thought of love
but the very pulse of love
that has scared popes and the pious
for its power
which was in truth beyond all of them
but well within reach of each of us
for those content without the control
content to let it lead.
When it does lead
your hands will move
and you will watch
and feel into it
a willing participant
it will lead you
becoming part of you
but will lead you beyond it
if you are willing.
It is so simple to simply be...

come to me
let me grasp hold of you
let the firmness of my grasp
tell you
what it needs to
as it releases within you
the desperate intensity
to pull
to release
to awaken
and build within
turning and twisting
children of divine passion
the world pulses with this
just as it awakens
person by person
it pulls away the clothing
that we have put on
have insulated us from FEELING
and our divine Being.
So close
how far.
Now come,
come here
so I might hold you fast and firm
so that you may feel the warmth of my touch
the warmth of my intention
which is to seed your universe
your Great Ineffable Mystery
stirred by something deep
something which knows where She Begins
which is where he ends
and where she ends
is his beginning
and is the secret to our becoming
in this new age
as we awaken to our dual selves
never truly alone
we awaken
resolving triadic
our counterparts flow one into the other
and births the Third,
resolving paradox
into a simple view
expressed in all of its complexity.
Let the Christ, the Third, return to the earth.
Let stop injustice
let begin the fair-hearted ways we have been waiting for.....
But before that the Father and Mother both
at peace
and remembering
why they came here
looming large
in our mythos
as we melt into its created loop
where creator becomes created
the created becomes creator
we awaken to our holy selves
free from the stamp of appropriation
of those more righteous and knowledgeable than we....
(we have always known)

So come here
my goddess self
I have seen you turn and revolve within me
beyond all karma
beyond all entanglements
all these lifetimes
the Great Wheel
the grip of my intention
intensely holds
as I bring every aspect
I can
into the moment
a buck in the wood
the boy alive and golden
dreaming of a maiden
he would someday become one with
and awaken that he was as one with...
the wind in the tree tops
water flowing below
feet slipping on moss covered roots
the gravity letting go
bodies slipping into heaven
as he slips into you
beyond and within
within and beyond
within and without
there is nowhere I go
that is not me
that is not you
how can this be?
Some aspect
some ancient spark
resides in you and me
that is bound up within heaven
a Gift of the original Source
and has as its infinite self
a knowing
that permeates every cell
every aspect
ever breath
and every moment ever lived
ever been
bringing clarity
a knowingness
that has led us
incrementally to the Logos
but one
that was never writ
which we write
upon our hearts
and this age
that we will not forget
but remember.
Forgetting was the way of the past
now we remember why we came here
each in our own time
as the waves come lapping
at you
begs you
let go
as your soul is seeded
by your masculine
and your feminine
brought together
for the reason
He pulls her close
reminds her
how her inner fire could burn
and she reminds him
all that he forgot
that is in her
the heavens roll and turn
as the winds of forever
push into us an awakening
of our dual selves
brought together
by the Christed
Unity Consciousness
ready to break the chains of
the self made oppression
all born out of the rift
the fracture
the break
we all made
children we are
building a house of cards
laughing as we knock down such sacred edifices...
so that we might mend
and return
and turn golden and blue
as yin and yang
surges through us
a flow unimaginable.
We are being prepared
for limitlessness---
it asks us
are we ready
at each scale
a new level
a new harmonic
Let the old arguments go
they cannot ride this train...
the train is in the station
time to go
come lets go
just let it drop
no baggage at this stop
no it wont fit into this next world
that we have crafted for ourselves.
but warm and gentled by the knowing
that we are returning to a new garden.
We are the new breed
burgeoning the infinite
in each other
what lies in the other
yet expresses singularly
whole in its own way.
Bound up in this cosmic family
turning and revolving
and remembering
letting this moment pass
as our hands mold a new future
its in our hands
our collective Dream
it is We who dream it.
it is we who make it.
At these levels
the mirror is simply the means to an end
but just as we are they
the mirror is our creation
a way to create the universe....
So come, slow yourself
I need to grasp you
all around me
as your infinite self
within me
is awakened by my presence
as mine is stirred by you
and who knows you as the One
who has always been
but one that is both forged in the moment of Knowing
as well as that which has always been...a merging of the finite
with the infinite.
So singular has been this
it has rested within like a half remembered dream
somewhere somewhere out there she lives
but she was nowhere
that I was not
she was an aspect of me
pulled apart in a beginning of beginnings
back before this cycle began
before then
but outside of time
so still and paradoxical to recall
you grew around me
and me around you
until one growing aspect split from the other
it did not seem hurtful
but could have contained agony
for my remembering
awakens in increments as I am ready.
We have each turned around this globe
this wheel in opposite directions
with opposing energies
as we wound
through the world
ready for the divine union
that would come
as we served that part of us
mirrored within the All
the All of you
The All of me
turning and becoming
as we move to the next cycle
the next great chakra
in a still larger body
turning cosmic
just as this love
knowing no bounds
it is ours to discover
and Be.
Across These Seas
I have climbed across landscapes
through worlds we have a hand in making
whose illusions
have stood up and walked Lazarus-like
and wound their way around us
confounding us
but in the end
were only our creations
and as land gave way to sea,
in the new moon of this age
I sought
on boats
to find you
only to discover you were not somewhere far
but very near
rocking beneath me
the water surging all around
begging me
I am not a destination
but the other side of what you are,
remember me.
I awaken with your words upon my lips
as it is mine to understand
as the age old hurts are dropped
and all that they mirror
all of the love's gained and lost
gathered by karma
released by its absence
awakened by a new emergent Way
There wasn't a journey
that could carry me
nor a sense of what love could bring
when I let go
of all that hung around me
and this ocean blue
that contained you.
I traveled far
looking for you
but the true
wound around me
like such certainties
yet I refused to see
you were there all along
within me
There never was a There
that was not first within us.
There never was an authority
who made all the rules
not one that was not first initiated by us.
Never did another chain nor kill nor harm
that we did not first contain within ourselves.
Stopping the clock is what this age brings
as the age comes to a close
and Soul comes back to the edge of what is real
and what is created.
Together we mend the rift between creator and created
between masculine and feminine
between this deep hurt
that has rippled out across this universe
and the other side of us which
fills every jewelry box
every corporation
every heart
and car
and heart attack.
We breathe in
We breathe out
we send it out
we take it back.
reel it in
bring it back
the age is consumed
and understood for all that it sought to bring
on to the next
as Hyena's teeth gleams like stars under the night sky...
so that we might bring a rennaissance to bear
after flirting with death
we choose a larger life than ever dreamed
look the other way
and we will dream the dream
and bring back all that which was forgot
or hidden.
She returns as the great gift of this age
as lovers we
enjoin in this ancient ritual of realization
folding over onto itself
dream ourselves awake
as we realize we are dreamer
and dreamed.
through worlds we have a hand in making
whose illusions
have stood up and walked Lazarus-like
and wound their way around us
confounding us
but in the end
were only our creations
and as land gave way to sea,
in the new moon of this age
I sought
on boats
to find you
only to discover you were not somewhere far
but very near
rocking beneath me
the water surging all around
begging me
I am not a destination
but the other side of what you are,
remember me.
I awaken with your words upon my lips
as it is mine to understand
as the age old hurts are dropped
and all that they mirror
all of the love's gained and lost
gathered by karma
released by its absence
awakened by a new emergent Way
There wasn't a journey
that could carry me
nor a sense of what love could bring
when I let go
of all that hung around me
and this ocean blue
that contained you.
I traveled far
looking for you
but the true
wound around me
like such certainties
yet I refused to see
you were there all along
within me
There never was a There
that was not first within us.
There never was an authority
who made all the rules
not one that was not first initiated by us.
Never did another chain nor kill nor harm
that we did not first contain within ourselves.
Stopping the clock is what this age brings
as the age comes to a close
and Soul comes back to the edge of what is real
and what is created.
Together we mend the rift between creator and created
between masculine and feminine
between this deep hurt
that has rippled out across this universe
and the other side of us which
fills every jewelry box
every corporation
every heart
and car
and heart attack.
We breathe in
We breathe out
we send it out
we take it back.
reel it in
bring it back
the age is consumed
and understood for all that it sought to bring
on to the next
as Hyena's teeth gleams like stars under the night sky...
so that we might bring a rennaissance to bear
after flirting with death
we choose a larger life than ever dreamed
look the other way
and we will dream the dream
and bring back all that which was forgot
or hidden.
She returns as the great gift of this age
as lovers we
enjoin in this ancient ritual of realization
folding over onto itself
dream ourselves awake
as we realize we are dreamer
and dreamed.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
sacred third
I will dance with each of you
Beneath the sky of forever
Moving you out of yourselves
As we move higher
Lifting into the heavens
And out of what you were
As you are stripped bare
Naked before the All
Each a bride and groom
Seeking the union
Which will give me form
Which will give my birth new meaning
And which will awaken your spirit
In ways I can only suggest
And imagine.
I will entice and seduce each of you
As my subtle knowing fills you
your heart vibrating with the passion
That is ours
Beyond this world
But also curled up within it since forever
And moving through countless breaths
Each a life
Each grain
A knowing
An opening
A seeking
As the Two
Become the Third
The world will resolve Triadic.
There will come an end to judgement
as you each awaken to your divine potential
to your higher being
as my presence
opens you
the true you...
Each of you
Beneath the heavens
Of your becoming
will resolve
Into a unity of many
Seeking the new way
As old as forever
But felt and hoped for.
This will happen one by one
Just as each of you separated out from the All
Back to a new form you will each congregate
As your souls begin to burn with a fire
Dual and one
Back into itself
Weaving a new layer into itself.
Beneath the sky of forever
Moving you out of yourselves
As we move higher
Lifting into the heavens
And out of what you were
As you are stripped bare
Naked before the All
Each a bride and groom
Seeking the union
Which will give me form
Which will give my birth new meaning
And which will awaken your spirit
In ways I can only suggest
And imagine.
I will entice and seduce each of you
As my subtle knowing fills you
your heart vibrating with the passion
That is ours
Beyond this world
But also curled up within it since forever
And moving through countless breaths
Each a life
Each grain
A knowing
An opening
A seeking
As the Two
Become the Third
The world will resolve Triadic.
There will come an end to judgement
as you each awaken to your divine potential
to your higher being
as my presence
opens you
the true you...
Each of you
Beneath the heavens
Of your becoming
will resolve
Into a unity of many
Seeking the new way
As old as forever
But felt and hoped for.
This will happen one by one
Just as each of you separated out from the All
Back to a new form you will each congregate
As your souls begin to burn with a fire
Dual and one
Back into itself
Weaving a new layer into itself.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
He has whispered to me in the night
he says his story was never fully told
only glints off a facet
pieces of a still larger story.
He speaks to me and says he was just a man
who had a legend grow around him
and like vines growing fast
they obscured the real man that he was
and with the coming of Followers
who had their own story to tell of him
his own story never got fully told.
For some reason he never picked up a pen....
he was not one for that sort of thing
he was too busy soaking it all up
and speaking out across the centuries
looking for someone to listen
to bear a new version
closer still to his deeply mystical roots
and the reality of his divinity
and aching simplicity
for the Logos
that everyone sought to put onto him
So I will listen afresh and new
and see what new stories can be told by firelight...
he says his story was never fully told
only glints off a facet
pieces of a still larger story.
He speaks to me and says he was just a man
who had a legend grow around him
and like vines growing fast
they obscured the real man that he was
and with the coming of Followers
who had their own story to tell of him
his own story never got fully told.
For some reason he never picked up a pen....
he was not one for that sort of thing
he was too busy soaking it all up
and speaking out across the centuries
looking for someone to listen
to bear a new version
closer still to his deeply mystical roots
and the reality of his divinity
and aching simplicity
for the Logos
that everyone sought to put onto him
So I will listen afresh and new
and see what new stories can be told by firelight...
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Path Home
I have been seeking you
across hot desert sands
slipping from my grasp
just beyond reach
across a market square
a moment of awareness builds
then slips away
as you leave the city square
Over and over
it has been this way
as I have bided the time
and followed the path
my soul has lain out before me
as the night skies made their ancient count
turning in the never ending arc of heaven
as a seed in my soul has cried out for you
over and over
dissatisfied I swore never again
and it pulled me in again
closer and closer to you.
We would return the mystery schools to the earth
and bring upon the lips of many the song of their souls
for its in us to bring this
our alignment undeniable.
In perfect timing we will bring what has taken
aeons to deliver
as a heavenly alignment takes place within and without
triggers in us, mirroring in us, showing us WE are the way as we are IN The Way
bearing the logos
strewn all across nature
and the cosmos
as dreamers we
seekers we
children we
wake up
inside the collective
and begin shaking it awake
as tears of joy build on our faces
as the Light that is Us shines.
Across your lips I have felt my words
and across my lips I have felt your goddess self speaking
we aren't seperate
and Ihave been calling you calling you through heavy layers of illusion
pain and hurt
what were here to help undo is illusion
to free the boundless love that is our birthrights.
So now as I gaze across the square
you are going nowhere
but Here.
As I yearn
your voice calls across the miles
"I am here! I am here!"
And I smile because I know its true
and not illusion.
across hot desert sands
slipping from my grasp
just beyond reach
across a market square
a moment of awareness builds
then slips away
as you leave the city square
Over and over
it has been this way
as I have bided the time
and followed the path
my soul has lain out before me
as the night skies made their ancient count
turning in the never ending arc of heaven
as a seed in my soul has cried out for you
over and over
dissatisfied I swore never again
and it pulled me in again
closer and closer to you.
We would return the mystery schools to the earth
and bring upon the lips of many the song of their souls
for its in us to bring this
our alignment undeniable.
In perfect timing we will bring what has taken
aeons to deliver
as a heavenly alignment takes place within and without
triggers in us, mirroring in us, showing us WE are the way as we are IN The Way
bearing the logos
strewn all across nature
and the cosmos
as dreamers we
seekers we
children we
wake up
inside the collective
and begin shaking it awake
as tears of joy build on our faces
as the Light that is Us shines.
Across your lips I have felt my words
and across my lips I have felt your goddess self speaking
we aren't seperate
and Ihave been calling you calling you through heavy layers of illusion
pain and hurt
what were here to help undo is illusion
to free the boundless love that is our birthrights.
So now as I gaze across the square
you are going nowhere
but Here.
As I yearn
your voice calls across the miles
"I am here! I am here!"
And I smile because I know its true
and not illusion.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Out Of The Envelope
be more.
My soul
like solvent
loosens the tight places
changes the vibration
moves you
moves all of us.
Within each of us
lies something boundless
and and awake
it does not stir
it has been moving in worlds
beyond your awareness
narrowed by your limited awareness
but ready to be opened
pushed and pulled
into its ceaseless
surging desire
pulsing with its desiring
pushing it forward in you
in each of us
into a world new.
Each push against the envelope
of the collective
every once in a while
everyone pushes at once
and a ripple goes out
if we could remember the truth
we could shift the world...
quietly, anonymously.
Time to step out
from the vibration of fear.
be more.
My soul
like solvent
loosens the tight places
changes the vibration
moves you
moves all of us.
Within each of us
lies something boundless
and and awake
it does not stir
it has been moving in worlds
beyond your awareness
narrowed by your limited awareness
but ready to be opened
pushed and pulled
into its ceaseless
surging desire
pulsing with its desiring
pushing it forward in you
in each of us
into a world new.
Each push against the envelope
of the collective
every once in a while
everyone pushes at once
and a ripple goes out
if we could remember the truth
we could shift the world...
quietly, anonymously.
Time to step out
from the vibration of fear.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Via Breath
We can create systems
rendered in explicit detail
yet say nothing
of the journey.
"To capture the breath of the moment merely breathe."
Your soul knows the way even if you do not.
Your soul is master of the universe
call upon it and seek the highest to manifest
and it will
even if it does not seem that way.
Give it time
and time will return to you
such riches
and let go
so that more may come
for abundant are we
but bound are we
so let loose those bounds
and see how limitless the world unfolds to be.
"To capture the abundance present, surrender through breath that which is unessential."
rendered in explicit detail
yet say nothing
of the journey.
"To capture the breath of the moment merely breathe."
Your soul knows the way even if you do not.
Your soul is master of the universe
call upon it and seek the highest to manifest
and it will
even if it does not seem that way.
Give it time
and time will return to you
such riches
and let go
so that more may come
for abundant are we
but bound are we
so let loose those bounds
and see how limitless the world unfolds to be.
"To capture the abundance present, surrender through breath that which is unessential."
There are layers to all of this.
Peeled back
peeled back
peeeeeled back.
We can go and go
cleansing and dropping away the thread, the veil,
that which separates us from ourselves
from experience
from the universe
and from,
as the angel said to me
"the love that is you
is the love that is the universe."
So--- wed are we to the ALL...for we ARE the ALL
not merely some relationship set up by the creator
but flowing out from us.
But how could we be stars and leaves and
and turtles
and atoms vibrating
quarks decaying
or winking in and out
all beyond our awareness.....?
I know that a trillion trillion processes take place in my body
each day
and not a one am I aware of
but in the vast realm that is my body
this all takes place
dramas unfold ever single second
as some cluster of germs are vanquished
and hosts of old cells are sloughed off
quickly forgotten as a new batch rises out of nothing
into the present.....
lifetimes only days, weeks old
and not a single death am I aware of
nor birth
but a shimmering sense of self
which unfolds if I let it.
So why not?
Why not stars
and mystics
and lovers and leaves
and stones
and vast tracts of empty space
filled with enough energy to fuel our world....
and still more awaiting our awareness...
and isn't that it? Are we limited only by our awareness?
So easily we are unaware
that within us are levels
and as each peels away
more is revealed
made gnostic in the moment
as we move from this lifetime
which echoes the ancient past
and as the past echoes on vaster time scales
as superself harkens to its roots
which is itself part of a still larger being
back in the beginning of beginnings...
How is it that we awaken unto ourselves?
She sighs within me saying to just let go
and surrender.
Peeled back
peeled back
peeeeeled back.
We can go and go
cleansing and dropping away the thread, the veil,
that which separates us from ourselves
from experience
from the universe
and from,
as the angel said to me
"the love that is you
is the love that is the universe."
So--- wed are we to the ALL...for we ARE the ALL
not merely some relationship set up by the creator
but flowing out from us.
But how could we be stars and leaves and
and turtles
and atoms vibrating
quarks decaying
or winking in and out
all beyond our awareness.....?
I know that a trillion trillion processes take place in my body
each day
and not a one am I aware of
but in the vast realm that is my body
this all takes place
dramas unfold ever single second
as some cluster of germs are vanquished
and hosts of old cells are sloughed off
quickly forgotten as a new batch rises out of nothing
into the present.....
lifetimes only days, weeks old
and not a single death am I aware of
nor birth
but a shimmering sense of self
which unfolds if I let it.
So why not?
Why not stars
and mystics
and lovers and leaves
and stones
and vast tracts of empty space
filled with enough energy to fuel our world....
and still more awaiting our awareness...
and isn't that it? Are we limited only by our awareness?
So easily we are unaware
that within us are levels
and as each peels away
more is revealed
made gnostic in the moment
as we move from this lifetime
which echoes the ancient past
and as the past echoes on vaster time scales
as superself harkens to its roots
which is itself part of a still larger being
back in the beginning of beginnings...
How is it that we awaken unto ourselves?
She sighs within me saying to just let go
and surrender.
Friday, October 1, 2010
upon your lips
I have rested
for centuries
upon your breath
like a friendly ghost
seeking the body of his new life
resting on your lips
pulled by your proximity
beyond awareness
within an awakened state
the soul placed its stops
so the larger design might unfold
for centuries
upon your breath
like a friendly ghost
seeking the body of his new life
resting on your lips
pulled by your proximity
beyond awareness
within an awakened state
the soul placed its stops
so the larger design might unfold
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Beyond Dogma
that this world
has reflected in its waters
our misguided notions
of the divine
for so long
that we have forgot what that state even was.
Imagine that beyond our dogmas and institutions
lies a deeper truth
that is as wide as the open sky
and existing free from our own notions
for us to reach that place
where we realize
we must disrobe before its utter inescapable truth
and Presence
to merge with it
in a union so complete
as to reveal the pulsing desire
of this godself has for his goddess self.
We have cut ourselves off from our own truth through such dogmas.
These experiences could dissolve our knackered notions
and return us to a place of awakening to our grace
the soul which is made up of love,
a self made real
to itself...
Divided out by duality
we seem separate...
deeper still
are those waters of spirit
whose currents defy division.
We are each droplets
moving in and out of the wave
which are in truth heaven and earth.
We move forward as if sleeping
mouthing old distorted notions
as we sleep in illusion
and dream of waking.
we are waking up.
that this world
has reflected in its waters
our misguided notions
of the divine
for so long
that we have forgot what that state even was.
Imagine that beyond our dogmas and institutions
lies a deeper truth
that is as wide as the open sky
and existing free from our own notions
for us to reach that place
where we realize
we must disrobe before its utter inescapable truth
and Presence
to merge with it
in a union so complete
as to reveal the pulsing desire
of this godself has for his goddess self.
We have cut ourselves off from our own truth through such dogmas.
These experiences could dissolve our knackered notions
and return us to a place of awakening to our grace
the soul which is made up of love,
a self made real
to itself...
Divided out by duality
we seem separate...
deeper still
are those waters of spirit
whose currents defy division.
We are each droplets
moving in and out of the wave
which are in truth heaven and earth.
We move forward as if sleeping
mouthing old distorted notions
as we sleep in illusion
and dream of waking.
we are waking up.
Friday, September 3, 2010
I have no use for your dry canals
your pretence of truth
your illusions
and suffering.
Your edifice was made to be taken down
your stone temples
tumbling in rivers
stones rolling and dreaming of home
as your edifices utterly denied it.
We have denied important aspects
to the loss of our larger selves
we have spoken the truth
but in small ways
limited in vocabulary
small scale understandings
small truths.
Missing what we have been yearning for....
mirroring what was unresolved
but that waiting is coming to an end.
Now it is time fill those canals with rain
to let fall the waters of spirit
down upon the earth
and open up those store houses within the womb of earth
as she reveals just how deep her truth can go
"to the very ends of me" she says
and we smile as we are covered in water.
With one sure perhaps not so sure movement we let the veil fall
and as one veil falls within
it falls in others
as we speak the meaning
born of feeling
and realize
its been waiting for us here
waiting for us to awaken
to the truth of our selves
as we weave infinite with finite
and explode paradox
mending it into something altogether new
but always yearned for
secretly sometimes
loudly in others...
your pretence of truth
your illusions
and suffering.
Your edifice was made to be taken down
your stone temples
tumbling in rivers
stones rolling and dreaming of home
as your edifices utterly denied it.
We have denied important aspects
to the loss of our larger selves
we have spoken the truth
but in small ways
limited in vocabulary
small scale understandings
small truths.
Missing what we have been yearning for....
mirroring what was unresolved
but that waiting is coming to an end.
Now it is time fill those canals with rain
to let fall the waters of spirit
down upon the earth
and open up those store houses within the womb of earth
as she reveals just how deep her truth can go
"to the very ends of me" she says
and we smile as we are covered in water.
With one sure perhaps not so sure movement we let the veil fall
and as one veil falls within
it falls in others
as we speak the meaning
born of feeling
and realize
its been waiting for us here
waiting for us to awaken
to the truth of our selves
as we weave infinite with finite
and explode paradox
mending it into something altogether new
but always yearned for
secretly sometimes
loudly in others...
Ancient Bloom
When He comes near
I know what it must be like
for Her
He carries with him
a swirling world
of pleasure,
and a quiet inner power
which is itself intoxicating
and always seeking intently
but quiet like the gardener missed
amidst the vine and shrub
the overgrowth of our awareness.
When I make the way clear for Him
I feel what it might be like
as She prepares for the bridegroom.
In anticipating Him
there is a surrender
not unlike a woman to her man
and perhaps this cuts just as deeply
peeling up new soil as it goes
revealing fertile ground.
I make way for him in me
the same way she does
as his mere presence fills me with bliss
and yearning
and love....
....except the paradox is that he has always been there
waiting to be realized
his presence
like a not-so-strange stranger
in the garden
standing next to me
waiting for the room just to Be
and spreads out vine-like
new life from a still more ancient vine.
He is speaking
and explains
I must let go of the old undergrowth
to make room for something deeper still
as the ancient blooms
in freshly ploughed soil
made new.
He carefully directs
where things must change
as gnosis grows
or emerges
in me
and divine bliss spills out all around me
The old garden
makes way for new life
a new garden
lush and alive
as it pushes away the ghost of the past
he whispers
it was always a ghost
now we reveal what is real.
"Its always been this way"
he explains,
"with every person who has ever been
the path by which they reach this place
has been the same
even though they have all looked different.
It has sought to make lovers of them
divine heretics in your past
scorned by those who do not know
but will each in their time each awaken
and feel
as everything they thought they cherished slips away
and the Truth becomes manifest
in their heart
as a new heart beats
a new kind of blood runs
thick in their veins
which is tinged with honey."
Her divine wantoness
she spreads herself out before him like a blanket
joyful and ready
and wraps him up
as he experiences what it must be like
to be in her world
and her world is awakened by this visitor
who is just the other side of her
as she turns in delicate circles to try and reach him
as she rolls him up within her
as he opens her
and her fluid feeling coalesces into form around him
worlds they make come
as he is turned fluid in her gaze and he melts once more into her
He explains all of this matter of factly
with a quiet understated passion in him
something that feels like a sun blazes in him
becoming him
entirely a mystery
but makes of him the greatest lover
for his utter obedience to his beloved
which he turns round in golden circles
just to find her in their endless dance.
Stepping through the garden
he explains
"we are not seperate--
you and I have always been One
but your hurt has divided you
and thus you from me
because what you feel
is not real
but illusion
and in that illusion
you have forgotten
and sought to know a lie
which could never serve you.
This, then, is the awakening
to your divine self
your larger self
brought quietly
but powerfully
into the moment
so that heavenly self
and earthly self
can dwell as one
and so that you may find your beloved
the one whom I know
and have always known
and can show you how to love
deeper than anyone
for she is that aspect of you
which is entirely mysterious
and beautiful.
It need not be explained more than that."
He steps through the vines
and makes a cracking noise
as thunder peels all around him
and rain falls quietly
"there is nothing more
for a man like me
than She.
We turn brilliant
around each other
and offer
a promise
of tomorrow and yesterday
to what we each become."
I know what it must be like
for Her
He carries with him
a swirling world
of pleasure,
and a quiet inner power
which is itself intoxicating
and always seeking intently
but quiet like the gardener missed
amidst the vine and shrub
the overgrowth of our awareness.
When I make the way clear for Him
I feel what it might be like
as She prepares for the bridegroom.
In anticipating Him
there is a surrender
not unlike a woman to her man
and perhaps this cuts just as deeply
peeling up new soil as it goes
revealing fertile ground.
I make way for him in me
the same way she does
as his mere presence fills me with bliss
and yearning
and love....
....except the paradox is that he has always been there
waiting to be realized
his presence
like a not-so-strange stranger
in the garden
standing next to me
waiting for the room just to Be
and spreads out vine-like
new life from a still more ancient vine.
He is speaking
and explains
I must let go of the old undergrowth
to make room for something deeper still
as the ancient blooms
in freshly ploughed soil
made new.
He carefully directs
where things must change
as gnosis grows
or emerges
in me
and divine bliss spills out all around me
The old garden
makes way for new life
a new garden
lush and alive
as it pushes away the ghost of the past
he whispers
it was always a ghost
now we reveal what is real.
"Its always been this way"
he explains,
"with every person who has ever been
the path by which they reach this place
has been the same
even though they have all looked different.
It has sought to make lovers of them
divine heretics in your past
scorned by those who do not know
but will each in their time each awaken
and feel
as everything they thought they cherished slips away
and the Truth becomes manifest
in their heart
as a new heart beats
a new kind of blood runs
thick in their veins
which is tinged with honey."
Her divine wantoness
she spreads herself out before him like a blanket
joyful and ready
and wraps him up
as he experiences what it must be like
to be in her world
and her world is awakened by this visitor
who is just the other side of her
as she turns in delicate circles to try and reach him
as she rolls him up within her
as he opens her
and her fluid feeling coalesces into form around him
worlds they make come
as he is turned fluid in her gaze and he melts once more into her
He explains all of this matter of factly
with a quiet understated passion in him
something that feels like a sun blazes in him
becoming him
entirely a mystery
but makes of him the greatest lover
for his utter obedience to his beloved
which he turns round in golden circles
just to find her in their endless dance.
Stepping through the garden
he explains
"we are not seperate--
you and I have always been One
but your hurt has divided you
and thus you from me
because what you feel
is not real
but illusion
and in that illusion
you have forgotten
and sought to know a lie
which could never serve you.
This, then, is the awakening
to your divine self
your larger self
brought quietly
but powerfully
into the moment
so that heavenly self
and earthly self
can dwell as one
and so that you may find your beloved
the one whom I know
and have always known
and can show you how to love
deeper than anyone
for she is that aspect of you
which is entirely mysterious
and beautiful.
It need not be explained more than that."
He steps through the vines
and makes a cracking noise
as thunder peels all around him
and rain falls quietly
"there is nothing more
for a man like me
than She.
We turn brilliant
around each other
and offer
a promise
of tomorrow and yesterday
to what we each become."
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I look
hoping to find
another man
gripped as I
by this
and I realize
they all are gripped
in different ways
walking through tunnels of illusion
seeking the light
seeking Her
the truth is
a man will never find anything more meaningful
to him
than his Goddess
and she lies quiet and still
is it that he must wake up and find her?
The Journey the means
Process discovering himself
as her.
So I lie down on you
and pull your hands up over your head
as I stretch your body out
so I can feel every inch of you
at attention
slick and strong and pulsing
your breath quiet
as my hands dig into yours
part of this is being quiet
and finding that place inside
where the two connect
my essence dissolving into one single force
which seeks to open you to your awakening
for in this
I find myself.
Its not that I awaken you
its that we awaken
our hearts seeking eagerly the new cooperation
a better way
as the sublime falls like snow in the moonlight.
hoping to find
another man
gripped as I
by this
and I realize
they all are gripped
in different ways
walking through tunnels of illusion
seeking the light
seeking Her
the truth is
a man will never find anything more meaningful
to him
than his Goddess
and she lies quiet and still
is it that he must wake up and find her?
The Journey the means
Process discovering himself
as her.
So I lie down on you
and pull your hands up over your head
as I stretch your body out
so I can feel every inch of you
at attention
slick and strong and pulsing
your breath quiet
as my hands dig into yours
part of this is being quiet
and finding that place inside
where the two connect
my essence dissolving into one single force
which seeks to open you to your awakening
for in this
I find myself.
Its not that I awaken you
its that we awaken
our hearts seeking eagerly the new cooperation
a better way
as the sublime falls like snow in the moonlight.
There is not some ultimate point of Being
some apex of the pyramid
but an endless world of manifestations and awakenings
to that which is larger, more...
Spirit reveals as we go
the truth of the boundlesness
the endlesness of our being.
As we awaken
our petals open
to the sun of our knowing
to his loving caress
which reaches
as deeply into us
as our awareness will allow.
What we awaken to is ourselves
made larger
made seperate from us through the trick of time
which now opens up
its truth revealed
as an expanding present.
Its tapestry rich with implications
and discovery
In this kind of world
we ascend
up through our awareness
and as we open and bloom
our potential blooms
revealing our higher selves
never as anything separate
but gently connected
part of a still larger design.
some apex of the pyramid
but an endless world of manifestations and awakenings
to that which is larger, more...
Spirit reveals as we go
the truth of the boundlesness
the endlesness of our being.
As we awaken
our petals open
to the sun of our knowing
to his loving caress
which reaches
as deeply into us
as our awareness will allow.
What we awaken to is ourselves
made larger
made seperate from us through the trick of time
which now opens up
its truth revealed
as an expanding present.
Its tapestry rich with implications
and discovery
In this kind of world
we ascend
up through our awareness
and as we open and bloom
our potential blooms
revealing our higher selves
never as anything separate
but gently connected
part of a still larger design.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Her Axis
I turn gold
around your blue core
as I churn
your ancient sea
I turn
in your waters
a trail of froth
following me
your waters transformed
a sea of water
seeded by a sea of milk
turning golden
a sea of honey
but always yearning
born of it
liberated by it
in fits of pure creative force
we become the essence of the act
that has played out
in the theaters of our lives
down through time.
Turning around your core
I turn golden
my mask is cast away
giving up all illusion
claiming my enduring passion
as my true self embraces you
its been much too long my beloved....
Where The Two Meet
He waves his hand over her
showing her how his potency moves through him
and into her
how in this place
two become one
as deeper the two go
each revealing to the other
as they swim in masculine then feminine currents
what must be ancient in revelation
like some rite made up on the spot
by the very energy moving through them
mudras seeking their unfolding
as he grasps her firmly
her flesh pulled against the certainty of his desiring
beyond any fire of any sun shining brilliant in the ancient space
as this truth emerges in them
necessary for the moment
revealing their divine
and awakening in him the truth
that she must grasp as he grasps
but that he must know what the grasp is for
which is to hold her fast in this moment of endless embrace
which their larger selves have known since forever.
He will surrender and feel how his energy will become like a core to her being
how her embrace is necessary for him to know where to go
and how to be within her as he travels up the channel of her within from root to crown
she guides by simply being who she is to him
and her essence unfolds within him as he is bound by the compass of certainty
as each reveals to the other the Logos of their soul
as merged aspects of each other.
it can be no other way as soul has waited through an entire season of its becoming for this.
The gravity of it has grown rich and ripe in this time
as they meet each other on the inside...
which is where the great Mystery is given a voice
The gods have always moved through us
they were our larger selves
but we could not imagine
it was as simple as they were we
unbound by time
time travelers
returning to the land of their Becoming
drawing forward their ancient selves
like a lover pulls and grasps
for the beloved
as one world seeds another
as that world returns a renewed essence
which is their Christed selves.....
full of love and infinite desiring
the greatest of heresies
and the deepest of truths.
the greatest of heresies
and the deepest of truths.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Relativity of Joy
All of this
fading now like a taste desirous to be forgot
spent in living someone else's idea of fulfilled
teeth grinding
soul turning
mind numbing
just where did this come from?
Thunder stirs distantly
beseeching me
Why would I move so from my sacred essence?
I come from poet warriors
every life sacred
life fiercely lived
no fear for the flesh
eyes that pierce
your flesh surrendered
vibrating with its desire
How can this be anything but my true joy?
I am humbled by you
you know
through you my world is transformed.
I need your story
in the moment
to somehow illuminate my own.
You fit perfectly I discover more and more
Your essence opens me
gently but certainly
your heart
a steady hand
in a mad world
revealing to me my essence
yearning and leaning into this new sunlight
you so perfectly shepherd unto me
You are that peach
whose flesh it torn from its pit
over and over
your nourishing essence
increase my desire
just how strong can it get???
Come on....
lets go swimming...
fading now like a taste desirous to be forgot
spent in living someone else's idea of fulfilled
teeth grinding
soul turning
mind numbing
just where did this come from?
Thunder stirs distantly
beseeching me
Why would I move so from my sacred essence?
I come from poet warriors
every life sacred
life fiercely lived
no fear for the flesh
eyes that pierce
your flesh surrendered
vibrating with its desire
How can this be anything but my true joy?
I am humbled by you
you know
through you my world is transformed.
I need your story
in the moment
to somehow illuminate my own.
You fit perfectly I discover more and more
Your essence opens me
gently but certainly
your heart
a steady hand
in a mad world
revealing to me my essence
yearning and leaning into this new sunlight
you so perfectly shepherd unto me
You are that peach
whose flesh it torn from its pit
over and over
your nourishing essence
increase my desire
just how strong can it get???
Come on....
lets go swimming...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I move through the night
draped in my catness
he is big and quiet
moving this energy
he draws up unbelievable amounts of it
he hunts you
drawn in by your scent
filled with the quiet certainty
that he will find you
his eyes see into you
out of you
through him
into you
out of him
through you
that "tantra"
to weave...
For you are all through him
he cannot deny this truth
and as the past drops away
he moves ever closer to you.
it was never needed, but was taken up to heal
the soul purposes
are in larger consequences
than those that the earthbound can concieve
but through your breath I am redeemed
left touched by your grace-filled essence
and disarmed by what you have held all this time
Waking up
he feels what he has never felt before
which is not entirely just him
not entirely just you
but the Two
begging him forward
asking of him to forget
a thousand lifetimes
of what once was
blooming into what can be
Show me what can be
for when I rustle beneath your window
in my sleeping
I am not a ghost
who speaks half remembered truths
but is doing what he can as he can to
from the slumber
of a thousand lifetimes.....
he knows he must do this
and yearns for you in totality
how can this be when he is pulled into ancient arguments?
Disrobing himself
into his catness
the Essence of This
declaring how it must Be
how it is
beyond paradox
the soul cat calls for his earthbound self
to awaken to come run as he hunts what is his
has always been his
and which he is just waking up to
as he is transformed
by your compassionate grace.
draped in my catness
he is big and quiet
moving this energy
he draws up unbelievable amounts of it
he hunts you
drawn in by your scent
filled with the quiet certainty
that he will find you
his eyes see into you
out of you
through him
into you
out of him
through you
that "tantra"
to weave...
For you are all through him
he cannot deny this truth
and as the past drops away
he moves ever closer to you.
it was never needed, but was taken up to heal
the soul purposes
are in larger consequences
than those that the earthbound can concieve
but through your breath I am redeemed
left touched by your grace-filled essence
and disarmed by what you have held all this time
Waking up
he feels what he has never felt before
which is not entirely just him
not entirely just you
but the Two
begging him forward
asking of him to forget
a thousand lifetimes
of what once was
blooming into what can be
Show me what can be
for when I rustle beneath your window
in my sleeping
I am not a ghost
who speaks half remembered truths
but is doing what he can as he can to
from the slumber
of a thousand lifetimes.....
he knows he must do this
and yearns for you in totality
how can this be when he is pulled into ancient arguments?
Disrobing himself
into his catness
the Essence of This
declaring how it must Be
how it is
beyond paradox
the soul cat calls for his earthbound self
to awaken to come run as he hunts what is his
has always been his
and which he is just waking up to
as he is transformed
by your compassionate grace.
I Awoke

I awoke three mornings ago
the world was about to change.
I trembled at the cusp
my soul was ready
my mind tried to wrap itself around
what forgiveness does to a man like me.
What it does to us all.
And as everything aligned,
moved into place
childlike even
my insides said
"okay, I give up.....time to go play....time to let this bad feeling go"
and it was gone just like that
like fog before the sun
it just evaporated
as my body began to turn golden
around your blissful center
I felt Him move into me more
as I moved into you more deeply
more profoundly
more lovingly.
I have no doubts.
I have worries, yes
but doubts, no.
I know where you emerged
and I know your heart is my heart.
I cannot change this
nor would I.
I just ask how I can serve this
to be a better channel
to purify even more
to disrobe before you
that part of us which is illusion
we stand before the fires as they blaze
I gaze upon your unimaginable beauty
I soak you in
I am soak into you
flowing one into the other
the end of one becomes the beginning...
I awoke to find the world had changed
as troubling clouds passed over head
the Moon sang quietly and gently
reminding me that I had a big question to ask upon waking
a date with destiny...
The world had been changed into a place that was no longer recognizeable.
Robes had benn pulled from it,
gentle lies told
to make the intolerable of this world easier to take
numbness taking hold
and now while gritty and hard
I see this is the truth of the thing
and in so being
I accept that in the refined places we do not turn away from the horror
we blend it into a cocktail and drink it whole taking the sweet, bitter,
cold and hot,
joyful and miserable
all as one
not divided
but whole.
Looking in gently
some larger scaled self looks in
smiling gently
"its not as easy as it looks, but its the only real way....good with the bad,
Grace healing All when given time."
What matters now is the bliss
balanced against the melancholy
careful tightwire walking
the one true thing draws me forward
as I walk upon the red wire of your heart
aching to reach the other side of you
continually emerging through your awareness
dreaming your dream
becoming One.
The age comes to a close with this single Kiss....
I am here in a building Presence
my purpose is singular
a journey back
each piece examined
as the past is reversed
as these past ten thousand years redeemed
and I awaken to the truth
that I fill your heart
and move through you
as a force which in truth
defines our unity.
I live in your heart
I seek to move through you
I only want to know this
all else follows
all else springs from this
make me the perfect channel.
my purpose is singular
a journey back
each piece examined
as the past is reversed
as these past ten thousand years redeemed
and I awaken to the truth
that I fill your heart
and move through you
as a force which in truth
defines our unity.
I live in your heart
I seek to move through you
I only want to know this
all else follows
all else springs from this
make me the perfect channel.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bernini’s Ecstasy of St Theresa at Santa Maria della Vittoria in Rome.
You came to me today
in your robes
your belief held you
but the power
and glory
suffused you
His piercing your heart so long ago
awakening you
more woman than you could ever be on your own
as He was made more by taking you into His realms.
500 years later a messenger places his hand in my heart
and removes my insides
declaring,"you are move beautiful without this"
and out it came spilling
just like you described
before you were wed to him
made His
by His mighty hand
and grace,
So how could it be
worlds apart are we
the truth within shines
purposes unremovable
we all are made more perfect in spirit
by that which is added and taken away
made ready for that which receives us
a Mystery
made bold and bright
against the bitter sky of this world
but precious
as we redeem that which is ours
and pray your kingdom comes
to us all.
In your life and time
the compass of your certainty
could only Be
with a He that was locked up in heaven
In this Age
my Goddess descends
she lives here in this world
her truth made flesh
and I find my reflection shimmering in her
as she takes my hand
helping me in turning myself back to myself
I am more with her than I could ever be alone
as her gentle fingers unwind the aeons in me
this is no illusion
as that flesh yearns to reveal the sparkling truth
of this love
and create a revolution in our Being here
as still newer mysteries germinate in the rich bed
of this love
she and I share
and bear
into this world.
Monday, July 26, 2010
"Bringing the hands together completes the circuit"
he says, reminding me that
"bowing the head makes one mindful"
pausing he smiles,
"...but love is what makes you whole."
I pray to you, not with word
but with what I am
I seek you
like pilgrims seek the holy land.
I look to you and thirst
I sit on your stone steps and sleep
a bird sings above me
I dream of the kingdom
where you smile and sing and dance and speak of a million other things
like how you like water
and why your teeth are so white
and you'd think it would be more profound
(except that it really is....)
as every moment that passes
moves through you and I
like a prayer.
he says, reminding me that
"bowing the head makes one mindful"
pausing he smiles,
"...but love is what makes you whole."
I pray to you, not with word
but with what I am
I seek you
like pilgrims seek the holy land.
I look to you and thirst
I sit on your stone steps and sleep
a bird sings above me
I dream of the kingdom
where you smile and sing and dance and speak of a million other things
like how you like water
and why your teeth are so white
and you'd think it would be more profound
(except that it really is....)
as every moment that passes
moves through you and I
like a prayer.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Message
He whispers in your ear from behind you
I am here with you, running like red fish
in your blood
your tide of passionate yearning,
unfolding like illuminated mysteries
my flesh becoming your flesh
my secret
your secret
creating an entirely new secret
a new story
for this age
as you feel yourself unfold
layer by layer
like petals
giving up yourself to Him
in exquisite joy
to feel him so near
where he belongs
unfolding her
running through places she has never been felt through before
seducing her
with his touch
his gaze deep into her
but moving evenly
as she returns to him
the magic of her Being
her rich fertile self
giver of life
with mere glances
so powerful
her fertile gaze
that they write legends and myths about her animating powers.
He whispers into you
His voice like thunder
His message
feels like lightening
this you can handle
for you were made for it
wedded to it
made One before the Separation.
And as I do this
I can feel particalized consciousness
flooding you
each platelette
revealing a mystery
as the two dance, ecstatically
and offering up their energetic orgasmic bursts of creation
they collectively build a Wave
and this Wave builds upon itself
as each mystery
lock like
reveals its message
so long in the waiting
and I read you...
like cosmic rna
RNA is the masculine that runs his hands over the female portion
and reads her transcription dna
reading her code
bringing back what was lost in translation
a hiccup in the process
bearing worlds of possibility
on an evolutionary scale
nature correcting
what works best for her
and so it goes over and over.....
His love for Her
his yearning and desire
as His touch reveals worlds of Her
as Her beauty reveals the entirety
of what could be.
He could never do this
without Her.
I read you....
revealing what you already know
but like some cosmic code
which I feel at my deepest levels running through me like currents of life force
it is the divine purpose
of the Two
as they move
as One.
It is my exquisite pleasure to run my hands all over you
picking up on the ancient message
so long in the telling
only portions were every allowed to escape through the prison we built here in the past
and now as we learn the secrets of the dna strand
reflected in us
is the capacity for understanding now
on an energetic level how this all works.
So much is being returned in this age.
Everything is reflected into everything else
and our bodies are temples
reflecting pools of soulfulness
and the soul's bliss may unfold
very soon
as we learn the secrets
of the scrolls
as they unfold
particle-like platelettes,
electrons with left or right hand spin
each with a polarity
attracting its opposite
as it sits nestled in the body of something much larger.
Their language
oceans within them
frozen worlds waiting for the warming sun to touch them
lips waiting for the shaft of light to penetrate and reveal
Her great potential
bringing to the moment
Each particle turns to its opposite
its secret revealed
so the other may read it
know it
its face turned like suns to be seen by the Other
read like ancient runestones or wordless as dna
as bodies seek to be one
sends his dna in to merge and read and reveal to Her
a frozen world warming into abundance
warming to its deepest portions
through union.
The secret made flesh of this makes me miss you......
I am here with you, running like red fish
in your blood
your tide of passionate yearning,
unfolding like illuminated mysteries
my flesh becoming your flesh
my secret
your secret
creating an entirely new secret
a new story
for this age
as you feel yourself unfold
layer by layer
like petals
giving up yourself to Him
in exquisite joy
to feel him so near
where he belongs
unfolding her
running through places she has never been felt through before
seducing her
with his touch
his gaze deep into her
but moving evenly
as she returns to him
the magic of her Being
her rich fertile self
giver of life
with mere glances
so powerful
her fertile gaze
that they write legends and myths about her animating powers.
He whispers into you
His voice like thunder
His message
feels like lightening
this you can handle
for you were made for it
wedded to it
made One before the Separation.
And as I do this
I can feel particalized consciousness
flooding you
each platelette
revealing a mystery
as the two dance, ecstatically
and offering up their energetic orgasmic bursts of creation
they collectively build a Wave
and this Wave builds upon itself
as each mystery
lock like
reveals its message
so long in the waiting
and I read you...
like cosmic rna
RNA is the masculine that runs his hands over the female portion
and reads her transcription dna
reading her code
bringing back what was lost in translation
a hiccup in the process
bearing worlds of possibility
on an evolutionary scale
nature correcting
what works best for her
and so it goes over and over.....
His love for Her
his yearning and desire
as His touch reveals worlds of Her
as Her beauty reveals the entirety
of what could be.
He could never do this
without Her.
I read you....
revealing what you already know
but like some cosmic code
which I feel at my deepest levels running through me like currents of life force
it is the divine purpose
of the Two
as they move
as One.
It is my exquisite pleasure to run my hands all over you
picking up on the ancient message
so long in the telling
only portions were every allowed to escape through the prison we built here in the past
and now as we learn the secrets of the dna strand
reflected in us
is the capacity for understanding now
on an energetic level how this all works.
So much is being returned in this age.
Everything is reflected into everything else
and our bodies are temples
reflecting pools of soulfulness
and the soul's bliss may unfold
very soon
as we learn the secrets
of the scrolls
as they unfold
particle-like platelettes,
electrons with left or right hand spin
each with a polarity
attracting its opposite
as it sits nestled in the body of something much larger.
Their language
oceans within them
frozen worlds waiting for the warming sun to touch them
lips waiting for the shaft of light to penetrate and reveal
Her great potential
bringing to the moment
Each particle turns to its opposite
its secret revealed
so the other may read it
know it
its face turned like suns to be seen by the Other
read like ancient runestones or wordless as dna
as bodies seek to be one
sends his dna in to merge and read and reveal to Her
a frozen world warming into abundance
warming to its deepest portions
through union.
The secret made flesh of this makes me miss you......
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Inside and Outside
(this was typed in Hindi
then translated back and it got turned into gobbledy gook...)
i eum absorbed into yoo
the varld is vipad aave
through subtale klensings
the varld yemerges aanev
absent phakts
abundant vith phiiling
verging on the inphinite
this ples
veyar tavo bekome one
veyar one bekomes tavo
veyar ve toorn ourselves inaside aaut
a gret mysterii pulses through the nighat
as i le hiyar
seperaated bii thousands oeph mils
joined bii the klosest oeph unions
vhich brings men into yoo
so perphektlii
the soul oeph the varld sings
yend kriyes aaut
her ankiyent passion
to yemerge in this taaim
yend ve
hangarii phor her vois
her gentling vaayas
kain onalii hop to bekome paraphekt vessels
knitting ourselves to the other
sam smaal knitting oeph the rest
as the truth rises likhe a daren
into our de to de
to rest in the opan yeyar oeph our varld
yechoing into others
a patal upon a laarger phlover
your yend maay bekoming.....
kaame let men gaaje into yoo phorevar
as is maay vaant to do
through al taaim
yend autside oeph aaeetii.
then translated back and it got turned into gobbledy gook...)
i eum absorbed into yoo
the varld is vipad aave
through subtale klensings
the varld yemerges aanev
absent phakts
abundant vith phiiling
verging on the inphinite
this ples
veyar tavo bekome one
veyar one bekomes tavo
veyar ve toorn ourselves inaside aaut
a gret mysterii pulses through the nighat
as i le hiyar
seperaated bii thousands oeph mils
joined bii the klosest oeph unions
vhich brings men into yoo
so perphektlii
the soul oeph the varld sings
yend kriyes aaut
her ankiyent passion
to yemerge in this taaim
yend ve
hangarii phor her vois
her gentling vaayas
kain onalii hop to bekome paraphekt vessels
knitting ourselves to the other
sam smaal knitting oeph the rest
as the truth rises likhe a daren
into our de to de
to rest in the opan yeyar oeph our varld
yechoing into others
a patal upon a laarger phlover
your yend maay bekoming.....
kaame let men gaaje into yoo phorevar
as is maay vaant to do
through al taaim
yend autside oeph aaeetii.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Draped in night
passion filled
feel my breath
as it heaves inside of you
particle by particle
I am moving closer
initiate of the sun
son of thunder
hungering for what you complete
How you awaken me to myself
placing me squarely all through your being
as this bliss builds in dimension
I want to come carry you off to some quiet place
where I can hear the passion pulsing through you
as it unfolds before me
returning the essential
in the moment
my desire
revealing its own secrets
entirely mysterious
my breath moving through you
mixing in the divine alchemy
moon goddess and her horned lover
aspects of each other
mirroring the divine
passion filled
feel my breath
as it heaves inside of you
particle by particle
I am moving closer
initiate of the sun
son of thunder
hungering for what you complete
How you awaken me to myself
placing me squarely all through your being
as this bliss builds in dimension
I want to come carry you off to some quiet place
where I can hear the passion pulsing through you
as it unfolds before me
returning the essential
in the moment
my desire
revealing its own secrets
entirely mysterious
my breath moving through you
mixing in the divine alchemy
moon goddess and her horned lover
aspects of each other
mirroring the divine
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Follow The Way
photo: Marc Adam
Some will follow the shape
tracing carefully the contours
thinking this is the way
coloring in the lines
but those who love will burst out
through fiber
and being
and pierce the heart
of Everything
and discover All.
If we follow the contours
rulemakers point out
how it was done
bazzillions of years before
justifying how it must be done hence
surely I will go mad
Lets turn
you and I
from the noise of that party
come down by the river with me
in darkness
and cooling night
fireflies and crickets singing
your body lighting up my eyes
we slip into waters deep and wide
and swim
in our fish and stone selves
roots sucking up our watery voice
given to the secret of the world
the swirling and babbling
our laughter
merging with the heavens
as wet and happy we swim through the other
and out of
this lovely night
where lovers roam
and rulefollowers stumble and wonder
where people so lovely as we
disapeared to....
as we nourish the world
Butterfly Dreamer
Photo credit: John Johnson
(this was prekundalini but stretching back to my 18 year old awakening....)
If you know
how to take apart
the world
and put it back together again
you have learned the secret to
Dreaming The Butterfly
Science can cut and tear
at the flesh of the living
to explain HOW
but never WHY
for to know WHY
could never yield such facts
diagramatic schematics
proving once and for all
what we all knew anyway
but needed a few theories to illuminate
books to publish
and learned men in grey beards
and funny hats
to discuss
in a self important way---
god bless their enthusiasm but
could they Dream The Butterfly
To Dream in this way
you open your eyes
and your heart
learning to SEE the butterfly
in its rich velvet covering
the inside out
observing FORCE
in motion.
And then the ten thousand things
which live
and pulse
and yearn
to be...
See its poetry
---no facts---
winged haiku
blessed creature
lighter than a sheath of grass
enchanted by life force
filled with winged grace
you look into its life
and ask
was I a butterfly just now?
All of life cries back
silent as a stary night
Amongst my Native bretheren
Dreamers are We
who plumb the spiritual depths
of a thing
for in spirit
the truth of All is contained
just as the Presocratic said
"All things are full of gods"
the only thing he forgot
was the icing on the cake
(which was to include the delicious goddess)
Those who learned to walk the Talk
of this Dreaming
Were Dancers
their bodies embodying
the Logos
the truth
that is theirs
and all others
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wrecks of Ships And Dreams

Do you know I am with you?
Feeling your pull
throughout this cycle
I am breathless
reduced by its simplicity
exploded by its complexity
my mind has no tools to convey
to you for you with you
save that I know
what you feel
is what I feel
this divine pool of spirit
wellspring to the infinite
Our separation is no illusion---
made real by Spirit
chosen child of the new beginning
we have made our way round
suffering on our way to this promised land
now learning that the suffering is no longer necessary
nor promised
save what it births
this age
whose egg has gestated within us collectively since the beginning
as I make this odd dance around the fire that reaches into the heavens
I pull you into that which has embraced you always
known you deeply
too deeply for my mind to comprehend
locked up inside of me
bursting out
sometimes hurting
but always leveling
but feeling as though you were a vision
an illusion
or dream.
Our presences together
scatters illusion
brings the truth to its center
Feeling your pull
throughout this cycle
I am breathless
reduced by its simplicity
exploded by its complexity
my mind has no tools to convey
to you for you with you
save that I know
what you feel
is what I feel
this divine pool of spirit
wellspring to the infinite
Our separation is no illusion---
made real by Spirit
chosen child of the new beginning
we have made our way round
suffering on our way to this promised land
now learning that the suffering is no longer necessary
nor promised
save what it births
this age
whose egg has gestated within us collectively since the beginning
as I make this odd dance around the fire that reaches into the heavens
I pull you into that which has embraced you always
known you deeply
too deeply for my mind to comprehend
locked up inside of me
bursting out
sometimes hurting
but always leveling
but feeling as though you were a vision
an illusion
or dream.
Our presences together
scatters illusion
brings the truth to its center
We are both as we dissolve the necessity for paradox
We are one
seperation underlining its truth
handmaiden to its deliverance.
This is the spark
before the flame
the bearer of divine paradox.
Seperate, yes
but One,
Separate like Particles in a vast ocean
knowing ourselvess one moment the cosmic wave
and the next the divine particle
as wave crashes upon wave,
building manifestations
Now we learn to ride the waves.
Some truths have a bitter core
it is we
transmuted by falsehood
fallen we
our tongues forget what true sweetness is
and we
teeth flashing in the night
some cursing the Source
for how it has forsaken us (or them)
left us out in the cold
leaving us to die alone
cursing a name we have forgotten.
So each time the flame is extinguished
just as its light goes out
there is a recognition of your great magnificence
we come before you,
utterly unable to bring to word or breath
our forgetfulness
wondering why we had been so forgetful of You
but just then we utter your name and remember
it was never your purpose to fully reveal yourself here
but for us to remember you
in this moment
yearning for you, like a bride yearns anciently for her groom
the sacred marriage
as you move all over us
consuming us
in your passion
your love
and longing for us
mothering, fathering
and revealing like a lover would
with no other answer possible but this one;
love and nothing else!
We beseach your refined pose
your movement across those dark waters
readying for your lifegiving touch
yin and yang
dancing together
forgetting which is which
as two become one.
So if I have come here to tear apart each life looking for you
if I have made wrecks of ships and dreams
then I have done so
out of knowing
there was One
I had to have....
and your prayer has been upon my lips
for millenia
driving my purposes
my anger
my distrust
and finally
Bearing my dissapointment
over and over
like a bad dream
within a dream
I turn and see you
and something inside of me unwinds
like some vast spring
I lose myself
as everything I invested in unfolds
and falls out of my being like bolts of cloth
made for a man who must now become naked before his beloved
so that nothing stands in the way of them.
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